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The ASCII file /home/xmmssc/public_html/xidops/fields_status.txt contains information about what data is available and is used by IDL and PHP scripts to perform the XID analysis and display the results.

Whenever new data is added the file should be updated. Each line corresponds to one field. The header line and an example line are shown below. Note the header line is not exactly split up as the field lines are.

fieldname:GO;Xray Source List;list;expt.;25;52;24;41;57:Xray Image,25,52,24,41,
57:ApmCat:DSS Images,gen1,poss2 r,poss2 b:WFC Data,plots,merged,i,z,r,g,U:
CIRSI Data,list,image:Directory:RA<br>(J2000):Dec<br>(J2000):bII<br>(deg)

LOCKMAN HOLE:Y fits/,Y gh/;FITS xmmout.fits,GH gh.txt;0,0;Y,N;Y,Y;Y,Y;Y,Y;N,N:
/~xmmssc/internal/lockman-hole/:10 52 40.80 :+57 27 16.2:+53.15

The lines have been artificially cut so they fit in the page. Also there would be no blank lines between fields (although a # at the beginning of the line causes it to be ignored).

In this case almost all the information that can be available is. Fields are separated by `:' and within that by `;' then/or `,'. As a rule, `N' signifies the information is not available, 'S' that it is there but not yet ready for XID work and `Y' that it is available and processed.

Once the directories to receive the input files have been created and the files placed in them, and fields_status.txt has been updated as shown above, a subdirectory for each source list should be created, named as indicated in fields_status.txt. The XID work is then ready to begin.

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Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:53:17 GMT 2001