Craig Mackay

Reader in Image Science in the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.
Member of the Instrumentation Group, Institute of Astronomy.
Fellow, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Research interests include:
Lucky Imaging: Hubble resolution from the ground. See:
Development of high-speed CCD camera systems. See:
CCD Cameras page
CIRSI (Cambridge IR Survey Instrument, formerly
the Sackler camera) Project Manager. See:
CIRSI pages
Next generation CCD/CMOS detector systems for the
visible and infrared.
project in collaboration with the MRAO.
For a summary of my research career see:
For a publication list, Click Here.
For a detailed CV, Click Here.
Teaching Duties include: Part II Astrophysics Course
Organiser, Lecturing and Supervising.
- Dr
Craig Mackay
- Institute of Astronomy
- Madingley Road
- Cambridge CB3 0HA
- United Kingdom.
Tel: +44-(0)1223-337543
Fax: +44-(0)1223-330804
Email: cdm <at> ast.cam.ac.uk
URL http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~optics/people/cdm.htm -
Revised: 13 May 2009.