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Appendix 4: Typical .dbd file for an unmerged WFC DBase catalogue

This is the file determining the format of the database entitles=d wfci (Lockman Hole i-band). This file is automatically written according to a pre-set template when the database is created. `#maxentries' represents the maximum number of entries the database can have and is calculated from the size of the FITS table. Formats are standard IDL formats.

IDL database corresponding to an unmerged WFC source list


ra         R*8    Right Ascension (hrs)
dec        R*8    Declination (deg)
mag        R*4    Core magnitude
mag_t      R*4    Total magnitude
mag_i      R*4    Isotophal magnitude
class      I*2    Classification
ccdno      I*2    CCD number
ellip      R*4    Ellipticity
posangle   R*4    Position Angle
stat       R*4    statistic (n-sigma)
g_sig      R*4    Gaussian-sigma (pixels)
ph         I*2    Peak height (counts)

entry      I6     Entry
ra         F9.6   Right,Ascension,(hrs)
dec        F9.6   Decli-,nation,(deg)
mag        F7.4   Core,mag
mag_t      F7.4   Total,mag
mag_i      F7.4   Iso.,mag
class      I2
ccdno      I1
ellip      F8.6   Ellipti-,city
posangle   F7.3   Position,angle,(deg)
stat       F7.4   Statistic,(n-sigma)
g_sig      F10.6  Gaussian,sigma,(pixels)
ph         I5     Peak,height,(counts)

ra         sorted
dec        sort
ccdno      index
mag        index
class      index
posangle   index
ellip      index
stat       index

Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:50:01 GMT 2001