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Appendix 3: Typical header for an unmerged WFC FITS catalogue

This is the header for the FITS table extension for the file r219698_1_cat.fits (Lockman Hole i-band, ccd 1). Only the relevant part has been included (the rest is a repeat of Appendix 1).

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension                         
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes                                    
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table                     
NAXIS1  =                  128 / width of table in bytes                        
NAXIS2  =                 2429 / number of rows in table                        
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area                      
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)              
TFIELDS =                   32 / number of fields in each row                   
TTYPE1  = 'No.     '           / label for field   1                            
TFORM1  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TTYPE2  = 'Isophotal_flux'     / label for field   2                            
TFORM2  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT2  = 'Counts  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE3  = 'Total_flux'         / label for field   3                            
TFORM3  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT3  = 'Counts  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE4  = 'Core_flux'          / Fitted flux within 1x core radius              
TFORM4  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT4  = 'Counts  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE5  = 'X_coordinate'       / label for field   5                            
TFORM5  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT5  = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE6  = 'Y_coordinate'       / label for field   6                            
TFORM6  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT6  = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE7  = 'Gaussian_sigma'     / label for field   7                            
TFORM7  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT7  = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE8  = 'Ellipticity'        / label for field   8                            
TFORM8  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TTYPE9  = 'Position_angle'     / label for field   9                            
TFORM9  = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT9  = 'Degrees '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE10 = 'Peak_height'        / label for field  10                            
TFORM10 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT10 = 'Counts  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE11 = 'Areal_1_profile'    / label for field  11                            
TFORM11 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT11 = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE12 = 'Areal_2_profile'    / label for field  12                            
TFORM12 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT12 = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE13 = 'Areal_3_profile'    / label for field  13                            
TFORM13 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT13 = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE14 = 'Areal_4_profile'    / label for field  14                            
TFORM14 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT14 = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE15 = 'Areal_5_profile'    / label for field  15                            
TFORM15 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT15 = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE16 = 'Areal_6_profile'    / label for field  16                            
TFORM16 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT16 = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE17 = 'Areal_7_profile'    / label for field  17                            
TFORM17 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT17 = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE18 = 'Areal_8_profile'    / label for field  18                            
TFORM18 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT18 = 'Pixels  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE19 = 'Core1_flux'         / Fitted flux within 1/2x core radius            
TFORM19 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT19 = 'Counts  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE20 = 'Core2_flux'         / Fitted flux within sqrt(2)x core radius        
TFORM20 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT20 = 'Counts  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE21 = 'Core3_flux'         / Fitted flux within 2x core radius              
TFORM21 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT21 = 'Counts  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE22 = 'Core4_flux'         / Fitted flux within 2sqrt(2)x core radius       
TFORM22 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT22 = 'Counts  '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE23 = 'RA      '           / label for field  23                            
TFORM23 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT23 = 'RADIANS '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE24 = 'DEC     '           / label for field  24                            
TFORM24 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT24 = 'RADIANS '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE25 = 'Classification'     / label for field  25                            
TFORM25 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT25 = 'Flag    '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE26 = 'Statistic'          / label for field  26                            
TFORM26 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT26 = 'N-sigma '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE27 = 'Blank   '           / label for field  27                            
TFORM27 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT27 = 'Blank   '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE28 = 'Blank   '           / label for field  28                            
TFORM28 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT28 = 'Blank   '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE29 = 'Blank   '           / label for field  29                            
TFORM29 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT29 = 'Blank   '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE30 = 'Blank   '           / label for field  30                            
TFORM30 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT30 = 'Blank   '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE31 = 'Blank   '           / label for field  31                            
TFORM31 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT31 = 'Blank   '           / physical unit of field                         
TTYPE32 = 'Blank   '           / label for field  32                            
TFORM32 = '1E      '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT32 = 'Blank   '           / physical unit of field                         
EXTNAME = 'APM-BINARYTABLE'    / name of this binary table extension            
SKYLEVEL= '         4308.2'    / Median sky brightness (counts/pixel)           
SKYNOISE= '           39.1'    / Pixel noise at sky level (counts)              
THRESHOL= '           58.7'    / Isophotal analysis threshold (counts)          
MINPIX  = '              5'    / Minimum size for images (pixels)               
CROWDED = '              1'    / Crowded field analysis flag (0 none, 1 active) 
RCORE   = '           3.50'    / Core radius for default profile fit (pixels)   
SEEING  = '           3.59'    / Average FWHM (pixels)                          
ELLIPTIC= '           0.06'    / Average stellar ellipticity (1-b/a)            
CLASSIFD=                    T / Class flag: -1 stellar, 1 non-stellar, 0 noise 
SATURATE= '        71865.2'    / Average saturation level in frame              
APCORPK = '          3.224'    / Stellar aperture correction - peak height      
APCOR1  = '          1.092'    / Stellar aperture correction - core1 flux       
APCOR   = '          0.324'    / Stellar aperture correction - core flux        
APCOR2  = '          0.150'    / Stellar aperture correction - core2 flux       
APCOR3  = '          0.062'    / Stellar aperture correction - core3 flux       
APCOR4  = '          0.013'    / Stellar aperture correction - core4 flux

Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:50:01 GMT 2001