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Appendix 2: DBD file for the WFC DQC database

IDL catalogue corresponding to WFC DQC summary files


runno         C*6     Run Number
fieldname     C*20    Field Name
ra            R*8     Right Ascension
dec           R*8     Declination
equinox       C*5     Equinox
am            R*4     AM
posangle      R*4     Position Angle
date          C*21    Date and Time
expt          R*4     Exposure Time
band          C*1     Filter
seeing        R*4     Seeing
sky           R*4     Sky
noise         R*4     Noise
ellip         R*4     Ellipticity
apcor         R*4     APcor

entry         I6
runno         A6      Run,Number
ra            F9.6    Right,Ascension
dec           F10.5   Decli-,nation
equinox       A5      Equi-,nox
am            F5.3    AM
posangle      F5.1    Pos.,Angle
date          A21     Date and Time
expt          F7.2    Exp.,Time
band          A1
seeing        F4.2    See-,ing
sky           F5.1    Sky
noise         F4.1    Noi-,se
ellip         F4.2    Elli,pti,city
apcor         F4.2    AP,cor

ra       sorted
dec      sort
seeing   index

Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:50:01 GMT 2001