Mark Wyatt
My research mostly focusses on the formation
and evolution of stars and their planetary systems. In particular
I am interested in the dusty debris material that surrounds some stars,
including the Sun, during their main sequence phase. The dust is heated
by the star and is observed by its thermal emission in the mid-IR to
sub-mm; this thermal emission is detected either as an excess above the star's
photospheric emission or as emission that is extended from the
otherwise point-like star. In the few (6 as of 12/9/00) cases where the dust
emission has been mapped, it is seen to lie in a disk around the star. It is
thought that in much the same way that the disk of dust in the solar system,
i.e., the zodiacal cloud, is created by the break-up of the solar system's
asteroids and comets, this exozodiacal dust is also the end product of the
break-up of the remnants of the system's planetary formation phase. As Vega was
the first main sequence star other than the Sun that was shown to
exhibit infrared emission in excess of its photospheric emission, stars with
similar excesses are known as Vega-type stars. Whether their excess
really is debris diskemission, and what these debris disks can tell us
about how these stars formed and the status of planetary formation
within them, is the subject of my research.
The research can be broken down into four main areas:
- Identification - The first area concerns identifying
which main sequence stars may have debris disks. This involves comparing surveys
of IR sources (such as IRAS and MSX) to catalogs of main sequence stars
(e.g., the Michigan Spectral Catalog). The issues associated with this area
include how to determine the stellar properties, in particular how to determine
the contribution of the stellar photosphere to the IR flux, how to
distinguish between different types of IR excess emission (e.g., free-free emission
and debris disk dust emission), as well as contending with the other
observational uncertainties such as position and flux errors and IR contamination by
- Debris disk database - We have compiled a web-based
database of information (from SIMBAD, VIZIER, published and unpublished
observations, plus some modelling analysis) on the 300 or so debris disk candidates
that were identified in surveys of the IRAS databases. This is accessible
- Observation - A debris disk system is so complicated
that there are many observations that need to be done before we can even begin to
understand it. As well as general information about the stellar system
(such as age, spectral type, are there any binary companions, etc, all
of which may require a further set of observations), here follows a
list of some of the types of observations that we are doing:
- Broad band photometry - The spectral energy
distribution of the thermal emission is important since it allows us to determine the
temperature of the dust, which in turn gives its distance from the star. Using IRAS
mid-IR and far-IR fluxes it was shown that the dust emission from most
Vega-type stars is cool (50-100 K) implying that the dust is in regions
analagous to the Kuiper belt of comets in the solar system (>30 AU
from the star). We have carried out sub-mm (450 and 850um) photometry using
SCUBA at the JCMT to extend the SEDs to longer wavelengths. The benefit
of these observations is that the slope of the SED at these wavelengths
is indicative of the largest grains in the disk.
- Imaging - Ideally we would like a direct measurement
of the spatial distribution of the dust around the star. The problem is that we are
limited by the resolution and sensitivity of currently available astronomical
instruments which mean that only the closest and brightest disks are resolvable. So
far 4 disks have been resolved in the sub-mm using SCUBA (Vega, beta
Pictoris, Fomalhaut, and epsilon Eridani), and a further two have been imaged in
the mid-IR using OSCIR (HR 4796 and HD 141569; these have also been
imaged in the near-IR using NICMOS on the HST). We have observing programs in
place to image debris disks using both of these instruments.
- Spectroscopy - There are several spectral features
that have been shown to be indicative of the composition of the debris dust (e.g., the
9.7um silicate feature). Observations of these features can be modelled
to obtain information on the size, composition and spatial extent of
the dust. We aim to obtain such observations using OSCIR, MICHELLE, and
- Spectral line - It is of great importance to determine
whether these stars still have gas around them, since the gas is indicative of the
evolutionary status of the disk system. We have carried out a search for CO J=3-2
line emission from a sample of bright debris disks from the JCMT.
- Zodiacal cloud - While we have only been talking about
exozodiacal clouds until now, the same arguments apply for the zodiacal cloud.
However, since it is closer, and hence ubiquitous, we have to use different techniques.
Most information on the zodiacal cloud thermal emission comes from space-based
satellites such as IRAS, COBE, ISO, MSX, SIRTF. However, there is much
more information available about the zodiacal cloud system, since we
can measure the sources of dust (the asteroids and comets) as well as
measuring the properties of the dust itself.
- Modelling - The interpretation of debris disk
observations is based on the method of comparing those observations with pretend observations
of a model of the disk. This model will have various free parameters
that will be constrained by the observations. The more observational
information that is available, the more complicated the model. This means that a
model of the zodiacal cloud can have far more free parameters than a debris
disk for which we may only have broad band photometry. The input for one of
my model observations depends on the theory being tested, but in
general consists of:
- Spatial distribution - A model of the
three-dimensional distribution of material in the disk. This can range in complexity from a simple
parametric model with free parameters of the inner and outer cutoffs with a power
law distribution in between, to a full dynamical model that can
simulate dust clumps and asymmetries.
- Dust grain composition and morphology - The model for
debris disk dust grain optical properties that I have been using is based on that
developed by Li & Greenberg (1997). The grains are assumed to be made of a
silicate core (either amorphous or crystalline) with an organic refractory
mantle. They are assumed to be porous with a fraction of ice filling in the
gaps. The optical constants for these grains are added together assuming
various ratios for the components using Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory.
- Dust size distribution - At the most basic level, we
would assume the particles in the disk to be all of the same size. However, more
realistically we would assume the size distribution to follow some distribution that
is based on a physical model for the collisional and dynamical
processes in the disk. Further adding to the complication, particles of different
sizes may have either different spatial distributions or different
compositions or morphologies.
- Stellar parameters - Combining the stellar spectrum,
the star's luminosity and mass, we can calculate the temperature, radiation forces
and emission efficiencies of the dust grains.
- Orientation - A map of the disk emission can be made
by defining the orientation of the disk to our line of sight and integrating the
emission from all dust grains along the line of sight of each pixel in the image.
- Physics - For any interpretation of the observation, we
need a model that is based on an understanding of the physical processes affecting
the disk's evolution so that the observations can be directly related to
that physics. In the case of the zodiacal cloud, that physics is relatively
well defined, whereas in debris disk systems we are much more unsure
about what we are looking at. In this instance we have to consider how all
possible physical processes that may be both currently and in the recent past
affecting the disks. The issues that I am studying at the moment are:
- Planets - How do the gravitational perturbations of
planets to the orbits of the debris material affect the structure of a debris disk?
Can we use observations of asymmetrical or clumpy debris disk structures to
infer the existence of unseen planets that may be hiding in the disk?
Observations of the zodiacal cloud show that planetary perturbations do cause
observable asymmetries in the structure of the zodiacal cloud. We also showed that
secular planetary perturbations could be causing the asymmetry observed
in the structure of the HR 4796 disk. Also, resonant planetary
perturbations may cause clumps in the structure of a debris disk that follow the
planet around its orbit.
- Collisions - The short collisional lifetimes of dust
particles in the debris disks means that they cannot be primordial, rather they must
have been created by collisions between larger bodies, which may
themselves have been created by collisions between even larger bodies. Such a
collisional cascade is how the dust in the zodiacal cloud is produced, by the
grinding down of the asteroid belt. However, collisional processes are not
completely understood even in the solar system; e.g., while the LDEF (Long
Duration Exposure Facility) result that most of the cross-sectional area of dust
being accreted onto the Earth is in grains between 100-200 micron in
size is understood in terms of the interplay between Poynting-Robertson drag
and collisions, this result has not been used to obtain quantitative
information about the collisional evolution of the zodiacal cloud. In terms of
debris disks, one important question that remains to be answered is whether
stochastic collisions between the largest members of the disk could cause clumps
(such as those observed in the disk around Epsilon Eridani) to form, and
whether this is statistically likely.
- Stellar Wind and Lorentz Forces - These are forces that are normally
ignored when modelling debris disks. In the case of the zodiacal cloud
it is certainly true that they can be ignored: stellar wind forces (which
act like Poynting-Robertson drag to make the particles spiral into the
star) are 1/3 as strong as those from radiation forces, Lorentz forces
are also substantially lower than other perturbing forces (except maybe
in the outer solar system). However, this rationale may not be applicable
to dust around other main sequence stars where these forces may even dominate
the dust's evolution; but we do not generally know the structure and magnitude
of a star's wind, nor do we know the structure of its magnetic field.
- Binary Companions and Stellar Flybys - Gravitational perturbations
from a binary companion, or from a stellar flyby, may act to perturb the
disk in a similar way to perturbations from a planetary sytem resulting
in distinctive features in the structure of the disk. Of the six resolved
debris disks, three are in wide binary systems (Fomalhaut, HR 4796, HD
141569), and another exhibits structure that can be explained in terms
of a recent stellar flyby (beta Pictoris). Is this coincidence? Or is the
existence of a disk linked to the binarity of the system, maybe because
the passing of a companion stirs up the normally quiescent disk, causing
more violent collisions and a corrsepondingly brighter disk? Certainly
if a disk is in a binary system, the binary orbit must be determined if
we are to understand its effect on the evolution of the disk; this is
not always easy in the case of wide binary orbits!
The following publications are available for download:
Debris disks around M-dwarfs: the HERSCHEL DEBRIS survey
Lestrade J.-F., Matthews B. C., Kennedy G. M., Sibthorpe B., Wyatt M. C., Booth M., Greaves J. S., Duchene G.,
Moro-Martin A., Jobic C.
2025, A&A, 694, A123
REsolved ALMA and SMA Observations of Nearby Stars. REASONS: A population of 74 resolved planetesimal
belts at mm wavelengths
Matra L., Marino S., Wilner D. J., Kennedy G. M., Booth M., Krivov A. V., Williams J. P., Hughes A. M., del Burgo C., Carpenter J.,
Davies C. L., Ertel S., Kral Q., Lestrade J.-F., Marshall J. P., Milli J., Oberg K. I., Pawellek N.,
Sepulveda A. G., Wyatt M. C., Matthews B. C., MacGregor M.
2025, A&A, 693, A151
A JWST MIRI MRS View of the eta Tel Debris Disk and its Brown Dwarf Companion
Chai Y., Chen C. H., Worthen K., Li A., Sefilian A. A., Balmer W., Hines D. C., Law D. R., Sargent B. A., Wyatt M. C.,
Lu C. X., Perrin M. D., Rebollido I., Rickman E., Sloan G. C.
2024, ApJ, 976, 167
Database of Candidate Targets for the LIFE Mission
Menti F., Caballero J. A., Wyatt M. C., Garcia Munoz A., Stassun K. G., Alei E., Demleitner M., Kennedy G. M., Lichtenberg T., Schmitt U.,
Schonhut-Stasik J. S., Wang H. S., Quanz S. P.
2024, RNAAS, 8, 267
FitteR for Accretion ProPErties of T Tauri stars (FRAPPE): A new approach to use Class III spectra to derive stellar and accretion properties
Claes R. A. B., Campbell-White J., Manara C. F., Frasca A., Natta A., Alcala J. M., Armeni A., Fang M.,
Lovell J. B., Stelzer B., Venuti L., Wyatt M. C., Queitsch A.
2024, A&A, 690, A122
Cosmic Dust Fertilization of Glacial Prebiotic Chemistry on Early Earth
Walton C. R., Rigley J. K., Lipp A., Law R., Suttle M. D., Schonbachler M., Wyatt M. C., Shorttle O.
2024, Nature Astronomy, 8, 556
The effect of sculpting planets on the steepness of debris-disc inner edges
Pearce T. D., Krivov A. V., Sefilian A. A., Jankovic M. R., Lohne T., Morgner T., Wyatt M. C., Booth M., Marino S.
2024, MNRAS, 527, 3876
The debris disc of HD 131488 – Bringing together thermal emission and scattered light
Pawellek N., Moor A., Kirchschlager F., Milli J., Kospal A., Abraham R., Marino S., Wyatt M. C., Rebollido I., Hughes A. M., Cantalloube F.
Henning T.
2024, MNRAS, 527, 3559
Planetary system architectures with low-mass inner planets. Direct imaging exploration of mature systems beyond 1au
Desgrange C., Milli J., Chauvin G., Henning T., Luashvili A., Read M., Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G., Burn R., Schlecker M., Kiefer F., D'Orazi V.,
Messina S., Rubini P., Lagrange A.-M., Babusiaux C., Matra L., Bitsch B., Bonavita M., Delorme P., Matthews E., Palma-Bifani P., Vigan A.
2023, A&A, 680, 64
An ALMA Survey of M-dwarfs in the Beta Pictoris Moving Group with Two New Debris Disc Detections
Cronin-Coltsmann P. F., Kennedy G. M., Kral Q., Lestrade J.-F., Marino S., Matra L., Murphy S. J., Wyatt M. C.
2023, MNRAS, 526, 5401
Inner edges of planetesimal belts: collisionally eroded or truncated?
Imaz Blanco A., Marino S., Matra L., Booth M., Carpenter J., Faramaz V., Henning T., Hughes A. M.,
Kennedy G. M., Perez S., Ricci L., Wyatt M. C.
2023, MNRAS, 522, 6150
The clumpy structure of ε Eridani’s debris disc revisited by ALMA
Booth M., Pearce T. D., Krivov A. V., Wyatt M. C., Dent W. R. F., Hales A. S., Lestrade J.-F., Cruz-Saenz
de Miera F., Faramaz V. C., Lohne T., Chavez-Dagostino M.
2023, MNRAS, 521, 6180
Multi-wavelength imaging of HD 16743’s debris disc
Marshall J. P., Milli J., Choquet E., del Burgo C., Kennedy G. M., Kemper F., Wyatt M. C., Soummer R.
2023, MNRAS, 521, 5940
High resolution ALMA and HST imaging of Kappa CrB: a broad debris disc around a post-main
sequence star with low-mass companions
Lovell J. B., Wyatt M. C., Kalas P., Kennedy G. M., Marino S., Bonsor A., Penoyre Z., Fulton B. J., Pawellek N.
2022, MNRAS, 517, 2546
Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared: biosignatures, habitability, and diversity
Quanz S. P., Absil O., Benz W., Bonfils X., Berger J.-P., Defrere D., van Dishoeck E., Ehrenreich D., Fortney J., Glauser A., Grenfell J. L., Janson M.,
Kraus S., Krause O., Labadie L., Lacour S., Line M., Linz H., Loicq J., Miguel Y., Palle E., Queloz D., Rauer H., Ribas I., Rugheimer S., Selsis F.,
Snellen I., Sozzetti A., Stapelfeldt K. R., Udry S., Wyatt M. C.
2022, ExA, 54, 1197
ALMA Observations of the HD 110058 debris disk
Hales A. S., Marino S., Sheehan P. D., Ulloa S., Perez S., Matra L., Kral Q., Wyatt M. C., Dent W. R. F., Carpenter J.
2022, ApJ, 940, 161
The SHARDDS survey: limits on planet occurrence rates based on point sources analysis via the Auto-RSM framework
Dahlqvist C.-H., Milli J., Absil O., Cantalloube F., Matra L., Choquet E., del Burgo C., Marshall J. P., Wyatt M. C., Ertel S.
2022, A&A, 666, 33
The JWST Early Release Science Program for the Direct Imaging & Spectroscopy
of Exoplanetary Systems
Hinkley S., Carter A. L., Ray S., Skemer A., Biller B., Choquet E., Millar-Blanchaer M. A., Sallum S. Miles B., Whiteford N.,
Patapis P., Perrin M., Pueyo L., Schneider G., Stapelfeldt K., Wang J., Ward-Duong K., Bowler B. P., Boccaletti A., Girard J., Hines D.,
Kalas P., Kammerer J., Kervella P., Leisenring J., Pantin E., Zhou Y., Meyer M., Liu M. C., Bonnefoy M., Currie T., McElwain M., Metchev S.,
Wyatt M. C., Absil O., Adams J., Barman T., Baraffe I., Bonavita M., Booth M., Bryan M., Chauvin G., Chen C., Danielski C., De Furio M.,
Factor S. M., Fortney J. J., Grady C., Greenbaum A., Henning T., Janson M., Kennedy G., Kenworthy M., Kraus A., Kuzuhara M.,
Lagage P.-O., Lagrange A.-M., Launhardt R., Lazzoni C., Lloyd J., Marino S., Marley M., Martinez R., Marois C., Matthews B., Matthews E. C.,
Mawet D., Phillips M., Petrus S., Quanz S. P., Quirrenbach A., Rameau J., Rebollido I., Rickman E., Samland M., Sargent B.,
Schlieder J. E., Sivaramakrishnan A., Stone J., Tamura M., Tremblin P., Uyama T., Vasist M., Vigan A., Wagner K., Ygouf M.
2022, PASP, 134, 5003
Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE):
I. Improved exoplanet detection yield estimates for a
large mid-infrared space-interferometer mission
Quanz S. P., Ottiger M., Fontanet E., Kammerer J., Menti F., Dannert F., Gheorghe A., Absil O.,
Airapetian V. S., Alei E., Allart R., Angerhausen D., Blumenthal S., Buchhave L. A.,
Cabrera J., Carrion-Gonzalez O., Chauvin G., Danchi W. C., Dandumont C., Defrere D., Dorn C.,
Ehrenreich D., Ertel S., Fridlund M., Garcia Munoz A., Gascon C., Girard J. H., Glauser A.,
Grenfell J. L., Guidi G., Hagelberg J., Helled R., Ireland M. J., Kopparapu R. K.,
Korth J., Kozakis T., Kraus S., Leger A., Leedjarv L., Lichtenberg T., Lillo-Box J., Linz H.,
Liseau R., Loicq J., Mahendra V., Malbet F., Mathew J., Mennesson B., Meyer M. R.,
Mishra L., Molaverdikhani K., Noack L., Oza A. V., Palle E., Parviainen H., Quirrenbach A.,
Rauer H., Ribas I., Rice M., Romagnolo A., Rugheimer S., Schwieterman E. W., Serabyn E.,
Sharma S., Stassun K. G., Szulagyi J., Wang H. S., Wunderlich F., Wyatt M. C.
2022, A&A, 664, 21
ALMA's view of the M-dwarf GSC 07396-00759's edge-on debris disc: AU Mic's coeval twin"
Cronin-Coltsmann P. F., Kennedy G. M., Adam C., Kral Q., Lestrade J.-F., Marino S., Matra L.,
Murphy S. J., Olofsson J., Wyatt M. C.
2022, MNRAS, 512, 4752
Polarization from Aligned Dust Grains in the Beta Pic Debris Disk
Hull C. L. H., Yang H., Cortes P. C., Dent W. R. F., Kral Q., Li Z.-Y., Le Gouellec V. J. M.,
Hughes A. M., Milli J., Teague R., Wyatt M. C.
2022, ApJ, 930, 49
Relentless and Complex Transits from a Planetesimal Debris Disk
Farihi J., Hermes J. J., Marsh T. R., Mustill A. J., Wyatt M. C., Guidry J. A., Wilson T. G., Redfield S.,
Izquierdo P., Toloza O., Gansicke B. T., Aungwerojwit A., Dhillon V. S., Swan A.
2022, MNRAS, 511, 1647
The formation of planetary systems with SPICA
Kamp I., Honda M., Nomura H., Audard M., Fedele D., Waters L. B. F. M., Aikawa Y., Banzatti A.,
Bowey J. E., Bradford, M. Dominik C., Furuya K., Habart E., Ishihara D., Johnstone D., Kennedy G.,
Kim M., Kral Q., Lai S.-P., Larsson B., McClure M., Miotello A., Momose M.,
Nakagawa T., Naylor D., Nisini B., Notsu S., Onaka T., Pantin E.,
Podio L., Riviere Marichalar P., Rocha W. R. M., Roelfsema P., Santos F.,
Shimonishi T., Tang Y.-W., Takami M., Tazaki R., Wolf S., Wyatt M., Ysard N.
2021, PASA, 38, 55
Debris Disks
Wyatt M. C.
2021, in "ExoFrontiers: Big questions in exoplanetary science", Ed. N Madhusudhan
(Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd) AAS-IOP ebooks
Carbon monoxide gas produced by a giant impact in the inner region of a young system
Schneiderman T., Matra L., Jackson A. P., Kennedy G. M., Kral Q., Marino S.,
Oberg K. I., Su K. Y. L., Wilner D. J., Wyatt M. C.
2021, Nature, 598, 425
High resolution ALMA and HST images of q1Eri; an asymmetric debris disc with an eccentric Jupiter
Lovell J. B., Marino S., Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G. M., MacGregor M. A., Stapelfeldt K.,
Dent W. R. F., Krist J., Matra L., Kral Q., Panic O., Pearce T. D., Wilner D.
2021, MNRAS, 506, 1978
Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the midinfrared:
biosignatures, habitability, and diversity
Quanz S. P., Absil O., Benz W., Bonfils X., Berger J.-P., Defrere D., van Dishoeck E., Ehrenreich D., Fortney J., Glauser A.,
Grenfell J. L., Janson M., Kraus S., Krause O., Labadie L., Lacour S., Line M., Linz H., Loicq J., Miguel Y., Palle E., Queloz D.,
Rauer H., Ribas I., Rugheimer S., Selsis F., Snellen I., Sozzetti A., Stapelfeldt K. R., Udry S., Wyatt M. C.
2021, Experimental Astronomy, in press
A molecular wind blows out of the Kuiper belt
Kral Q., Pringle J. E., Guilbert-Lepoutre A., Matra L., Moses J. L., Lellouch E., Wyatt M. C.,
Biver N., Bockelee-Morvan D., Bonsor A., Le Petit F., Gladstone G. R.
2021, A&A, 653, L11
ALMA Imaging of the M-dwarf Fomalhaut C's Debris Disc
Cronin-Coltsmann P., Kennedy G. M., Kalas P., Milli J., Clarke C. J., Duchene G., Greaves J., Lawler S. M., Lestrade J.-F., Matthews B. C.,
Shannon A., Wyatt M. C.
2021, MNRAS, 504, 4497
SpiKeS: Precision Warm Spitzer Photometry of the Kepler Field
Werner M. W., Gorjian V., Morales F. Y., Livingston J. H., Kennedy G. M., Akeson R. L., Beichman C., Ciardi D. R., Furlan E., Lowrance P. J.,
Mamajek E. E., Plavchan P., Stark C. C., Wyatt M. C.
2021, ApJS, 254, 11
Discovery of an Edge-on Circumstellar Debris Disk Around BD+45598: A Newly Identified Member of the Beta Pictoris Moving Group
Hinkley S., Matthews E. C., Lestrade J.-F., Lefevre C., Kennedy G., Mawet D., Stapelfeldt K. R., Ray S., Mamajek E., Bowler B. P.,
Wilner D., Williams J., Ansdell M., Wyatt M. C., Lau A., Phillips M. W., Fernandez J., Gagne J., Bubb E., Sutlieff B., Wilson T. J. G.,
Matthews B., Ngo H., Piskorz D., Crepp J. R., Gonzalez E., Mann A. W., Mace G.
2021, AJ, 912, 115
The HOSTS survey: evidence for an extended dust disk and constraints on the presence of giant planets in the Habitable Zone of beta Leo
Defrere D., Hinz P. M., Kennedy G. M., Stone J., Rigley J. Ertel S., Gaspar A., Bailey V. P., Hoffmann W. F., Mennesson B.,
Millan-Gabet R., Danchi W. C., Absil O., Arbo P., Beichman C., Bonavita M., Brusa G., Bryden G., Downey E. C., Esposito S., Grenz P.,
Haniff C., Hill J. M., Leisenring J. M., Males J. R., McMahon T. J., Montoya M., Morzinski K. M., Pinna E., Puglisi A., Rieke G.,
Roberge A., Rousseau H., Serabyn E., Spalding E., Skemer A., Stapelfeldt K., Su K., Vaz A., Weinberger A. J., Wyatt M. C.
2021, AJ, 161, 186
Rapid CO gas dispersal from NO Lup’s class III circumstellar disc
Lovell J. B., Kennedy G. M., Marino S., Wyatt M. C., Ansdell M., Kama M., Manara C. F.,
Matra L., Rosotti G, Tazzari M., Testi L., Williams J. P.
2021, MNRAS, 502, L66
The effect of stellar multiplicity on protoplanetary discs. A NIR survey of the Lupus star forming region.
Zurlo A., Cieza L. A., Ansdell M., Christiaens V., Perez S., Lovell J., Mesa D., Williams J. P., Gonzalez-Ruilova C.,
Carraro R., Ruiz-Rodriguez D., Wyatt M. C.
2021, MNRAS, 501, 2305
ALMA Survey of Lupus Class III Stars: Early Planetesimal Belt Formation and Rapid Disk Dispersal
Lovell J. B., Wyatt M. C., Ansdell M., Kama M., Kennedy G. M., Manara C. F., Marino S.,
Matra L., Rosotti G, Tazzari M., Testi L., Williams J. P.
2021, MNRAS, 500, 4878
Dust populations in the iconic Vega planetary system resolved by ALMA
Matra L., Dent W. R. F., Wilner D. J., Marino S., Wyatt M. C., Marshall J. P., Su K. Y. L.,
Chavez M., Hales A., Hughes A. M., Greaves J. S., Corder S. A.
2020, ApJ, 898, 146
The HOSTS survey for exozodiacal dust: Observational results from the complete survey
Ertel S., Defrere D., Hinz P., Mennesson B., Kennedy G. M., Danchi W. C., Gelino C., Hill J. M., Hoffmann W. F., Mazoyer J., Rieke G., Shannon A.,
Stapelfeldt K., Spalding E., Stone J. M., Vaz A., Weinberger A. J., Willems P., Absil O., Arbo P., Bailey V. P., Beichman C., Bryden G.,
Downey E. C., Durney O., Esposito S., Gaspar A., Grenz P., Haniff C. A., Leisenring J. M., Marion L., McMahon T. J., Millan-Gabet R.,
Montoya M., Morzinski K. M., Perera S., Pinna E., Pott J.-U., Power J., Puglisi A., Roberge A., Serabyn E., Skemer A. J., Su K. Y. L.,
Vaitheeswaran V., Wyatt M. C.
2020, AJ, 159, 177
Are Inner Disc Misalignments Common? ALMA Reveals an
Isotropic Outer Disc Inclination Distribution for Young Dipper Stars
Ansdell M., Gaidos E., Hedges C., Tazzari M., Kraus A. L., Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G. M., Williams J. P., Mann A. W.,
Angelo I., Duchene G., Mamajek E. E., Carpenter J., Esplin T. L., Rizzuto A. C.
2020, MNRAS, 492, 572
Extrasolar Kuiper Belts
Wyatt M. C.
2020. In "The Trans-Neptunian Solar System",
eds. D. Prialnik, M.A. Barucci and L. Young, Elsevier, 351-376
The REASONS Survey: Resolved Millimeter Observations of a Large Debris Disk Around the Nearby F Star HD
Sepulveda A. G., Matra L., Kennedy G. M., del Burgo C., Oberg K. I.,
Wilner D. J., Marino S., Booth M., Carpenter J. M., Davies C. L.,
Dent W. R. F., Ertel S., Lestrade J.-F., Marshall J. P., Milli J.,
Wyatt M. C., MacGregor M. A., Matthews B. C.,
2019, ApJ, 881, 84
Asymmetric mid-plane gas in ALMA images of HD 100546
Miley J. M., Panic O., Haworth T. J., Pascucci I., Wyatt M. C., Clarke C.,
Richards A. M. S., Ratzka T.
2019, MNRAS, 485, 739
A planetesimal orbiting within the debris disc around a white dwarf star
Manser C. J., Gansicke B. T., Eggl S., Hollands M., Izquierdo P., Koester D., Landstreet J. D., Lyra W., Marsh T. R., Meru F.,
Mustill A. J., Rodriguez-Gil P., Toloza O., Veras D., Wilson D. J., Burleigh M. R., Davies M. B., Farihi J., Gentile Fusillo N.,
de Martino D., Parsons S. G., Quirrenbach A., Raddi R., Reffert S., Del Santo M., Schreiber M. R., Silvotti R., Toonen S.,
Villaver E., Wyatt M. C., Xu S., Portegies Zwart S.
2019, Science, 364, 66
The Mass of Stirring Bodies in the AU Mic Debris Disk Inferred from Resolved Vertical Structure
Daley C., Hughes A. M., Carter E. S., Flaherty K., Lambros Z., Pan M., Schlichting H.,
Chiang E., Wyatt M. C., Wilner D., Andrews S., Carpenter J.
2019, ApJ, 875, 87
The wavelength dependence of interstellar polarization in the Local Hot Bubble
Cotton D. V., Marshall J. P., Frisch P. C., Kedziora-Chudzer L., Bailey J., Bott K.,
Wright D. J., Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G. M.
2019, MNRAS, 483, 3636
A circumbinary protoplanetary disc in a polar configuration
Kennedy G. M., Matra L., Facchini S., Milli J., Panic O., Price D., Wilner D., Wyatt M. C., Yelverton B. 2019,
Nature Astronomy, 3, 230
The KIC 8462852 Light Curve From 2015.75 to 2018.18 Shows a
Variable Secular Decline
Schaefer B. E., Bentley R. O., Boyajian T. S., Coker P. H.,
Dvorak S., Dubois F., Erdelyi E., Ellis T., Graham K., Harris B. G., Hall J. E., James R.,
Johnston S. J., Kennedy G., Logie L., Nugent K. M., Okansen A., Ott J. J., Rau S., Vanaverbeke S.,
van Lieshout R., Wyatt M. C.
2018, MNRAS, 481, 2235
Fast spectrophotometry of WD1145+017
Izquierdo P., Rodriguez-Gil P., Gansicke B. T., Mustill A. J., Toloza O., Tremblay P.-E., Wyatt M. C., Chote P., Eggl S.,
Farihi J., Lyra W., Manser C. J., Marsh T. R., Palle E., Raddi R., Veras D., Villaver E., Zwart S. P.
2018, MNRAS, 481, 703
The HOSTS Survey for Exozodiacal Dust: Preliminary results and future prospects
Ertel S., Kennedy G. M., Defrere D., Hinz P., Shannon A. B., Mennesson B., Danchi W. C., Gelino C.,
Hill J. M., Hoffmann W. F., Rieke G., Spalding E., Stone J. M., Vaz A., Weinberger A. J., Willems P.,
Absil O., Arbo P., Bailey V. P., Beichman C., Bryden G., Downey E. C., Durney O., Esposito S., Gaspar A.,
Grenz P., Haniff C. A., Leisenring J. M., Marion L., McMahon T. J., Millan-Gabet R., Montoya M.,
Morzinski K. M., Pinna, E., Power J., Puglisi A., Roberge A., Serabyn E., Skemer A. J., Stapelfeldt K.,
Su K. Y. L., Vaitheeswaran V., Wyatt M. C.
2018, SPIE, 10698, 106981V
A gap in the planetesimal disc around HD 107146 and asymmetric warm dust emission revealed by ALMA
Marino S., Carpenter J., Wyatt M. C., Booth M., Casassus S., Faramaz V., Guzman V., Hughes A. M.,
Isella A., Kennedy G. M., Matra L., Ricci L., Corder S.
2018, MNRAS, 479, 5423
Cometary impactors on the TRAPPIST-1 planets can destroy all planetary atmospheres
and rebuild secondary atmospheres on planets f, g, h
Kral Q., Wyatt M. C., Triaud A., Marino S., Thebault P., Shorttle O.
2018, MNRAS, 479, 2649
Kuiper Belt Analogues in Nearby M-type Planet-host Systems
Kennedy G. M., Bryden G., Ardila D., Eiroa C., Lestrade J.-F., Marshall J. P.,
Matthews B. C., Moro-Martin A., Wyatt M. C.
2018, MNRAS, 476, 4584
Space-based infrared interferometry to study exoplanetary atmospheres
Defrere D., Leger A., Absil O., Beichman C., Biller B., Danchi W. C., Ergenzinger K., Eiroa C.,
Ertel S., Fridlund M., Garcia Munoz A., Gillon M., Glasse A., Godolt M., Grenfell J. L., Kraus S.,
Labadie L., Lacour S., Liseau R., Martin G., Mennesson B., Micela G., Minardi S., Quanz S. P., Rauer H.,
Rinehart S., Santos N. C., Selsis F., Surdej J., Tian F., Villaver E., Wheatley P. J., Wyatt M. C.
2018, Experimental Astronomy, 46, 543
The HOSTS survey - Exozodiacal dust measurements for 30 stars
Ertel S., Defrere D., Hinz P., Mennesson G., Kennedy G. M., Danchi W. C., Gelino C., Hill J. M.,
Hoffmann W. F., Rieke G., Shannon A., Spalding E., Stone J. M., Vaz A., Weinberger A. J., Willems P., Absil O., Arbo P.,
Bailey V. P., Beichman C., Bryden G., Downey E. C., Durney O., Esposito S., Gaspar A., Grenz P., Haniff C. A., Leisenring J. M.,
Marion L., McMahon R. J., Millan-Gabet R., Montoya M., Morzinski K. M., Pinna E., Power J., Puglisi A., Roberge A., Serabyn E.,
Skemer A. J., Stapelfeldt K., Su K. Y. L., Vaitheeswaran V., Wyatt M. C.
2018, AJ, 155, 194
A dearth of small particles in the transiting material around the white dwarf WD 1145+017
Xu S., Rappaport S., van Lieshout R., Vanderburg A., Gary B., Hallakoun N., Ivanov V. D., Wyatt M. C., DeVore J., Bayliss D.,
Bento J., Bieryla A., Camero A., Cann J. M., Croll B., Collins K. A., Dalba P. A., Debes J., Doyle D., Dufour P., Ely J.,
Espinoza N., Joner M. D., Jura M., Kaye T., McClain J. L., Muirhead P., Palle E., Panka P. A., Provencal J., Randall S.,
Rodriguez J. E., Scarborough J., Sefako R., Shporer A., Strickland W., Zhou G., Zuckerman B.
2018, MNRAS, 474, 4795
Molecular gas in debris disks around young A-type stars
Moor A., Cure M., Kospal A., Abraham P., Csengeri T., Eiroa C., Gunawan D., Henning T., Hughes A. M.,
Juhasz A., Pawellek N., Wyatt M. C.
2017, ApJL, 849, 123
Extinction and the dimming of KIC8462852
Meng H. Y. A., Rieke G. H., Dubois F., Kennedy G. M., Marengo M., Siegel M.,
Su K. Y. L., Trueba N., Wyatt M. C., Boyajian T., Lisse C. M., Logie L., Rau S.,
Vanaverbeke S.
2017, ApJ, 847, 131
SONS: The JCMT legacy survey of debris discs in the submillimetre
Holland W. S., Matthews B. C., Kennedy G., Greaves J. S., Wyatt M. C., Bastien P., Booth M., Bryden G., Butner H., Chen C. H., Chystostomou A. C.,
Davies C., Dent W. R. F., Di Francesco J., Duchene G., Gibb A. G., Friberg P., Ivison R. J., Jenness T., Kavelaars J. J., Lawler S., Lestrade J.-F.,
Marshall J. P., Moro-Martin A., Panic O., Phillips N., Sergeant S., Schieven G. H., Sibthorpe B., Vican L., Ward-Thompson D.,
van der Werf P., White G. J., Wilner D., Zuckerman B.
2017, MNRAS, 470, 3606
The Northern Arc of Epsilon Eridani’s Debris Ring as Seen by ALMA
Booth M., Dent W. R. F., Jordan A., Lestrade J.-F., Hales A. S., Wyatt M. C., Casassus S., Ertel S.,
Greaves J. S., Kennedy G. M., Matra L., Augereau J.-C., Villard E.
2017, MNRAS, 469, 3200
Detection of exocometary CO within the 440 Myr-old Fomalhaut belt: a similar CO+CO2 ice abundance in exocomets and Solar System comets
Matra L., MacGregor M. A., Kalas P., Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G. M., Wilner D. J., Duchene G., Hughes A. M., Pan M., Shannon A., Clampin M.,
Fitzgerald M. P., Graham J. R., Holland W. S., Panic O., Su K.
2017, ApJ, 842, 9
A Complete ALMA Map of the Fomalhaut Debris Disk
MacGregor M. A., Matra L., Kalas P., Wilner D. J., Pan M., Kennedy G. M., Wyatt M. C., Duchene G., Hughes A. M., Rieke G. H., Clampin M.,
Fitzgerald M. P., Graham J. R., Holland W. S., Panic O., Shannon A., Su K.
2017, ApJ, 842, 8
ALMA observations of the eta Corvi debris disc: inward scattering of
CO-rich exocomets by a chain of 3-30Mearth planets?
Marino S., Wyatt M. C., Panic O., Matra L., Kennedy G., Bonsor A., Kral Q.,
Dent W. R. F., Duchene G., Wilner D., Lisse C. M., Lestrade J.-F., Matthews B.
2017, MNRAS, 465, 2595
Exocometary gas structure, origin and physical properties around
beta Pictoris through ALMA CO multi-transition observations
Matra L., Dent W. R. F., Wyatt M. C., Kral Q., Wilner D. J., Panic O., Hughes A. M.,
de Gregorio-Monsalvo I., Hales A., Augereau J.-C., Greaves J., Roberge A.
2017, MNRAS, 464, 1415
First scattered-light images of the gas-rich debris disk around 49 Ceti
Choquet E., Milli J., Wahhaj Z., Soummer R., Roberge A., Augereau J.-C., Booth M., Absil O.,
Boccaletti A., Chen C. H., Debes J. H., Del Burgo C., Dent W. R. F., Ertel S.,
Girard J. H., Gofas-Salas E., Golimowski D. A., Gomez Gonzalez C. A., Hagan J. B., Hibon P.,
Hines D. C., Kennedy G. M., Lagrange A.-M., Matra L.,
Mawet D., Mouillet D., N'Diaye M., Perrin M., Pinte C., Pueyo L., Rajan A., Schneider G.,
Wolff S., Wyatt M. C.
2017, ApJL, 834, L12
Discovery of a low-mass companion inside the debris ring surrounding the F5V star HD206893
Milli J., Hibon P., Christiaens V., Choquet E., Bonnefoy M., Kennedy G. M., Wyatt M. C.,
Absil O., Gomez Gonzalez C. A., del Burgo C., Matra L., Augereau J.-C., Boccaletti A.,
Delacroix C., Ertel S., Dent W. R. F., Forsberg P., Fusco T., Girard J. H.,
Habraken S., Huby E., Karlsson M., Lagrange A.-M., Mawet D., Mouillet D., Perrin M., Pinte C.,
Pueyo L., Reyes C., Soummer R., Surdej J., Tarricq Y., Wahhaj Z.
2016, A&A, 597, L2
The SHARDDS survey: first resolved image of the HD114082 debris disk in Lower Centaurus
Crux with SPHERE
Wahhaj Z., Milli J., Kennedy G., Ertel S., Matra L., Boccaletti A., del Burgo C.,
Wyatt M. C., Pinte C., Lagrange A. M., Absil O., Choquet E., Gomez Gonzalez C., Kobayashi H.,
Mawet D., Mouillet D., Pueyo L., Dent W. R. F., Augereau J.-C., Girard J.
2016, A&A, 596, L4
Dipper disks not inclined towards edge-on orbits
Ansdell M., Gaidos E., Williams J. P., Kennedy G., Wyatt M. C., LaCourse D. M.,
Jacobs T. L., Mann A. W.,
2016, MNRAS, 462, L101
Gas and dust around A-type stars at tens of Myr: signatures of
cometary break-up
Greaves J. S., Holland W. S., Matthews B. C., Marshall J. P., Dent W. R. F.,
Woitke P., Wyatt M. C., Matra L., Jackson A.
2016, MNRAS, 461, 3910
Exocometary gas in the HD 181327 debris ring
Marino S., Matra L., Stark C., Wyatt M. C., Casassus S., Kennedy G.,
Rodriguez D., Zuckerman B., Perez S., Dent W. R. F., Kuchner M., Hughes A. M.,
Schneider G., Steele A., Roberge A., Donaldson J., Nesvold E.
2016, MNRAS, 460, 2933
Polarization measurements of hot dust stars and the local interstellar medium
Marshall J. P., Cotton D. V., Bott K., Ertel S., Kennedy G. M., Wyatt M. C., del Burgo C.,
Absil O., Bailey J., Kedziora-Chudczer L.
2016, ApJ, 825, 124
Nulling Data Reduction and On-Sky Performance of the Large
Binocular Telescope Interferometer
Defrere D., Hinz P. M., Mennesson B., Hoffmann W. F., Millan-Gabet R.,
Skemer A. J., Bailey V., Danchi W. C., Downey E. C., Durney O., Grenz P.,
Hill J. M., McMahon T. J., Montoya M., Spalding E., Vaz A., Absil O., Arbo P.,
Bailey H., Brusa G., Bryden G., Esposito S., Gaspar A., Haniff C. A.,
Kennedy G. M., Leisenring J. M., Marion L., Nowak M., Pinna E., Powell K.,
Puglisi A., Rieke G., Roberge A., Serabyn E., Sosa R., Stapelfeldt K.,
Su K., Weinberger A. J., Wyatt M. C.
2016, ApJ, 824, 66
Planet Hunters X. KIC 8462852 - Where's the Flux?
Boyajian T. S., LaCourse D. M., Rappaport S. A., Fabrycky D., Fischer D. A., Gandolfi D.,
Kennedy G. M., Liu M. C., Moor A., Olah K., Vida K., Wyatt M. C., Best W. M. J.,
Ciesla F., Csak B., Dupuy T. J., Handler G., Heng K., Korhonen H., Kovacs J.,
Kozakis T., Kriskovics L., Schmitt J. R., Szabo Gy., Szabo R., Wang J., Goodman S.,
Hoekstra A., Jek K. J.
2016, MNRAS, 457, 3988
Young Dipper Stars in Upper Sco and Rho Oph Observed by K2
Ansdell M., Gaidos E., Rappaport S. A., Jacobs T. L., LaCourse D. M., Jek K. J.,
Mann A. W., Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G., Williams J. P., Boyajian T. S.
2016, ApJ, 816, 69
Next Generation Very Large Array Memo No. 6, Science Working Group 1: The Cradle of Life
Isella A., Hull C. H. L., Moullet A., Galvan-Madrid R., Johnstone D., Ricci L., Tobin J.,
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2015, arxiv:1510.06444
A Compact Concentration of Large Grains in the HD142527
Protoplanetary Dust Trap
Casassus S., Wright C. M., Marino S., Maddison S. T., Wootten A., Roman P.,
Perez S., Pinilla P., Wyatt M. C., Moral V., Menard F., Christiaens V.,
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2015, ApJ, 812, 126
Collisional modelling of the AU Microscopii debris disc
Schuppler Ch., Lohne T., Krivov A. V., Ertel S., Marshall J. P., Wolf S.,
Wyatt M. C., Augereau J.-C., Metchev S. A.
2015, A&A, 581, 97
Kuiper belt structure around nearby super-Earth host stars
Kennedy G. M., Matra L., Marmier M., Greaves J. S., Wyatt M. C.,
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Udry S. 2015, MNRAS, 449, 3121
Does the presence of planets affect the frequency and properties of
extrasolar Kuiper belts? Results from the DEBRIS and DUNES
Moro-Martin A., Marshall J. P., Kennedy G., Sibthorpe B., Matthews B. C.,
Eiroa C., Wyatt M. C., Lestrade J.-F., Maldonado J., Rodriguez D.,
Greaves J. S., Montesinos B., Mora A., Booth M., Duchene G., Wilner D.,
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2015, ApJ, 801, 143
Target Selection for the LBTI Exozodi Key Science Program
Weinberger A. J., Bryden G., Kennedy G. M., Roberge A., Defrere D.,
Hinz P. M., Millan-Gabet R., Rieke G., Bailey V. P.,
Danchi W. C., Haniff C., Mennesson B., Serabyn E., Skemer A. J.,
Stapelfeldt K. R., Wyatt M. C.
2015, ApJS, 216, 24
Exo-Zodi Modeling for the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer
Kennedy G. M., Wyatt M. C., Bailey V., Bryden G., Danchi W. C., Defrere D.,
Haniff C. A., Hinz P. M., Lebreton J., Mennesson B., Millan-Gabet R.,
Morales F., Panic O., Rieke G. H., Roberge A., Serabyn E., Shannon A.,
Skemer A. J., Stapelfeldt K. R., Su K. Y. L., Weinberger A. J.
2015, ApJS, 216, 23
The Inner Disk Structure, Disk-Planet Interactions, and
Temporal Evolution in the Beta Pictoris System: A Two-Epoch
HST/STIS Coronagraphic Study
Apai D., Schneider G., Grady C. A., Wyatt M. C., Lagrange A.-M.,
Kuchner M. J., Stark C. J., Lubow S. H.
2015, ApJ, 800, 136
First-light LBT nulling interferometric observations: warm exozodiacal
dust resolved within a few AU of eta Corvi
Defrere D., Hinz P. M., Skemer A. J., Kennedy G. M., Bailey V. P., Hoffmann W. F.,
Mennesson B., Millan-Gabet R., Danchi W. C., Absil O., Arbo P., Beichman C.,
Brusa G., Brydenb G., Downey E. C., Durney O., Esposito S., Gaspar A., Grenz P.,
Haniff C., Hill J. M., Lebreton J., Leisenring J. M., Males J. R., Marion L.,
McMahon T. J., Montoya M., Morzinski K. M., Pinna E., Puglisi A., Rieke G.,
Roberge A., Serabyn E., Sosa R., Stapelfeldt K., Su K., Vaitheeswaran V., Vaz A.,
Weinberger A. J., Wyatt M. C.
2015, ApJ, 799, 42
An unbiased study of debris discs around A-type
stars with Herschel
Thureau, N., Greaves J. S., Matthews B., Kennedy G., Phillips N.,
Booth M., Duchene G., Horner J., Rodriguez D., Sibthorpe B., Wyatt M. C.
2014, MNRAS, 445, 2558
Constraining the Exozodiacal Luminosity Function of Main Sequence Stars:
Complete Results from the Keck Nuller Mid-Infrared Surveys
Mennesson B., Millan-Gabet R., Serabyn E., Colavita M. M., Absil O., Bryden G.,
Wyatt M. C., Danchi W., Defrere D., Dore O., Hinz P. M., Kuchner M. J., Ragland S.,
Scott N., Stapelfeldt K., Traub W., Woillez J.
2014, ApJ, 797, 119
Observations, Modeling and Theory of Debris Disks
Matthews B. C., Krivov A. V., Wyatt M. C., Bryden G., Eiroa C.
In Protostars and Planets VI, eds H. Beuther, R. S. Klessen, C. P. Dullemond, Th. Henning.
University of Arizona Press, 521-544
Correlations between the stellar, planetary, and debris components
of exoplanet systems observed by Herschel
Marshall J. P., Moro-Martin A., Eiroa C., Kennedy G., Mora A., Sibthorpe B.,
Lestrade J.-F., Maldonado J., Sanz-Forcada J., Wyatt M. C., Matthews B.,
Horner J., Montesinos B., Bryden G., del Burgo C., Greaves J. S., Ivison R. J.,
Meuss G., Olofsson G., Pilbratt G. L., White G. J.
2014, A&A, 565, A15
Molecular Gas Clumps from the Destruction of Icy Bodies in the Beta Pictoris Debris Disk
Dent W. R. F., Wyatt M. C., Roberge A., Augereau J.-C., Casassus S., Corder S.,
Greaves J. S., de Gregorio I., Hales A., Jackson A. P., Hughes A. M., Lagrange A.-M.,
Matthews B., Wilner D. 2014, Science, 343, 1490
Spatially Resolved Imaging of the Two-Component Eta Crv Debris Disk with Herschel
Duchene G., Arriaga P., Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G., Sibthorpe B., Lisse C. M.,
Holland W. S., Wisniewski J., Clampin M., Kalas P., Pinte C., Wilner D., Booth M.,
Horner J. A., Matthews B., Greaves J. S.
2014, ApJ, 784, 148
Evolution from protoplanetary to debris discs: The
transition disc around HD 166191
Kennedy G. M., Murphy S. J., Lisse C. M., Menard F., Sitko M. L.,
Wyatt M. C., Bayliss D. D. R., DeMeo F. E., Crawford K. B., Kim D. L.,
Rudy R. J., Russell R. W., Sibthorpe B., Skinner M. A., Zhou G.
2014, MNRAS, 438, 3299
Discovery of the Fomalhaut C debris disc
Kennedy G. M., Wyatt M. C., Kalas P., Duchene G., Sibthorpe B.,
Lestrade J.-F., Matthews B. C., Greaves J. S.
2014, MNRAS, 438, L96
Alignment in star-debris disc systems seen by Herschel
Greaves J. S., Kennedy G. M., Thureau N., Eiroa C., Marshall J. P.,
Maldonado J., Matthews B. C., Olofsson G., Barlow M. J., Moro-Martin A.,
Sibthorpe B., Absil O., Ardila D. R., Booth M., Broekhoven-Fiene H.,
Brown D. J. A., Collier Cameron A., del Burgo C., Di Francesco J., Duchene G.,
Eisloffel J., Ertel S., Holland W. S., Horner J., Kalas P., Kavelaars J. J.,
Lestrade J.-F., Vican L., Wilner D. J., Wolf S., Wyatt M. C.
2014, MNRAS, 438, L31
Resolved Imaging of the HR8799 Debris Disk with Herschel
Matthews B., Kennedy G. M., Sibthorpe B., Booth M., Wyatt M. C.,
Broekhoven-Fiene H., Macintosh B., Marois C.
2014, ApJ, 780, 97
First results of the SONS survey: Submillimetre detections of debris
Panic O., Holland W. S., Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G. M., Matthews B. C.,
Lestrade J. F., Sibthorpe B., Greaves J. S., Marshall J. P., Phillips N. M.,
Tottle J. 2013, MNRAS, 435, 1037
- Resolved Debris Discs Around A
Stars in the Herschel DEBRIS Survey
Booth M., Kennedy G. M., Sibthorpe B., Matthews B. C., Wyatt M. C.,
Duchene G., Kavelaars J. J., Rodriguez D., Greaves J. S., Koning A., Vican L.,
Rieke G. H., Su K. Y. L., Moro-Martin A., Kalas P. 2013, MNRAS, 428, 1263
- The
debris disk around gamma Doradus resolved with Herschel
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Lawler S. M., Kavelaars J. J., Wyatt M. C., Qi C., Koning A., Su K. Y. L.,
Rieke G. H., Wilner D. J., Greaves J. S.
2013, ApJ, 762, 52
- The Exozodiacal
Dust Problem for Direct Observations of ExoEarths
Roberge A., Chen C. H., Millan-Gabet R., Weinberger A. J., Hinz P. M.,
Stapelfeldt K. R., Absil O., Kuchner M. J. Bryden G., \& the NASA ExoPAG SAG1
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- A Self-Consistent
Model of the Circumstellar Debris Created by a Giant Hypervelocity Impact in the
HD172555 System
Johnson B. C., Lisse C. M., Chen C. H., Melosh H. J., Wyatt M. C., Thebault P., Henning W. G.,
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Around The Planet Hosting M-star GJ 581 Spatially Resolved with Herschel
Lestrade J.-F., Matthews B. C., Sibthorpe B., Kennedy G. M., Wyatt M. C.,
Bryden G., Greaves J. S., Thilliez E., Moro-Martin A., Booth M., Dent W. R. F.,
Duchene G., Harvey P. M., Horner J., Kalas P., Kavelaars J. J., Phillips N. M.,
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2012, A&A, 548, A86.
- Herschel
imaging of 61 Vir: implications for the prevalence of debris in low-mass
planetary systems
Wyatt M. C., Kennedy G., Sibthorpe B., Moro-Martin A., Lestrade J.-F.,
Ivison R. J., Matthews B., Udry S., Greaves J. S., Kalas P., Lawler S.,
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- Debris disks
as signposts of terrestrial planet formation. II Dependence of
exoplanet architectures on giant planet and disk properties
Raymond S. N., Armitage P. J., Moro-Martin A., Booth M., Wyatt M. C.,
Armstrong J. C., Mandell A. M., Selsis F., West A. A.,
2012, A&A, 541, A11.
- 99 Herculis:
Host to a Circumbinary Polar-ring Debris Disk
Kennedy G., Wyatt M. C., Sibthorpe B., Duchene G., Kalas P.,
Matthews B., Greaves J. S., Su K. Y. L., Fitzgerald M. 2012, MNRAS,
421, 2264.
- Spitzer Evidence for a Late
Heavy Bombardment and the Formation of Urelites in eta Corvi at ~1 Gyr
Lisse C. M., Wyatt M. C., Chen C. H., Morlock A., Watson D. M., Manoj P.,
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- Multi-Epoch
Observations of HD69830: High Resolution Spectroscopy and Limits to
Beichman C. A., Lisse C. M., Tanner A. M., Bryden G., Akeson R. L., Ciardi D. R.,
Boden A. F., Dodson-Robinson S. E., Salyk C., Wyatt M. C., 2011, ApJ, 743, 85.
- Multi-Wavelength
Modelling of the beta Leo Debris Disc: 1, 2 or 3 Planetisimal Populations?
Churcher L. J., Wyatt M. C., Duchene G., Sibthorpe B., Kennedy G., Matthews B. C., Kalas P.,
Greaves J. S., Su K., Rieke G., 2011, MNRAS, 417, 1715.
- Debris disks
as signposts of terrestrial planet formation
Raymond S. N., Armitage P. J., Moro-Martin A., Booth M., Wyatt M. C.,
Armstrong J. C., Mandell A. M., Selsis F., West A. A.,
2011, A&A, 530, A62.
- Forming the first planetary systems: debris
around Galactic thick disc stars
Sheehan C. K. W., Greaves J. S., Bryden G., Rieke G. H., Su K. Y. L.,
Wyatt M. C., Fischer D. A., Beichman C. A., 2010, MNRAS, 408, L90.
- Resolving debris discs in the far-infrared: early
highlights from the DEBRIS survey
Matthews B. C., Sibthorpe B., Kennedy G., Phillips N., Churcher L., Duchene
G., Greaves J. S., Lestrade J.-F., Moro-Martin A., Wyatt M. C., Bastien P.,
Biggs A., Bouvier J., Butner H. M. Dent W. R. F., Di Francesco J., Eisloffel
J., Graham J., Harvey P., Hauschildt P., Holland W. S., Horner J., Ibar E.,
Ivison R. J., Johnstone D., Kalas P., Kavelaars J., Rodriguez D., Udry S., van
der Werf P., Wilner D., Zuckerman B., 2010, A&A, 518, L135.
- Planets and Debris Disks: Results from a
Spitzer/MIPS Search for IR Excess
Bryden G., Beichman C. A., Carpenter J. M., Rieke G. H., Stapelfeldt K. R.,
Werner M. W., Tanner A. M., Lawler S. M., Wyatt M. C., Trilling D. E., Su K. Y. L.,
Baylock M., Stansberry J. A.
2009, ApJ, 705, 1226.
- Extra-solar Kuiper Belt dust disks
Moro-Martin A., Wyatt M. C., Malhotra R., Trilling D. E. 2008.
In Kuiper Belt, eds. A. Barucci, H. Boehnhardt, D. Cruikshank and A. Morbidelli,
(Tucson, Univ of Arizona Press), 465-480.
- An Unbiased Survey of 500 Nearby Stars for Debris Disks:
A JCMT Legacy Program
Matthews B. C., Greaves J. S., Holland W. S., Wyatt M. C., Barlow M. J., Bastien P.,
Beichman C. A., Biggs A., Butner H. M., Dent W. R. F., Di Francesco J., Dominik C.,
Fissel L., Friberg P., Gibb A. G., Halpbern M., Ivison R. J., Jayawardhana R., Jenness
T., Johnstone D., Kavelaars J. J., Marshall J. L., Phillips N., Schieven G., Snellen
I. A. G., Walker H. J., Ward-Thompson D., Weferling B., White G. J., Yates J., Zhu M.,
2007, PASP, 119, 842.
- New debris disks around nearby main sequence
stars: impact on the direct detection of planets
Beichman C. A., Bryden G., Stapelfeldt K. R., Gautier T. N., Grogan K.,
Shao M., Velusamy T., Lawler S., Blaylock M., Rieke G. H., Lunine J. I.,
Fischer D. A., Marcy G. W., Greaves J. S., Wyatt M. C., Holland W. S.,
Dent W. R. F. 2006, ApJ, 652, 1674.
- Dust in Resonant
Kuiper Belts: Grain Size and Wavelength Dependence of Disk Structure
Wyatt M. C. 2006, ApJ, 639, 1153.
- Metallicity,
Debris Disks, and Planets
Greaves J. S., Fischer D. A., Wyatt M. C.
2006, MNRAS, 366, 283.
- Spiral Structure
Setting up
Pericentre Glow: Possible Giant Planets at Hundreds of AU in the
Disk, moviefig3a,
fig4 in colour
Wyatt M. C., 2005, A&A, 440, 937.
- The Vega Debris Disk
A Surprise from Spitzer
Su K. Y. L., Rieke G. H., Misselt K. A., Stansberry J. A., Moro-Martin
Stapelfeldt K. R., Werner M. W., Trilling D. E., Bendo G. J., Gordon K.
Hines D. C., Wyatt M. C., Holland W. S., Marengo M., Megeath S. T.,
Fazio G. G.
2005, ApJ, 628, 487.
- The Insignificance
P-R Drag in Detectable Extrasolar Planetesimal Belts
Wyatt M. C., 2005, A&A, 433, 1007.
- The Origin and
Evolution of Dust
Wyatt M. C., 2005.
In Dynamics of Populations of Planetary Systems,
eds. Z. Knezevic and A. Milani,
Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 197, 383.
- Sub-millimeter
Images of
a Dusty
Kuiper Belt around Eta Corvi, fig1 (high res),
Wyatt M. C., Greaves J. S., Dent W. R. F., Coulson I. M., 2005,
ApJ, 620, 492.
- Structure in the
Eridani Debris Disk
Greaves, J. S., Holland, W. S., Wyatt M. C., Dent, W. R. F.,
Robson, E. I., Coulson, I. M. C., Jenness, T., Moriarty-Schieven, G.
Davis, G. R., Butner, H. M., Gear, W. K., Dominik, C., Walker, H. J.,
2005, ApJ, 619, L187.
- Mid-infrared images
beta Pictoris
and the possible role of planetesimal collisions in the central disk
Telesco C. M., Fisher R. S., Wyatt M. C., Dermott S. F., Kehoe T. J.
Novotny S., Marinas N., Radomski J. T., Packham C., de Buizer J.,
Hayward T. L.,
2005, Nature, 433, 133.
- The debris disc
Tau Ceti:
a massive analogue to the Kuiper Belt
Greaves J. S., Wyatt M. C., Holland W. S., Dent W. R. F.,
2004, MNRAS, 351, L54.
- Modeling the
of Dusty
Disks: Unseen Planets?
Wyatt M. C., 2004. In The Search for Other Worlds: Fourteenth
Astrophysics Conference.
AIP Conf. Proc., 713, 93.
- Sub-mm Observations
and Modelling of Vega-type Stars
Sheret I., Dent W. R. F., Wyatt M. C., 2004, MNRAS, 348, 1282.
- A Search for Debris
Discs around Stars with Giant Planets
Greaves J. S., Holland W. S., Jayawardhana R.,
Wyatt M. C., Dent W. R. F., 2004, MNRAS, 348, 1097.
- Resonant Trapping
by Planet Migration: Debris Disk Clumps and Vega's Similarity to the
Wyatt M. C., 2003, ApJ, 598, 1321.
- Extrasolar Analogues
Kuiper Belt
Wyatt M. C., Holland W. S., Greaves J. S., Dent W. R. F., 2003, Earth
Moon Planets, 92, 423.
- Book Review:
of the Solar System by Infrared Remote Sensing / Cambridge University
Wyatt M. C., 2003, The Observatory, 1176, 306.
- Some Anomalies in the
of Debris Discs around Main-sequence A and G Stars
Greaves J. S., Wyatt M. C., 2003, MNRAS, 345, 1212.
- SCUBA Observations of
around Lindroos Stars: Evidence for a Substantial Submillimetre Disc
Wyatt M. C., Dent W. R. F., Greaves J. S., 2003, MNRAS, 342, 876.
- Local Heating in the
Center Western Arc
Marinas N., Telesco C. M., Pina R. K., Fisher R. S., Wyatt M. C., 2003,
AJ, 125, 1345.
- Submillimeter
of an Asymmetric Dust Disk around Fomalhaut
Holland W. S., Greaves J. S., Dent W. R. F., Wyatt M. C., Zuckerman
B., Webb R. A., McCarthy C., Coulson I. M., Robson E. I., Gear W. K.,
ApJ, 582, 1141.
- Dust Clumps in
Other Debris Disks
Wyatt M. C., Holland W. S., Dent W. R. F., Greaves J. S., 2004. In
Debris Disks and the Formation of Planets: A Symposium in Memory of
Gillett, eds. L. Caroff, J. L. Moon, D. Backman and E. Praton,
ASP Conf. Ser., 324, 244
- Warm Debris Disks:
Their Dust and Why?
Wyatt M. C., 2002. In Observing with the VLTI, eds. G. Perrin
and F. Malbet, EAS Publ. Ser. 6, 293.
- Collisional Processes
Planetesimal Disks - Dust Clumps in Fomalhaut's Debris Disk
Wyatt M. C., Dent W. R. F., 2002, MNRAS, 334, 589.
- New Sub-millimeter
on Dust in the 55 Cancri Planetary System
Jayawardhana R., Holland W. S., Kalas P., Greaves J. S., Dent W. R.
F., Wyatt M. C., Marcy G. W., 2002, ApJ, 570, L93.
- The Potential of
Disk Clumps to Confound the Search for Terrestrial Planets
Wyatt M. C., 2001. In Techniques for the Detection of Planets and Life
beyond the Solar System, ed. W. R. F. Dent (Occasional Reports of the
Observatory Edinburgh #17).
- Orbital evolution of
Dermott S. F., Grogan K., Durda D. D., Jayaraman S., Kehoe T. J. J.,
Kortenkamp S. J., Wyatt M. C., 2001. In Interplanetary Dust, eds. E.
B. A. S. Gustafson, S. F. Dermott and H. Fechtig (Berlin:
pp. 569-639.
- A Model of
as the Cause of Clumps in Debris Disks
Wyatt M. C., Dent W. R. F., Greaves J. S., Holland W. S., 2001. In
Planetary Systems in the Universe: Observation, Formation and
eds. A. Penny, P. Artymowicz, A. M. Lagrange, and S. S. Russell, ASP
- Pericentre Glow: A
of Hidden Planets in HR 4796?
Wyatt M. C., Dermott S. F., Telesco C. M., 2000. In Disks,
and Planets, eds. F. Garzon et al., ASP Conf. Ser., 219, 289.
- Detection of
Infrared Emission around the Vega-like Source HD 141569
Fisher R. S., Telesco C. M., Pina R. K., Knacke R. F., Wyatt M. C.,
2000, ApJ, 532, L141.
- Deep 10 and 18 um
of the HR 4796A Circumstellar Disk: Transient Dust Particles and
Evidence for a Brightness Asymmetry
Telesco C. M., Fisher R. S., Pina R. K., Knacke R. F., Dermott S. F.,
Wyatt M. C., Grogan K., Holmes E. K., Ghez A. M., Prato L. A., Hartmann
L. W., Jayawardhana R., 2000, ApJ, 530, 329.
- Signatures of
Planets in
Observable Structure of Circumstellar Debris Disks
Wyatt M. C., 1999, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Florida.
- How Observations of
Disk Asymmetries Can Reveal Hidden Planets: Pericenter Glow and its
to the HR 4796 Disk
Wyatt M. C., Dermott S. F., Telesco C. M., Fisher R. S., Grogan K.,
Holmes E. K., Pina R. K., 1999, ApJ, 527, 918.
- SIRTF: A Unique View
the Earth's Resonant Ring
Wyatt M. C., Dermott S. F., Grogan K., Jayaraman S., 1999. In
with Infrared Surveys: A Prelude to SIRTF, eds. M. D. Bicay et al., ASP
Conf. Ser., 177, 374.
Notes from the following lecture courses are
available for download:
- Part III lecture course on "Planetary system dynamics" given at DAMTP in Michaelmas term 2024 (and previously
since 2010); (*) = coming soon
- Past exam papers: 2010,
- Part II lecture course on "Topics in Astrophyics" given at IoA in 2022 and 2023
- Part II lecture course on "Astrophysical fluid dynamics" given at IoA in Lent term 2012
- Part II guest lecture for the "Physics of Astrophysics" course given at IoA in Lent term 2019
- Graduate lecture course on "Planetary systems" given at IoA in 2006, 2007, 2008
and 2009
The following presentations are also
available for download:
- Debris
disk dynamical theory
Wyatt M. C. 2008. Presentation at "New Light on Young Stars: Spitzer's
View of Circumstellar Disks", Pasadena, 26-30 October 2008.
- Debris disks at high resolution,
Wyatt M. C., Smith R. 2008.
Presentation at "Workshop on Simulations for ALMA",
Grenoble, 8-10 September 2008.
- Debris disk imaging
Wyatt M. C. 2008.
Presentation at "Science with the new Hubble Space Telescope after servicing mission
4", Bologna, 29-31 January 2008.
- Debris disk structure arising from
planetary perturbations
Wyatt M. C. 2007.
Presentation at "The direct detection of planets and circumstellar disks in the
21st century: In the spirit of Bernard Lyot", University of California,
Berkeley, 4-8 June 2007.
- Debris disk evolution
Wyatt M. C. 2007. Presentation at "From stars to planets: connecting our understanding
of star and planet formation", University of Florida, Gainesville, 11-14 April 2007.
- Debris disks: dynamics of small particles in
extrasolar systems, theory and observation
Wyatt M. C. 2006. Lecture at "Kobe International School of Planetary Sciences 2006,
Small Bodies in Planetary Systems", Kobe University, December 4-6, 2006.
- SCUBA2 Legacy Debris Disk Survey
Wyatt M. C. 2006. Presentation at "The Submillimetre Revolution: Celebrating
the legacy of SCUBA and looking forward to the potential of SCUBA2" workshop,
ROE, Edinburgh, October 9-11 2006.
- Theoretical modelling of debris disk
Wyatt M. C. 2006. Presentation at The
Planet-Disc Connection conference, IoA, Cambridge, July 17-21 2006.
- Placing
Our Solar System in Context: A 12 step program to learn to
accept disk evolution
Meyer M. R., Backman D., Weinberger A., Wyatt M. C.
2005. Presentation at Protostars & Planets V conference
- Is
There Evidence for Planets in Debris Disks?
Wyatt M. C., 2005.
Presentation at Miniworkshop on Nearby Resolved Debris Disks,
- Resonant
Structures due to Planets, ppt file, movie1, movie2, movie3
Wyatt M. C., 2004.
In Dust Disks and the Formation, Evolution and Detection of Habitable
eds. S. Unwin and C. Beichman,