Next: Fields_status.txt
Up: Images and source
Previous: Where to put
To make things simpler some of the files names are expected to follow certain
- XMM source lists may have user specified file names. If the file is an
ASCII table (.txt file) the first three lines should describe its format
(example in documentation for
It can also be an EML FITS file. The only required information is RA, Dec
and flux or counts for the `52' band.
- The names of XMM images should be of the form n**-img.fits where
`**' is `25', `52', `24', `41' or`57'. XID work can proceed in
the absence of any images.
- WFC images and unmerged source lists sould have a name of the form and
rrunno_* where `*' is `1', `2', `3' or
`4' respectively. It is assumed that if an image is present all four
coresponding source lists are and vice--cersa.
- Merged WFC source lists should have a name of the form
name_*.mer where `*' is `1', `2', `3' or `4'. It is
assumed that if one list is present all four are.
- The name of CIRSI source lists and images is user--specified.
- APMCAT source lists and DSS images should have a name of the form
apmcat-****-field.fct and
dss_stsci_****-***.fits respectively,
where `****' is `ukst' or `poss1' or `poss2' and `***' is `red'
or `blue'.
Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:53:17 GMT 2001