Package dics :: Module rotator :: Class angle
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Class angle
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Class for storing angles. Internally stores an angle as a float in radians and provides methods for setting and retrieving the angle in a variety of units, both via floats or various string formats.

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, value=0.0, units=False)
Standard initialiser, takes up to two arguments.
  __eq__(self, other)
  __ne__(self, other)
  __ge__(self, other)
  __gt__(self, other)
  __le__(self, other)
  __lt__(self, other)
  __add__(self, other)
  __radd__(self, other)
  __iadd__(self, other)
  __sub__(self, other)
  __rsub__(self, other)
  __isub__(self, other)
  __mul__(self, other)
  __rmul__(self, other)
  __imul__(self, other)
  __div__(self, other)
  __idiv__(self, other)
  __truediv__(self, other)
  __itruediv__(self, other)
  getAngle(self, units='r')
Returns the value of the angle as a float in the specified units, 'r' - radians, 'd' - degrees or 'h' - hours.
  setAngle(self, value=0.0, units='r')
Sets the angle.
  getString(self, units='d', ndp=3)
Returns a string representation of the angle in sexagesimal or 'time' formats.
  setString(self, angleString, units='d', startPos=1)
Sets the angle from a string representation.
Normalises the angle into the range +/-Pi.
Normalises the angle into the range 0-2Pi.

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, value=0.0, units=False)

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Standard initialiser, takes up to two arguments. The first argument (which defaults to zero) is the angle to store, the second argument (which defaults to 'r') indicates the units used, 'r' for radians, 'd' for degrees and 'h' for hours. The angle may be in any numeric type acceptable to the builtin function float(). Alternatively, if value is itself an angle object, this becomes a C++ style 'copy constructor' and units is ignored. Thirdly, value may be a string representation of an angle, in which case it will be parsed by angle.setString(). For string values only units of 'd' or 'h' are acceptable, and units will default to 'd'.

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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__ne__(self, other)

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__ge__(self, other)
(Greater-than-or-equals operator)

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__gt__(self, other)
(Greater-than operator)

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__le__(self, other)
(Less-than-or-equals operator)

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__lt__(self, other)
(Less-than operator)

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__add__(self, other)
(Addition operator)

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__radd__(self, other)
(Right-side addition operator)

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__iadd__(self, other)

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__sub__(self, other)
(Subtraction operator)

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__rsub__(self, other)

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__isub__(self, other)

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__mul__(self, other)

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__rmul__(self, other)

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__imul__(self, other)

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__div__(self, other)

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__idiv__(self, other)

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__truediv__(self, other)

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__itruediv__(self, other)

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(Representation operator)

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(Informal representation operator)

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getAngle(self, units='r')

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Returns the value of the angle as a float in the specified units, 'r' - radians, 'd' - degrees or 'h' - hours.

setAngle(self, value=0.0, units='r')

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Sets the angle. Takes up to two arguments. The first argument (which defaults to zero) is the angle to store, the second argument (which defaults to 'r') indicates the units used, 'r' for radians, 'd' for degrees and 'h' for hours. The angle may be in any form acceptable to the builtin function float(). Alternatively, if value is itself an angle object, this makes the angles equal and the units argument is ignored.

getString(self, units='d', ndp=3)

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Returns a string representation of the angle in sexagesimal or 'time' formats. The optional first parameter units can be 'd', 'h' or 't' for degrees, hours (sexagesimal) or hours (time format), default is 'd'. The optional second parameter, 'ndp', specified the number of decimal places in the seconds field, default 3.

For decimal string representations getAngle() can be used together with standard string formatting commands.

setString(self, angleString, units='d', startPos=1)

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Sets the angle from a string representation. The first argument contains a free format string representing the angle as either a decimal or sexagesimal number (or a combination of the two) and the second is a character specifying the units used ('d' for degrees, 'h' for hours). Uses slaDafin from the slalib module to parse the string. An optional third argument specifies where in the string to start parsing (in a 1 based, not zero based, count).

Returns the position in the string at which encoding finished.


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Normalises the angle into the range +/-Pi.


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Normalises the angle into the range 0-2Pi.