VISTA Data Flow System
Design documentation at CASU
This site provides access to all the documents generated by
CASU for the UK review being held
on the 24th & 25th October 2006 at the
Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge.
Documentation for the Science Archive design by the
WFAU group is available at
- UK pipeline general design overview document
provides an overview of various aspects of the UK pipeline and discusses
the UK user requirements document ,
an updated version in response to the UK review recommendations is now
available here.
- the Data Reduction Library Design Document
provides a detailed description of the algorithms used and details
of the modules and their interfaces as delivered to ESO. These provide
the pawprint processing�part of the UK pipeline. For the most recent
version click here.
- the VIRCAM Calibration Plan
This is an ESO deliverable describing the calibration procedures for VIRCAM,
which are the same whichever reduction software is subsequently
- a technical review of WFCAM processing
Pipeline processing of wide-field
near-infrared data from WFCAM
this is a draft of a MNRAS paper mainly describing the algorithmic
and technical aspects of the WFCAM pipeline. Virtually all of this
methodology is applicable to the VIRCAM pipeline.
- photometric calibration of WFCAM data
this explains the procedures developed to calibrate
WFCAM data. VISTA photometric calibration is expected to be similar.
see also
Hewett et al. 2006 MNRAS (in press)
The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey ZYJHK Photometric System: Passbands and Synthetic Colours
- web-based pipeline and survey progress monitoring
description and reference to the
web pages showing the status of pipeline processing and survey progress
Other relevant papers
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