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21st October - Critical software Design Review held in Edinburgh. The submitted document discussing pipeline plans and other issues is available here .
25th November - UKIDSS meeting at Imperial to discuss pipeline processing and science archive plans and to get some critical feedback from the UKIDSS user community. DWE's notes from this meeting are available.
13th December - set up web page.
Posted actions from the 9th December
Updated "philosophy" document outlining planned modifications to earlier pipeline documents (eg. CDR doc) and summarising agreements from recent meetings.
19th December - new set of proposed catalog parameters being an update of previously proposed INT WFC-like set.
Added link in documentation page to primitive help pages for CIRDR, which is the core set of routines for the pipeline.
9th January - Simon's MSB pictures linked off documentation page for ease of
The generic flatfield test data we
would like to acquire prior to WFCAM commissioning.
15th January - attempt to take UFTI test data failed due to hurricane force winds + ice.
23rd January - another iteration of the parameter set after feedback from Steve Warren and an updated updated philosophy document explaining the reasoning.
Further data transfer tests between Cambridge and Edinburgh by Eckhard
Sutorius using standard ftp give 1.5 MBytes/s which translates to
approximately 5 Gbytes/hr
- better but no cigar yet.
24th January - recipes and supporting software have been deposited in the JAC CVS repository. These are a subset of the current recipes that are already available for UFTI, but which use CIRDR to do the actual reduction rather than calls to STARLINK. CIRDR will also be imported in the next few days.
A major drive to document CIRDR is making progress. First pass docs exist for all the internal software. Currently working on instrument specific documentation and full manuals for each instrument supported.
A new version of the CDR software pipeline design document incorporating the philosophy and parameter set changes is now available.
30th January - meeting between Steve Warren, Jim Lewis and Simon Hodgkin for in-depth discussion of details of of the 2D image processing.
Jim has created some fake WFCAM data using the header descriptions above coupled with data from CIRSI. These will be distributed shortly for comments.
12th February - JPE presents VDFS update to AGOC with JRL in attendance, assorted issues raised requiring new presentation on 28th March.
Mike spent a productive 2 weeks at UNSW and among other things developed a general purpose prototype co-located list driven photometry package (in this case for transient detection on severely undersampled data). This is outperforming all the previous PSF-based efforts by a factor of several and giving photometric errors for time series data of better than 2 mmag on bright sources.
25th February - direct data transfer from Leicester to Cambridge during the day using scp gives a bulk average data transfer rate of 4.0 Mbytes/s and enabled the copying of the entire 3600 files aka 82Gbytes of USNOB1.0 in 5.5 hours - probably worth a cigar. This was to a RAID array on a linux PC similar to what we will use for WFCAM data storage. Eckhard is doing further tests to find the source of the Cambridge-Edinburgh bottleneck.
27th February - meeting with Jim Emerson to discuss overall management structure and to agree a protocol for keeping track of work effort on WFCAM/VISTA projects.
Link to the JAC-CASU Interface Control Document (ICD) web page.
5th March - suggestion for the "Naming of parts" for MEF raw and processed filenames
Jim Lewis has created a bunch of dummy MEF WFCAM data files using CIRSI
1kx1k images for the data part. To access them for ftp'ing click
here .
Contents are:
wfcam_nnnn.fit             - MEF with the 4 images,
wfcam_nnnn_conf.fit   - MEF with the 4 confidence maps for the above
wfcam_nnnn_cat.fit     - MEF with the 4 catalogues for the above in the
table format that is currently in use.
These will be updated to the agreed WFCAM form when ...... we've agreed it.
WCS implementation in these is slightly different from the specification in
Alan's document.
6th March - slightly edited version of Nigel's WFAU-CASU ICD document (this is still in progress discussion but getting there.)
16th March - new version of ICD available here . The ICD still needs some thought on section 5.3 The CDR material and other general WFAU stuff is through this same portal .
18th March - readjusted timescales for various components of software work packages to take account of recent schedule change for delivery and commissioning of WFCAM. Currently it is anticipated that WFCAM will arrive in late 2003, and be ready for on-telescope commissioning by January/February 2004.
19th March - Dafydd put his take on the UKIDSS survey overview diagrams on display.
21st March - Data Centre meeting in Edinburgh, JRL presents roadmap for data centre activities from WFCAM to VISTA to GAIA.
In preparation for following item CASU update work package spreadsheet task breakdown, produce gantt charts, carry out risk analysis and instigate quarterly work package plan, monthly progress reports and regular minuted group meetings.
25th March - group meeting, minutes available here .
28th March - JPE, MJI and AL make presentation of VDFS to specially convened AGOC.
3rd April - group meeting to finalise, among other things,management issues, minutes available here .
14th April - summary of work package spreadsheets, quarterly deliverables and so on, is available here .
15/16th April - MJI and JRL attend WSA CDR in Edinburgh and among other things discuss and agree to plans for summit hardware. In particular the plan is to use raw SEFs written from the front end of the CASU summit pipeline to tape (Ultrium LTO-2 one per detector) as the transfer medium between JAC and CASU. Ingestion in Cambridge will verify and convert to MEFs before further processing in Cambridge. Tapes will come in multiples of 4, roughly 1-2 lots per week when WFCAM is running on telescope and will also form basis of Cambridge offline raw archive backup. Highlight of meeting was visit to WFCAM assembly lab. If size matters WFCAM will win hands down.
17th April - group meeting to discuss above and other CDR-related things, minutes available here .
22nd April - possibility of standard 2x5s offset integrations rather than single monolithic 10s confirmed and hence potentially twice as much raw data to process and store (FITS U*2 possibility, or equivalent via integrated (almost) lossless compression, could mitigate against this). Consequences of this are being explored. Connectivity problem with main UKIRT archive at JAC solved.
24th April - JRL points out that if cross-talk between detectors is a problem then the parallel processing plans for the summit pipeline will not be able to easily deal with it.
25th April - STH and MJI prepared cost spreadsheet for ESO deliverables in consultation with JPE.
30th April - crosstalk module finished. Discussions between JRL and Paul Hirst regarding the issue of grouping wfcam observations by tile. Paul will investigate changes to the observation preparation tool so as to trigger a keyword to be written. Discussion with Paul about how best to maintain the pipeline algorithms between the summit and Cambridge. JRL will investigate ways to make the core perl routines less dependent on cirdr system information so that they can be called directly from orac-dr. JRL will also contact Frossie to get a connection to the progress database, which is held on a different server.
2nd May - group meeting to discuss assorted issues and report monthly progress on WP tasks, minutes available here .
3rd May - changed various TCP/IP settings on apm3 and apm2 and tried various data transfer tests. Bottom line was changes did not make much difference for internal transfers and average data transfer of 8 Mbytes/s was achieved between the machines on the (100 Mbs hub) internal network.
6th May - basic persistence module completed and tested. MJI and JRL have run INT WFC data through the catalogue generator in several forms. These include the scaled 16 bit integer data that the WFC pipeline produces, a full 32 bit real version and Rice tile compressed versions of each. (In the case of the real data, the data were compressed with three different values of 'noisebits'). A summary of the results can be found here . Further tests are in the pipeline :-)
6th May - a plot has been produced showing the overlap between the various UKIDSS surveys and SDSS Data Release 1.
6th May - statistical analysis of twilight flats in J taken with UFTI shows that a window of between 2 and 2.5 minutes should exist in which twilight flats can be taken with WFCAM in J. Seeking similar test exposures in H and K.
7th May - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
8th May - workshop to discuss unified e-scienceII bid involving roadmap VISTA -> Eddington (WASP) -> GAIA.
14th May - DWE attended a meeting with SJW and AA concerning overall survey strategy issues
16th May - group meeting to discuss assorted issues, minutes available here .
23rd May - reorganisation and modularisation of catalogue generation software.
28th May - UKIDSS GCS, GPS and LAS observing stratgey meeting at Imperial College, STH in attendance.
28th May - PSB liaisesd with ETH on network transfers IoA -> ROE. Get same basic speed ~ 4MB/s even from IoA Ultra 1/140 ftp server (when using normal ftp, ie. unencrypted). Same test to an ROE Sun get <1MB/s, conclude some machines 'see' a real bottleneck. Sorted out firewall issues with ROE not passing some of IoA IPv4 space.
28th May - PSB liaised with VISTA camera team, need off-sky calibration pipleline software to be ready for camera AIT.
30th May - Ian Bond's image subtraction software has been succesfully installed by DWE. Initial tests are encouraging.
31st May - significant fraction of this month spent on helping to prepare VEGA and AstroGrid-2 e-science bids
2nd June - VEGA and AstroGrid-2 proposals submitted in response to 2003 PPARC e-science AO.
3rd June - group meeting, minutes available here .
5th June - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
6th June - Statistical analysis of H and K flats from UFTI indicate that there should be a window of 3 1/2 minutes for H and 5 1/2 minutes for K in which to take twilight flats with WFCAM. This is roughly the amount of time between when the background is high enough to dominate over the dust and fringe emission and when we expect saturation (JRL).
12th/13th June - WFCAM meeting in Edinburgh. "Powerpoint" talks for MJI , JRL, STH here. DWE wrote up some notes from this meeting. This also includes Mark Casali's actions list. The photometry calibration document and the processing issues document are also available.
18th June - group meeting, minutes available here .
25th June - meeting to discuss VDFS ESO documentation requirements
26th June - final version of proposed catalog parameters .
30th June - latest version of CIRDR documentation available here. Dummy WFCAM data files are available here. These are MEFs with 4 images extensions. Runs 1001 to 1007 are dome flats and runs 6523-6527 are a dither sequence. The headers are copies of the way that WFCAM data should look. The images are CIRSI frames. The one area where these disagree with the agreed WFCAM standard is the image datatype, which should be 32 bit integer.
A dummy example WFCAM FITS header based on INT CIRSI data, PHU and 1st extension HU only, with added explanation in some of the comment fields. Also included are examples of the processing keywords inserted.
1st July - group meeting, minutes available here .
2nd July - meeting of VEGA consortium to plan response to e-science bid referees reports.
4th July - Q2 VDFS management meeting held in Cambridge. Review of progress for Q2 completed, Q3 task list and deliverables drawn up.
11th July - investigation of simulation software completed. Model simulations will be based on a (slightly modified) version of Bertin's Terapix skymaker programme and Artdata in IRAF.
15th July - group meeting, minutes available here .
31st July - group meeting, minutes available here .
6th August - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
8th August - feedback on suggestions for on-sky characterisation tests .
14th August - group meeting, minutes available here .
18th August - night of pseudo WFCAM data (CIRSI dressed up to look like WFCAM) processed through pipeline signature removal, catalogue and DQC estimation and monitoring stages (see /data/apm3_a/jmi/wfcam/ usual INT WFC-style directory layout except catalogues/ and mframes/ both have separate sub-directories for the stacked and non-stacked frames). NB. only extra required was MJD-OBS into the catalog headers. Summary DQC report available shortly.
19th August - after a further iteration between JAC and CASU the current suggestions for the on-sky characterisation tests can be found here .
21st August - version 1.0 of the reports on the simulation results, difference imaging tests and CIRSI DQC trial night of data are available on the internal web pages for comment prior to releasing them.
28th August - group meeting, minutes available here .
1st September - version 1.0 of the reports on the simulation results, difference imaging tests and CIRSI DQC trial night of data are available.
10th September - group meeting, minutes available here .
13th September - draft version of WFCAM pipeline milestones created and check list of software module tasks added.
16th September - telecon between JAC staff and JRL at 9pm to discuss agenda for JRL's proposed visit.
17-19th September - PSB, JRL and MJI attended the VISTA NIR camera internal design review at RAL. One result of this is the prioritising of production of a draft version of the ESO DID document. This will be accomplished within the next few weeks, in good time for the camera FDR to be held in December.
22nd September - you cannot see the joins ! some early results for VISTA from a Raytheon 2kx2k engineering chip + IRACE controller are available on the internal pages. Of particular note is that the difference image between two DCS frames from an engineering chip show photon noise-limited statistics in the active parts (~70%) of the detector. Data courtesy of Naidu Bezawada and Guy Woodhouse.
24th September - group meeting, minutes available here .
25th September - two more reports are available: the first covers several aspects of interleaving; and the second discusses the expected astrometric distortions for WFCAM and VISTA and some consequences.
30th September - JRL visiting JAC for one week to progress several issues relating to database mirroring and to demonstrate ORAC-DR version of summit pipeline, among other things.
1st October - quarterly VDFS management committee meeting in Edinurgh. Review of progress for Q3 completed, Q4 task list and deliverables drawn up.
6th October - latest version of the on-sky characterisation tests after JRL's visit to JAC can be found here . One result of the visit is a more ticked off version of the milestones document.
8th October - group meeting, minutes available here .
13-15th October - JRL and PSB attend ADASS, include informal discussions with ESO DFS staff.
21st October - readable font version 1.0 of the WFCAM FITS headers document, original available on the JAC-CASU ICD web page, still needs signing off.
24th October - group meeting, minutes are available here .
27th October - installed 2Gb network trunk to APM building, apm1 and apm3 now on gigabit connections.
28th October - updated draft of CASU-WFAU ICD, version 3.
31st October - version 1.1 of WFCAM FITS header document agreed and document signed off.
31st October - version 3.   of CASU-WFAU ICD agreed and document signed off.
5th November - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
7th November - updated version of difference imaging report released Version 2.0 .
14th November - group meeting, minutes available here .
17th November - telecon with SJW and JPE to discuss UKIDSS and VDFS issues - cancelled
17th November - a report on interpolation is now available.
21st November - UKIDSS meeting in Oxford. "Powerpoint" talks for MJI , JRL , STH , available. Long winded contribution to the minutes also available here .
28th November - group meeting, minutes available here .
1st December - meeting with estate management to discuss refurbishment of the APM building
2nd December - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
3rd December - telecon between JRL and JAC staff
3rd/4th December - Astrowise visit by MJI from CASU and NCH, IAB, ETWS from WFAU.
4th/5th December - ESO visit by PSB, JRL from CASU, JPE for VDFS management, JMS from VPO
16th December - last group meeting of the year, minutes available here .
16th December - telecon between JRL and JAC staff
21st December - updated astrometric and photometric distortion report to include colourful pics of WFCAM photometric distortion
6th January - telecon between JRL,MJI and JAC staff
7th January - first group meeting of the year, minutes available here .
9th January - quarterly VDFS management committee meeting in Cambridge. Review of progress for Q4 completed, Q1 2004 task list and deliverables drawn up. Overall planning for VDFS PPRP bid finalised.
16th January - VDFS MkII PPRP bid finalised and submitted
19th January - public version of a report on UFTI pipeline comparisons now available. A second report on results from the UFTI service nights is now also available.
28th January - group meeting, minutes available here .
28th January - telecon between JRL,MJI and AA,PH from JAC
4th February - VDFS presentation to PPRP review panel. Copy of submitted proposal here .
4th February - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
10th February - group meeting, minutes available here .
18th February - telecon between JRL,MJI and AA,PH from JAC
26th February - draft report on UFTI sky subtraction and its implications for WFCAM is available here.
27th February - group meeting, minutes available here .
27th February - MJI met with AA and PH in Hilo to discuss VDFS aspects of the commissioning plan.
5th March - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
10th March - VISTA camera calibration planning meeting in Cambridge to discuss the VDFS ESO PDR calibration plan, and data reduction specification documents. This meeting replaced the regular CASU group meeting. Notes from the meeting are available here.
16th March - a plot has been produced showing the overlap between the various UKIDSS surveys and SDSS Data Release 1 and 2.
18th March - group meeting, minutes available here .
19th March - VISTA camera calibration telecon between CASU, Gavin Dalton, Malcolm Stewart and JPE to discuss the latest version of the ESO Calibration Plan document, linearisation and flatfielding and the status of the other ESO documents for PDR.
22nd March - added link to a short document describing how WFCAM FITS headers will be modified before being sent to ESO.
26th March - another VISTA documentation telecon between CASU, Gavin Dalton, Malcolm Stewart, Steven Beard and JPE.
1st April - yet another VISTA documentation telecon between CASU, Malcolm Stewart, Steven Beard and JPE.
2nd April - group meeting, minutes available here .
5th April - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Quarterly progress and summary reports completed and plans for next quarter presented and reviewed.
5th April - telecon between JRL,MJI and AA,PH from JAC
6th April - another almost final PDR telecon
8th April - VDFS ESO PDR documents submitted after brief telecon
22nd April - group meeting, minutes available here .
22nd April - telecon between JRL,MJI and AA,PH from JAC
23rd April - a brief note on non-linearity correction available
4th May - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
6th May - an explanation of the CASU documentation numbering system has been written
7th May - first VDUC meeting held in Cambridge
7th May - responses to VDFS PDR RIXs completed and submitted
10th May - WFCAM UKIDSS surveys MSB design meeting held in Oxford, STH represented CASU
13th May - PDR for the VDFS ESO deliverables held in Garching
18th May - group meeting, minutes available here.
20th May - a report on atmospheric differential refraction in the infrared has been released.
24th May - paper for SPIE meeting submitted, copy available here.
25th May - MJI and NCH attended the UKIRT board meeting to give presentations on the progess of pipelines and archive. Openoffice copy of CASU presentation available here.
8th June - Paul Hirst from JAC visiting, group meeting, minutes available here.
8th June - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
9th June - UKIDSS implementation meeting in Cambridge with PH (JAC), SJW, SD, STH,JRL,MJI. Minutes available on UKIDSS internal web pages.
21st/22nd June - interviews for advertised CASU job took place
25th June - MJI, NCH, JPE gave VDFS talks at SPIE meeting in Glasgow
30th June - report on experiments with GALFIT available on internal/reports web pages
6th July - group meeting, minutes available here .
9th July - JRL short report on the orientation and the readout timings for WFCAM detector channels. More to be added later.
13th July - Derek Ives' report on crosstalk (pdf version) now available.
14th July - DWE's report on PSF fitting has been released. This covers Phase 1 of the software plan. A small number of tests still need to be carried out using real data. These will be added to the report when completed.
14th July - telecon between JRL,MJI and AA,PH from JAC
15th July - quarterly VDMT meeting in Edinburgh. Review of progress for Q2 completed, Q3 2004 deliverables drawn up, entertaining discussion of progress metrics.
27th July - group meeting, minutes available here .
2nd August - telecon between JRL and AA,PH from JAC
6th August - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
23rd August - telecon between JRL,MJI and AA,PH from JAC
26th August - group meeting, minutes available here .
3rd September - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
13th September - new version of ESO WFCAM FITS header document. Dummy WFCAM MEFs sent to ESO for use in testing NGAS client for data transfer.
13th September - group meeting, minutes available here .
13th September - telecon between JRL,MJI and AA,PH from JAC + Mark Casali and Derek Ives
28th September - telecon between the usual suspects JRL,MJI from CASU and AA,PH from JAC
29th September - group meeting, minutes available here .
6th October - quarterly VDMT meeting in Cambridge. Review of progress for Q3 completed, Q4 2004 deliverables drawn up, discussion of ESO FDR and UK VDFS PDR dates and deliverables.
20th October - group meeting, minutes available here .
20th October - telecon between JRL,MJI,STH and AA,PH from JAC
27th October - the plot showing the overlap between the various UKIDSS surveys and SDSS has been updated to include Data Release 3.
29th October - DWE's report on interleaving has been updated to account for more detailed integrations within the simulations. The only change is that there is now not much difference between the astrometric accuracies of 2x2 and 3x3 interleaving and that the relative astrometric accuracies in this idealized case are about 5 mas or better at the bright end.
3rd November - group meeting, minutes available here .
4th November - telecon between JRL,MJI,STH and PH from JAC
5th November - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
9th November - JRL,STH,MJI met with Simon Dye to discuss commissioning plan for Jim and Simon's upcoming visit to JAC
12th November - first batch of WFCAM tapes of commissioning data arrived but held in abayance until MJI and JRL return
15th November - version 0.5 of the VISTA ETC document has been completed and sent off to ESO for comment prior to submitting the FDR version
17th November - JRL visiting JAC for ~2 weeks to take part in commissioning
19th November - CASU rolling grant application submitted
2nd December - JRL returns with more WFCAM commissioning data tapes
6th December - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed. Feedback on version 0.5 ETC received.
17th December - VISTA VDFS FDR documents submitted (URD, DRS, CAL, DRLD)
23rd December - VISTA VDFS almost FDR ETC document version 0.9 submitted
31st December - trial Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) for VISTA produced and made available on VDFS web pages
6th January - quarterly VDMT meeting in Edinburgh with review of progress for Q4 completed
7th January - group meeting, minutes available here .
10th January - version 1.0 of ETC document submitted for FDR together with updated ETC available on web
14th January - review of characteristics of WFCAM commissioning data with Simon Dye visiting for the day
14th January - telecon between JRL, MJI and AJA, PH from JAC
21st January - a preliminary report covering analysis of several aspects of the WFCAM commissioning data is now available here.
24th January - group meeting, minutes available here .
25th January - DWE's report on the astrometry from PSF fitting has been released. This covers elements of Phase II of the software plan.
26th January - RIX reponses compiled and sent off to ESO for FDR
26th January - telecon between JRL, MJI and AJA, PH from JAC and Simon Dye (Cardiff)
31st January - VDFS FDR at ESO HQ in Garching, attendees for VDFS were MJI, PSB, WJS, JMS, JPE (chair), Steven Beard, Martin Folger, Alistair McPherson. JRL, STH "attended" via videocon.
3rd February - monthly VDFS management meeting held via telecon. Monthly progress and summary reports completed.
4th February - a text summary of the CASU WFCAM data processing commissioning reports is available here for more details see the individual reports.
8th February - telecon between JRL and AJA and PH from JAC and Simon Dye (Cardiff)
17th February - group meeting, minutes available here .
18th February - telecon between JRL, MJI and AJA, PH from JAC and Simon Dye (Cardiff)
21st February - VDUC meeting in Edinburgh mainly dealing with status of the WFCAM pipelines, science archive and commissioning data analysis
23rd February - rolling grant reviews for CASU and WFAU - a fun day was had by all.
24th February - two further reports covering analysis of the WFCAM commissioning data are now available (II and III).
24th February - telecon between JRL, MJI, STH and AJA, PH from JAC
2nd March - JRL flys out to Hawaii to take part in phase II commissioning tests
9th March - group meeting, minutes available here
9th March - telecon between MJI, STH at IoA and AJA, PH and JRL at JAC
13th March - STH flys out to Hawaii to take part in phase II commissioning tests
17th March - telecon between MJI, STH at IoA and AJA, PH and JRL at JAC
22nd March - report on galaxy counts and galaxy predicted colours based on WFCAM commissioning data from Lockman Hole region available here
1st April - STH and RGM attend UKIDSS Science Verification meeting at Imperial
13th April - quarterly VDMT meeting held via telecon with review of progress for 05Q1 completed
14th April - telecon between MJI, JRL at IoA and PH, STH, SD at JAC
18th April - group meeting, minutes are available here
19th April - 1st batch of WFCAM SV tapes arrives
22nd April - 2nd batch delivered by STH including data up to 19th April.
5th May - group meeting, minutes are available here
5th May - VDMT meeting held via telecon
12th May - telecon between MJI, JRL, STH and PH, AJA at JAC
13th May - restricted access to raw WFCAM data through prototype archive interface will be provided shortly here
17th May - group meeting, minutes are available here
26th May - UKIRT Board meeting in Cambrdige, MJI gave presentation of CASU progress on WFCAM data processing
3rd June - VDMT meeting held via telecon
8th June - telecon between JRL, and PH, AJA at JAC
9th June - internal group WFCAM processing brainstorming session
21st June - group meeting, minutes are available here
22nd June - MJI attended VST Public Surveys PSP meeting at ESO
23rd June
24th June - telecon between MJI, JRL, and PH, AJA at JAC
4th July - interface to raw wfcam archive available through CASU data archive web pages or directly from here
6th July - telecon between MJI, JRL, and PH, AJA at JAC
7th July - pipeline processing progress, and much more, web page available here
8th July - quarterly VDMT meeting to review VDFS progress held in Cambridge
12th July - group meeting, minutes are available here .
15th July - telecon between MJI, JRL, and PH, AJA at JAC
26th July - group meeting, minutes are available here .
27th July - survey heads meeting in Durham, MJI attended and gave a presentation on WFCAM properties and calibration
27th July - telecon between MJI, JRL, and AJA at JAC
6th August - VDMT meeting held via telecon
16th August - telecon between MJI, JRL, STH and PH, AJA at JAC
18th August - science verification meeting in Edinburgh
30th August - group meeting, minutes are available here .
1st September - the talks given by CASU at the Edinburgh science verification meeting can be found in the presentations section of our documentation web page.
16th September - group meeting, minutes are available here .
20th September - photometry working group meeting in Cambridge
21st September - science verification meeting in Cambridge
6th October - VDMT meeting held via telecon
10th October - group meeting, minutes are available here .
19th October - STH has just released a draft version of his photometric calibration document. An updated version will be released next week, same location. 19th October - telecon between MJI, JRL, STH and PH, AJA at JAC
24th October - group meeting, minutes are available here .
8th November - VDMT meeting in Edinburgh
9,10th November - workshop in Edinburgh on panoramic NIR surveys
11th November - UKIDSS consortium meeting in Edinburgh
17th November - group meeting, minutes are available here .
15th December - UKIDSS SV meeting in Edinburgh
16th December - VDMT meeting held via telecon
20th December - VISTA public survey meeting at QMUL
5th January - group meeting, minutes are available here .
6th January - updated version of photometric calibration report available here .
17th January - latest report on PSF fitting has been released.
23rd January - VISTA proposed hemisphere survey meeting in Cambridge
26th January - group meeting, minutes available here .
8th March - group meeting, minutes available here .
23rd March - group meeting, minutes available here .
6th April - group meeting, minutes available here .
DWE's report on persistence has been released.
11th April - quarterly VDMT meeting in Edinburgh
10th May - group meeting, minutes available here .
23th May - UKIRT Board meeting at University of Hertfordshire. MJI gave presentation of CASU progress on WFCAM data processing
12th June - group meeting, minutes available here .
15th June - DRL Version 0.3 released with accompanying documentation and relevant test datasets.
20th June - VISAS (VISTA Public Survey Proposals) meeting in Edinburgh. JRL gave presentation.
28th June - group meeting, minutes available here .
18th July - group meeting, minutes available here .
24th July - quarterly VDMT meeting in Edinburgh (again)
25th July - UKIDSS meeting in Edinburgh. MJI and STH gave presentations.
2nd August - group meeting, minutes available here .
31st August - group meeting, minutes available here .
4th September - quarterly VDMT meeting by telecon.
7th September - UKIDSS Survey Heads telecon attended by STH.
12th September - PSB visited RAL to take part in tests of VIRCAM.
19th September - group meeting, minutes available here.
3rd October - monthly VDMT meeting by telecon.
9th October - group meeting, minutes available here.
21st October - Jim Lewis's report on the Dark Exposure Properties of VIRCAM Detectors is available here.
24/25th October - UK VDFS Review at Cambridge. The documents are available here.
1st November - group meeting, minutes available here.
7th December - group meeting, minutes available here.
7th December - the VIRCAM Data Reduction Pipeline Manual has been released.
8th December - Jim Lewis's report on the Flat Exposure Properties of VIRCAM Detectors is available here.
18th January - quarterly VDMT meeting by telecon.
22-26 January - ESO Calibration Workshop attended by MJI, JRL, PSB and MR. The presentations are available.
24th January - UKIDSS calibration meeting attended by STH.
1st February - group meeting, minutes available here.
21st February - group meeting, minutes available here.
9th March - VDMT meeting by telecon.
27th March - group meeting, minutes available here.
26th April - group meeting, minutes available here.
27th April - VDMT meeting by telecon.
3rd May - VVV telecon with PI Dante Minniti.
9th May - UKIDSS Survey Heads meeting in Oxford attended by STH.
10th May - VDUC meeting in Edinburgh attended by MJI and PSB.
17th May - UKIRT Board meeting in Durham attended by MJI.
8th June - VDMT meeting by telecon
12th June - group meeting, minutes available here.
27th July - VDMT meeting by telecon
8th August - virtual group meeting, minutes available here.
22nd August - adhoc group meeting, minutes available here.
13th September - VDMT meeting by telecon
23-26 September - ADASS 2007 London
4th October - group meeting, minutes available here.
22-23rd October - visit by Luca Rizzi (UKIRT)
6th November - group meeting, minutes available here.
8th November - VDMT meeting by telecon
11th December - group meeting, minutes available here.
17-19th December - ESO workshop Science with UKIDSS
3rd January - group meeting, minutes available here.
21st January - VDMT meeting by telecon
22nd January - rolling grant review in Edinburgh
7th February - group meeting, minutes available here.
18-20 March - UltraVista meeting in Leiden, MJI and JRL part attended and gave talks
32nd March - group meeting, minutes available here.
8th April - VMC meeting at U. of Herts., MJI part attended and gave a talk
29th April - group meeting, minutes available here.
15th May - UKIRT Board meeting day 1, MJI attended and gave a talk
4th June - VIDEO meeting at U. of Herts., MJI part attended and gave a talk
11th June - JPE visit to discuss camera data wish list from his upcoming Paranal trip
23rd June - group meeting, minutes available here.
24th June - MJI, EGS, NAW attended EGAPS meeting in Warwick
6th August - group meeeting, minutes available here.
14th August - JPE visit to discuss CASU analysis of VISTA commissioning data
3rd September - group meeeting, minutes available here.
15-17th September - ESO public surveys workshop, EGS snd STH in attendance
17th September - telecon with JAC, MR, JRL MJI at our end and Andy, Chris, Luca and later Karl at JAC end.
24th September - group meeting, minutes only available on internal pages
3rd-6th October - MJI observing with WFCAM at UKIRT, had meeting with Chris and Andy about MSBTid logs, sky offset observations, and flats, among other things
17th October - meeting between ESO SV team and MJI to discuss assorted VISTA processing issues and the SV process
2nd-5th November - ADASS in Quebec, MJI gave a talk, available in usual place, and JRL talked. MJI and NJC also discussed Petrosian crisis and what to do about it.
20th November - meeting after ESO OPC between MJI and Palle Moller and Wolfram Freudling to discuss NB118 data processing and properties of filter
27th November - group meeting, minutes available here.
10th December - ciao Pete
15th December - UKIDSS II meeting at RAS, STH & MJI attend, talk ppt available here.
4th February - group meeting, minutes available
11th March - group meeting, minutes available here.
26th March - VISTA IOT telecon, JRL, STH, MJI at our end
16th April - group meeting, minutes available here.
28th April - VISTA IOT telecon
18th May - group meeting, minutes available here.
21st May - UKIRT Board meeting in Nottingham
19th June - group meeting, minutes available here.
30th June - VISTA IOT telecon
15th July - group meeting, minutes available here.
15th July - VDMT meeting by telecon
29th July - VISTA IOT telecon
17th July - group meeting, minutes available here.
1st September - VISTA IOT telecon
14-16 September - UKIRT workshop in Ediburgh
23rd September - group meeting, minutes available here.
6th October - VISTA IOT telecon
21st October - group meeting, minutes available here.
3rd November - VISTA IOT telecon
19th November - group meeting, minutes available here.
25-26 November - VISTA SV meeting at ESO
1st December - VISTA IOT telecon
23rd December - group meeting, minutes available here.
26th January - VISTA IOT telecon
27-28th January - VISTA PSPIs meeting at IoA
16th February - group meeting, minutes available here.
23rd March - VISTA IOT telecon
24th March - group meeting, minutes available shortly