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Storing and presenting the XID results


At first, once the matching process was performed in IDL, the same program went on to write a HTML table sorted according to a user--specified column. This was however inefficient and required the matching to be repeated each time a different sorting order was required. The output of the IDL matching program is now an ASCII table (which is also useful in that it can be put to a variety of uses). The `HTML_INDEX' page then contains a link to a PHP script which reads, sorts and displays the ASCII table (the user still specifies the sorting column), rather than a link to a choice of HTML tables sorted in various ways. There is also a direct link to the ASCII file (in fact, two ASCII files, one with whitespace separator and one with comma separators) from the `HTML_INDEX' page.

No additional time is taken downloading the main XIDOPS table as the PHP sorting sorting script is only called when required.

Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:44:14 GMT 2001