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Results for merged dataset


Histograms very produced for the merged dataset ( i.e. all fields for which both XMM data and WFC i--band data were available) by calculating the likelihood ratios and reliabilities for each field and concatenating them.

The fields used were:

The role of reliability in exposing the few cases where the nearest object is not the most likely is again visible in Fig. gif. Over the merged sample of 607 sources, this happened for 18 sources.

Figure: Histograms of a) likelihood ratio and b) reliability (S&S) for the Lockman Hole field. Dotted line: all candidates out to 50 arcsecs. Solid line: most likely candidate for each source. Dashed line: closest candidate for each source.

In Fig. gif these cases have been highlighted. The definition of reliability provided by Sutherland & Saunders [6] provides a powerful tool for detecting instances where the positional coincidence method is insufficient.

Figure: a) likelihood ratio and b) reliability (S&S) versus separation for the merged dataset. Dots: most likely candidate. +: most likely candidate if different from closest. : closest candidate if different from most likely.

Fig. gif(a) shows that the most likely matches have a separation of around 1 arcsec. However a significant number of associations with high likelihood ratio and reliability have a separation larger than 5 arcsecs, the optimal search radius identified using offset histograms, although they all lie within 15 arcsecs.

Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:44:29 GMT 2001