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For each field the following WWW pages exist (provided the relevant data is
- Field index page (created by MK_FIELD_INDEX.PHP). Contains links to
WFC quality control plots index and index pages for each XMM source list
- WFC quality control plots index pages (created by MK_WFC_INDEX.PHP)
with links to colour-colour plots, differential magnitude, ellipticity and
position angle histograms and spatial distribution plots
- Index page for each XMM source list (created by MK_HTML_INDEX.PHP)
with links to the XMM/WFC/CIRSI and XMM/APM matching table and a number of
plots involving XMM and other data. This includes colour-colour plots of WFC
and APM data where the objects with identifications in the X-ray bands are
highlighted, as well as likelihood ratio histograms
Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:44:14 GMT 2001