This is the file determining the format of the database entitles=d wfci (Lockman Hole i-band). This file is automatically written according to a pre-set template when the database is created. `#maxentries' represents the maximum number of entries the database can have and is calculated from the size of the FITS table. Formats are standard IDL formats.
#title IDL database corresponding to an unmerged WFC source list #maxentries 9841 #items ra R*8 Right Ascension (hrs) dec R*8 Declination (deg) mag R*4 Core magnitude mag_t R*4 Total magnitude mag_i R*4 Isotophal magnitude class I*2 Classification ccdno I*2 CCD number ellip R*4 Ellipticity posangle R*4 Position Angle stat R*4 statistic (n-sigma) g_sig R*4 Gaussian-sigma (pixels) ph I*2 Peak height (counts) #formats entry I6 Entry ra F9.6 Right,Ascension,(hrs) dec F9.6 Decli-,nation,(deg) mag F7.4 Core,mag mag_t F7.4 Total,mag mag_i F7.4 Iso.,mag class I2 ccdno I1 ellip F8.6 Ellipti-,city posangle F7.3 Position,angle,(deg) stat F7.4 Statistic,(n-sigma) g_sig F10.6 Gaussian,sigma,(pixels) ph I5 Peak,height,(counts) #index ra sorted dec sort ccdno index mag index class index posangle index ellip index stat index