Images and source lists need to be placed in a specific directory structure to be accessed by the routines without the need to specify the locations of individual input files beyond the actual file names. All data used and produced during the XID work is saved on:
/data/cass101a/xmmssc/public_html/field (data directory)
for a given field. Symbolic links to the data are created from a user--specified xidops directory
(usually /home/xmmssc/public_html/xidops/field/)
and from
/home/xmmssc/public_html/xid/field/ (public directory)
for the public data. Note that the xidops directory must be within a public_html directory to be accessiblethrough URLs.
The field directory, all the necessary subdirectories to place
the input files into and the symbolic links can be created by calling the CSH
script mk_fielddir
. The first argument should be the name the
field directory will have in all three locations, the second,
if present, should be the path to the xidops directory (default
/home/xmmssc/public_html/xidops/). The script checks for all required
directories and links and creates them if they are not there.
The data files available should then be placed as described in
Table . It does not matter if only some of the data is available
as long as there is a least an XMM source list.
Table: Input directories for XID work