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The format for all VDFS documents issued by CASU should have the format:
This follows the ESO scheme outlined in http://www.ls.eso.org/documentation/id-keys.html However, this scheme is open to some interpretation and some further clarification is given here on how this is implemented at CASU.
BBB is the type of document. Applicable BBB codes are:
PLA | Plan |
SPE | Specification |
TRE | Technical report |
MAN | Manual |
MIN | Minutes of Meeting |
AMD | Format of Amendments |
CRE | Change request |
DAS | Data Sheet |
DDS | Digital Data Storage |
DNO | Discrepancy Notice |
DWG | Drawing |
ICD | Configuration Data Item List |
INS | Instruction |
LIS | List |
MEM | Memo |
RFW | Request for Waiver |
SCH | Schematic/layout/diagram |
SOW | Statement of work |
etc. | etc. |
nnnnn is the product structure code. It was decided at CASU that this would be the CASU VDFS work package number. Thus, documents concerning PSF fitting get a -00016- code. Consideration was given to coding in the task number as well as the work package number, but it was thought that this level of detail would lead to difficulty in classifying some documents.
00001 | Management and definition of project responsibilities |
00003 | Pipeline infrastructure and pipeline progress monitoring tools |
00004 | Set up and manage raw science archive |
00005 | Set up and manage data processing system hardware |
00006 | Run standard pipeline |
00007 | Development work for summit pipeline |
00008 | Development and testing of standard 2d processing |
00009 | Development and testing of standard catalogue products |
00010 | Setup trial and run further processing pipeline |
00011 | Photometric standards and calibration |
00012 | Further development of DQC measures at summit and Cambridge |
00013 | Co-located list driven photometry |
00014 | Stacking and mosaicing |
00015 | Continuum subtraction and basic difference imaging |
00016 | Interpolation techniques and PSF modeling |
(Work package 2 is missing for a reason)
mmmm is a unique four-digit sequential number. At CASU we have used the interpretation of unique as meaning the whole number hence VDF-TRE-IOA-00016-0002 is the second document in the VDF-TRE-IOA-00016- series.
Note that this is different to the uniqueness criterion used for the VLT project where it seems VLT-ESO-mmmm is the unique part of the document number with BBB and nnnnn being additional information. For the VISTA project documents the type and originator codes are excluded from the uniqueness criterion, thus VIS-nnnnn-mmmm is the unique part.
The numbering of these documents is not controlled by CASU.
The numbering of CASU documents related to VISTA that are not ESO deliverables
will follow the VDF-BBB-IOA-nnnnn-mmmm scheme.
Work package 2: ESO VISTA software interface deliverables and
Since the documents of CASU Work Package 2 are ESO deliverables, they are
numbered by the VISTA Project Office and follow the scheme:
Dafydd Wyn Evans (dwe @ ast.cam.ac.uk)
Last modified: Wed Apr 28 16:20:53 2004