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Differential ellipticity histograms


Similar histograms were produced for the ellipticity of the WFC objects. A typical example is shown in Fig. gif(a). As would be expected, galaxies generally have a higher ellipticity than stars, and the high ellipticity tail is classified as noise. The histograms are constistent across different fields, bands and CCDs.

Figure: Ellipticity and Position Angle histograms: (a)i--band EQ PEG field (all CCDs) ellipticity histograms, (b)i--band G 133 field (all CCDs) position angle histograms, (c)i--band, HCG 16 field (all objects, CCD 1) showing a slopped distribution, (d)i--band, HCG 16 field (all objects, CCD 2). Clear difference with (c).

Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:50:01 GMT 2001