Craig  Mackay  :  Publication List: as of 13 May 2009


1.             Mackay, C.D., `Do Radio Stars Exist?'. Nature, 216, 1091 (1967).

2.             Bailey, J.A. and Mackay, C.D., `Accurate Position of a Second Pulsed Radio Source'. Nature,     218, 129 (1968).

3.             Mackay, C.D., Elsmore, B. and Bailey, J.A., `Accurate Positions of CP0950 and CP1133'. Nature,     219, 21 (1968).

4.             Mackay, C.D., `Observations of the Structure of Radio Sources in the 3C Catalogue -- II',  MN,     145, 31 (1969).

5.             Elsmore, B. and Mackay, C.D. `The Absolute Determination of Positions of 78 Compact Sources'. MN,     146, 361 (1970).

6.             Mackay, C.D. `3C386:    Radio Galaxy or Supernova Remnant?'.    Astrophys. Lett.,     5, 173 (1970).

7.             Mackay, C.D., `The Orientation of Radio Sources and Elliptical Galaxies'. MN, 151, 421 (1971).

8.             Mackay, C.D., `The Properties of Sources in a Complete Sample in the 3C Catalogue'. MN,     154, 209 (1971).

9.             Mackay, C.D., `Cosmological Evolution in Radio Galaxies'.  Nature,     233, 402 (1971).

10.         Arp, H.C., Burbidge, E.M., Mackay, C.D. and Strittmatter,P.A.,`The Optical Object Identified with 3C455' ApJ,171, L41 (1972).

11.         Mackay, C.D., `On the Velocity of Separation of the Components of Extragalactic Radio Sources'. MN,     162, 1 (1973).

12.         Mackay, C.D. and Milsom, A.S., ‘Imaging in Astronomy’. Nature, vol 239, p116,(1972).

13.         Mackay, C.D., `Electronographic Observations of the Optical Structure of Radio Galaxies'. In    `Proc. 1st European Astronomical Meeting, Vol. 3 (1974).

14.         Mackay, C.D., `The Integrating TV System Development at Cambridge'.  In `Image Processing Techniques in Astronomy', eds. C. de Jager and H. Nieuwenhuijzen, Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland (1975), p54.

15.         Mackay, Craig D.,1975, "Ring galaxies and intergalactic gas clouds", Nature, Volume 254, Issue 5497, pp. 181.

16.         Mackay, C.D. `Photometry of Galaxies with a Spectracon'.   Adv. Elect. Electron Phys.,     406, 847 (1976).

17.         Mackay, C.D., Newsletter of the Anglo-Australian Observatory, Vol. 18, p 1(1981)

18.         Mackay, C.D., Astill, D.M. Batty, R.J., Jaunchy, D.L., Wright, A.F., Hunstead, D.W., Morton, D.C. and Robertson, J.G., `Deep Photography of Radio Sources withthe Keller, H.U. et al., incl. Mackay, C.D., `A Halley Multicolour Camera'. In Scientific and Experimental aspects of the Giotto Mission, p105 (1981).

19.         Mackay, C.D.,`The British General Electric Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Development Programme'. SPIE, 290, 159 (1981).

20.         Wright, J.F. and Mackay, C.D., `The Cambridge Charge--Coupled Device (CCD) System'. SPIE,290, 160 (1981).

21.         Mackay, C.D., `Driftscan Observations with a Charge--Coupled Device (CCD)'. SPIE,     331, 146 (1982).

22.         Mackay, C.D., `Fainter than the Space Telescope from the Ground'. Observatory,     103, 232 (1983).

23.         Apt, J., Carleton, N.P. and Mackay, C.D., `Methane on Triton and Pluto: new CCD Spectra'. ApJ,     270, 342 (1983).

24.         Mackay, C.D. and Astill, D.M., `CCD Development at Cambridge, England'. SPIE,     445, 140 (1984).

25.         Kuhr, H., Leibert, J.W., Strittmatter, P.A., Schmidt, G.D. and Mackay, C.D., `S5 0014+81:    The Most Luminous Quasar'. ApJ,  275, L33 (1983).

26.         Mackay, C.D., `Status of CCD Technology for Astronomy'.  Proc. 7th Regional IAU Meeting, Florence, Invited Review 1983, 227, published 1984.

27.         Hall, P. and Mackay, C.D., `Faint Object Counts at High Galactic Latitude'. MN,     210, 979 (1984).

28.         Eccles, M.J, Mackay, C.D., et al., Low Light Level Detectors in Astronomy, Observatory, vol. 104, p202, (1984)

29.         Mackay, C.D., `CCD System Development in Cambridge'. IEEE Conference  `Photoelectronic Imaging, London 1985, Sept. 10--1

30.         Baldwin, J.E., Haniff, C., Mackay, C.D. and Warner, P.J., `High Resolution Imaging using Closure Phase'. Nature, 320, 595 (1986).

31.         Mackay, C.D., `CCDs in Astronomy'.     Ann. Rev. Ast. And Astrophys.,     24, 255, 1986.

32.         Haniff, C.A., Mackay, C.D., Titterington, D.J., Sivia, D., Baldwin, J.E., and Warner, P.J. ‘The First Images from Optical Aperture Synthesis’, Nature, 328, 694, (1987).

33.         Baldwin, J.E., Buscher, D.F., Warner, P.J., Haniff, C.A. & Mackay, C.D.1988. Optical aperture synthesis on the INT. Gemini, Newsletter of RGO, No 20, 2.

34.         Mackay, C.D. & Baldwin, J.E., 1988. The COAST Interferometer Project. In `High Resolution Imaging by Interferometry', ESO/NOAO Conference at Garching bei Munchen, March 1988, p.935. Ed. Merkle, F. ESO.

35.         Mackay, C.D., `Cooled CCD System for Bio-Medical and Other Applications'. Adv. Elect.   & Electron Physics, 74, 129, 1988.

36.         Mackay, C. D.; Baldwin, J. E., 1988, "The Coast Interferometer Project", NOAO-ESO Conference on High-Resolution Imaging by Interferometry: Ground-Based Interferometry at Visible and Infrared Wavelengths, Garching bei München, Germany, Mar. 15-18, 1988. Edited by F. Merkle, ESO Conference and Workshop Oroceedings No. 29, p.935.

37.         Rawlings, S., Saunders, R., Gales, S.A., Mackay, C.D., `The Relations between Radio and [0III] Emission-line Luminosity and FR II Radiogalaxies'. MN,1989.

38.         McLean, IS., Mackay, C.D., Electronic and Computer-Aided Astronomy - from Eyes to Electronic Sensors, Journal of BAA, vol.99, p313, 1989

39.         Rees, N., Mackay, C.D. and Disney, M. `Parallel observing - how to get unlimited observing time on a large optical telescope'. SPIE Instrumentation in Astronomy VII     1235, 459 (1990).

40.         Mackay, C. D., 1990, "Developments in solid state detectors", Modern Technology and its Influence on Astronomy. Edited by J.V. Wall and A. Boksenberg. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.265.

41.         Macchetto, F., Mackay, C.D. et al. `First results from the Faint Object Camera: Observations of PKS 0521 -- 36'. ApJ  369, L55, 1991.

42.         Paresce, F., Mackay, C. D.,et al, 1990, "First Results from the Faint Object Camera: Imaging the Core of R Aquarii", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 22, p.1275.

43.         Jakobsen, P., Mackay, C.D. et al. `First results from the Faint Object Camera: SN 1987A'. ApJ 369, L63. 1991.

44.         Macchetto, F, Mackay, C. D.,et al, 1990, "First Results from the Faint Object Camera: Observations of PKS0521-36", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 22, p.1280.

45.         Albrecht, R., Mackay, C. D.,et al., 1990, "First Results from the Faint Object Camera: High Resolution Imaging of the Pluto-Charon System", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 22, p.1279.

46.         Jakobsen, P.,Mackay, C. D.,et al., 1990, "First Results from the Faint Object Camera: Supernova 1987A", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 22, p.1275.

47.         Crane, P., Mackay, C.D. et al. `First results from the Faint Object Camera: Images of the Gravitational Lens System G2237+0305'. ApJ.,369, L59, 1991.

48.         Paresce, F., Mackay, C.D. et al. `First results from the Faint Object Camera: Imaging the core of R Aquarii'. ApJ 369, L67, 1991.

49.         Weigelt, G., Mackay, C.D. et al. `First results from the Faint Object Camera: High-resolution observations of the Central Object R136 in the 30 Doradus nebula'. ApJ 378, L21, 1991.

50.         Crane, P., Mackay, C. D., et al, 1990, "First Result from the Faint Object Camera: Images of the Gravitational Lens System G2237 + 0305", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 22, p.1280.

51.         Paresce, F., Mackay, C. D., et al., 1991, "Blue Stragglers in the Core of 47 Tucanae", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 23, p.948.

52.         Macchetto, F., Mackay, C.D. et al. `HST Observations of 3C 66B: A double-stranded optical jet'. ApJ 373, 255, 1991.

53.         Weigelt, G., Mackay, C. D.,et al, 1991, "First Results from the Faint Object Camera: High-Resolution Observations of the Central Object R136 Of the 30 Doradus Nebula in the LMC", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 23, p.828.

54.         Albrecht, R., Mackay, C.D. et al. `First results from the Faint Object Camera: High resolution imaging of the Pluto-Charon system'. ApJ 374, L65, 1991.

55.         Weigelt, G., Mackay, C. D.,et al, 1991, "Faint Object Camera Observations of R:136A in the 30-DORADUS Nebula", The First Year of HST Observations. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, May 14-16, 1991. Editors, A.L. Kinney, J.C. Blades; Publisher, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, 1991. LC # QB500.268 .F578 1991. ISBN: None. P.208, 1991.

56.         Crane, P.,Mackay, C. D., et al, 1991, "Faint Object Camera Images of the Gravitational Lens System G:2237+0305", The First Year of HST Observations. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, May 14-16, 1991. Editors, A.L. Kinney, J.C. Blades; Publisher, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, 1991. LC # QB500.268 .F578 1991. ISBN: None. P.188.

57.         Paresce, F., Mackay, C.D. et al. `Blue Stragglers in the core of the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae'. Nature, 352, 297, 1991.

58.         Crane, P., Mackay, C.D. et al. `FOC Images of the Gravitational Lens System G2237+0305',  Proc. Workshop on First Year of HST Observations, p188, 1991.

59.         Weigelt, G., Mackay, C.D. `FOC Observations of R136a in the 30 Doradus Nebula', Proc. Workshop on First Year of HST Observations, p208, 1991.

60.         Elson, R.A.W., Schade, D.J., Thomson, R.C. and Mackay, C.D. `The Massive Stars in the Core of 30 Doradus,     Mem. d Soc. Astr. Italiana, Feb. 1992.

61.         Thomson, R.C., Schade, D.J., Elson, R.A.W., Mackay, C.D. and Wilkins, T.N. `Deconvolution and Photometry of Faint Object Camera Images -- I: Point Sources',     MNRAS, vol 259, p104, 1992.

62.         Elson, R.A.W., Schade, D.J., Thomson, R.C. and Mackay, C.D. `The Massive Stars in the R136 Region of 30 Doradus', 1992, MNRAS, vol 258, p103.

63.         King, I.R., Mackay, C.D. et al. `Preliminary Analysis of an Ultraviolet HST FOC Image of M31', Astrophys. J., 397 , L35, 1992.

64.         Deharveng, J.M., Mackay, C.D. et al., `The Stellar Content of the Blue Dwarf Galaxy IZw36', 1992.

65.         Thomson, R. C.; Mackay, C. D., 1992, "Descanning FOC Images", Science with the Hubble Space Telescope, Proceedings of a ST-ECF/STScI Workshop held in Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy 29 June - 7 July 1992. ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings, No. 44. Edited by Piero Benvenuti and Ethan J. Schreier. Garching near Munich: European Southern Observatory, 1992., p.265.

66.         Blades, J.C., Mackay, C.D., et al. `Imaging of Four Planetary Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds using the HST Faint Object Camera, 1992, Astrophys. J., 398, L41, 1992.

67.         Boksenberg, A., Mackay, C.D., et al. `Faint Object Camera Observations of M87: the Jet and Nucleus' 1992, Astron and Astrophys, 261, 393.

68.         Paresce, F., Mackay, C.D., et al. `Near UV Imaging of Jupiter's Satellite  Io with HST' 1992,     Astron and Astrophys.

69.         Burgarella, D., Mackay, C.D. et al. `HST observations of the core of the globular cluster NGC6397', 1994, Astron and Astrophys  287, 769-781, 1994,

70.         Thomson, R.C. and Mackay C.D. 1992 `Descanning FOC Images'. In Science with the Hubble Space Telescope, Chaia Laguna, Sardinia.

71.         Crane, P., Mackay, C.D. et al. `Discovery of an Optical Synchrotron Jet in 3C264', Ap. J. Lett.,   402, L37-L40, 1993.

72.         Deharveng, J.M., Mackay, C.D. et al.     `Massive Star Content of the Blue Dwarf Galaxy IZw36'from Faint Object Camera Observations,     Astron.& Astrophys. 288, 413-424, 1994.

73.         Thomson, R.C., Mackay, C.D. and Wright, A.E. `Polarisation Mapping of the Optical Jet in 3C273'     Nature, 1993, vol 365, p133.

74.         King, I.R., Mackay, C.D., et al. `Detection of an Ultraviolet and Visible Counterpart to the NGC6624 X-ray Burster', 1993, Ap. J., vol 413, L117

75.         Crane, P., Mackay, C.D., et al. `High Resolution Imaging of Galaxy Cores', Astron. J.,106,1371,1993.

76.         Barbieri, C., Mackay, C.D., et al. `Compact subarcsec structures of the double nucleus of NGC6240 revealed with HST',1993,Astron & Astrophys. Vol 273,p1.

77.         Jacobsen, P., Mackay, C.D., et al. `Faint Object Camera Far-UV Objective Prism Observations of 12 z > 3 Quasars',     Ap. J., 1993     417, 528.

78.         Boksenberg, A., Mackay, C.D., et al. `Faint Object Camera Imaging and Spectroscopy of NGC 4151', Ap. J., 1995,     440, 151.

79.         Baldwin, J.E., Mackay, C.D., et al. `Design and Performance of COAST', Proc. SPIE,   2200, p118-128, 1994.

80.         Baldwin, J.E., Mackay, C.D., et al. `COAST: its current status, operation and results', Proc. SPIE, p112-117,  2200  1994.

81.         Mackay, C.D. et al. `Avalanche Photodiodes and Area CCDs for Fast Guiding and Wavefront Sensing Applications', Proc. SPIE, 2201, 613, 1994.

82.         Rogers, J., Wilson, D.M.A., and Mackay, C.D., `Diffraction limited Imaging on Large Telescopes', Proc. SPIE, vol 2200, p541,1994.

83.         Mackay, C.D., Baldwin, J.E., Rogers, J. & Cox, G.C. Avalanche photodiodes and area CCD's for fast guiding and wavefront sensing applications. In proc. SPIE Vol. 2201 Amplitude & Intensity Spatial Interferometry II, 15-16 March 1994, p. 613.

84.         Rogers, J., Wilson, D.M.A. & Mackay, C.D. Diffraction limited imaging on large telescopes. In proc. SPIE Vol. 2200 Amplitude & Intensity Spatial Interferometry II, 15-16 March 1994, p. 541.

85.         Thomson, R.C., Mackay, C.D. et al., `Polarization map of the ultraviolet emission from the outer jet in M87 and a comparison with the 2 cm radio emission', 1995, MN       275, 931.

86.         Thomson, R.C., Mackay, C.D. et al. `Optical Structure of the Western Hot Spot of  Pictor A', 1995, Ap. J., 446, L93.

87.         Weigelt, G., Mackay, C D, et al., 1995, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Serie de Conferencias, Vol. 2, "The Eta Carinae Region: A laboratory of Stellar Evolution", La Plata Argentina, Nov 22-26, 1993, p. 11

88.         Disney, M.J., Mackay, C.D. et al., "Interacting Elliptical Galaxies as Hosts of Intermediate Redshift Quasars, 1995, Nature, vol 376, p150.

89.         Piche, F. P., Mackay, C.D. et al.,  ‘COHSI: The Cambridge OH Suppression Instrument’, in ‘Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow’, SPIE, 1996.

90.         Mackay, C. D., ‘Fast CCD Controllers Optimise Telescope Images’, Laser Focus World, May, 1996, p.S5-S12.

91.         Baldwin, J.E., Beckett, M.G., Boysen, R.C., Burns, D., Buscher, D.F., Cox, G.C., Haniff, C.A., Mackay, C.D., Nightingale, N.S., Rogers, J., Scheuer, P.A.G., Scott, T.R., Tuthill, P.G., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Wilson, R.W., 1996, The first images from an optical aperture synthesis array: mapping of Capella with COAST at two epochs, Astron. Astrophys., 306, L13-L16.

92.         Mackay CD, Parry, IR, Piche, F, Ennico, KA, 1996, "Imaging Spectroscopy for Infra-Red Astronomy", in “Recent Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging”, ed M Bonner Denton, Roy Soc Chemistry(pubs).

93.         Piche, F, Parry IR, Ennico, KA, Ellis, RS, Pritchard, JM, Mackay, CD, McMahon, RG, 1997, 'COHSI: The Cambridge OH Suppression Instrument", Proc of SPIE vol 2871,1332-1341.

94.         Beckett, MG, Mackay, CD, McMahon, RG, Parry, IR, Piche, F, Ellis, RS, 1997,"CIRSI: The Cambridge Infra-Red Survey Instrument", Proc. of  SPIE vol. 2871, 1152-1159.

95.         Mackay, CD, 1996, “High Speed, Wide Dynamic Range CCD systems for Applications in Astronomy”, ESO Workshop on Optical Detectors for Astronomy, eds: ESO, J. W. Beletic, P Amico, pebs: Kluwer Academic Publishers, October, 1996, p139

96.         Mackay, C.; Hawkes, R., 1996, "Fundamental astronomy - from observation to understanding", The Observatory, vol. 116, no. 1135, p. 419.

97.         Mackay, C. D., (1996), “Low Noise Imaging at Kilo-Hertz Frame Rates”,  in “Recent Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging”, in "Recent Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging"", ed M Bonner Denton, (Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN-0-85404-7860-7), p95.

98.         Boyce, P. J.,  Mackay, C. al., 1996, "The Host Galaxies of IRAS-selected Quasi-stellar Objects", Astrophysical Journal v.473, p.760.

99.         Mackay, C. D., (1996), “Imaging and Spectroscopy for Infra-Red Astronomy”,"Recent Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging"", ed M Bonner Denton, (Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN-0-85404-7860-7), p90.

100.     Boyce, P J., Mackay, C.D., et al., 1996, "Faint Object Camera observations of complex nuclear structure in PKS 2158-380", A&A, vol 305, p715.

101.     Boyce, P. J., Mackay, C. al., 1996,"The Host Galaxies of IRAS Selected QSOs", Science with the Hubble Space Telescope - II. Proceedings of a workshop held in Paris, France, December 4-8, 1995. Edited by Piero Benvenuti, F.D. Macchetto, and Ethan J. Schreier. Baltimore, MD: Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), 1996., p.89.

102.     Burns, D., Baldwin, J. E., Warner, P. J., Boysen, R. C., Lawson, P. R.,Mackay, C. D., Rogers, J., Haniff, C. A., Wilson, D. M. A., Scott, T. R., and Young, J. S. (1997). Astronomical results from COAST. In Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow, vol. 2871, 533-539.

103.     Warner, P.J., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Burns, D., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., Scott, T.R., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S., (1997) Developments at COAST. Symp. on Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow - Following in the Direction of Tycho Brahe, A. Ardeberg, SPIE, 2871 488.

104.     Boyce, P J., Mackay, C.D., et al.,1997," HST Planetary Camera Images of Quasar Host Galaxies", Quasar hosts, edited by David L. Clements, Ismael Perez-Fournon. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c1997 Proceedings of the ESO-IAC Conference held on Tenerife, Spain, p. 76.

105.     Ennico, K E., Mackay, C. D., et al., 1997, " Cambridge OH suppression instrument (COHSI): status after first commissioning run", SPIE Vol. 3354, p. 668-674.

106.     Boyce, P. J.,  Mackay, C. D.,et al.,  1997, "HST Planetary Camera Images of Quasar Host Galaxies", Quasar hosts, edited by David L. Clements, Ismael Perez-Fournon. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c1997 Proceedings of the ESO-IAC Conference held on Tenerife, Spain, p. 76.

107.     Burns, D., Baldwin, J.E., Warner, P.J., Boysen, R.C., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., Haniff, C.A., Wilson, D.M.A., Scott, T.R., Young, J.S., (1997) Astronomical results from COAST. Symp. on Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow - Following in the Direction of Tycho Brahe, A. Ardeberg, SPIE, 2871 533.

108.     M.G. Beckett, C.D. Mackay, R.G. McMahon, I.R. Parry, F. Piche and R.S. Ellis, (1997) CIRSI: The Cambridge Infra Red Survey Instrument (May 1996). "Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow", Arne L. Ardeberg; Ed.

109.     M.G. Beckett, C.D. Mackay, R.G. McMahon, I.R. Parry, R.S. Ellis, S.J. Chan, M. Hoenig (1998) CIRSI: Progress with the Cambridge Infra Red Survey Instrument (SPIE, vol. 3354, p431-435,1998)

110.     C.D. Mackay,, M.G. Beckett, R.G. McMahon, I.R. Parry, F. Piche, K.A. Kennico, M. Kenworthy, R.S. Ellis, A. Aragon-Salamanca (1998) Infra-Red Imaging and Spectroscopy with HAWAII and PICNIC arrays (SPIE, vol. 3354, p14-23,1998)

111.     Burns, D, Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D.,, Rogers, J., Scott, T.R., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D,M.A., Young, J.S., (1997). The Surface Structure and Limb Darkening Profile of Betelgeuse. MNRAS, 290, L11.

112.     St-Jacques, D., Cox, G.C., Baldwin, J.E., Mackay, C.D., Waldram, E.M., Wilson, R.W., (1997). The Jose Atmospheric Seeing Monitor at the William Herschel Telescope. MNRAS, 290, 66-74.

113.     Burns, D., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., Scott, T.R., St-Jacques, D., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S., (1998). Large Amplitude periodic variations in the Angular Diameter of R Leonis. MNRAS, 297, 462.

114.     Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., St. Jacques, D., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S., (1998). Current status of COAST. SPIE Conference on Astronomical Interferometry, R.D. Reasenberg, SPIE, 3350 736.

115.     Young, J.S., Baldwin, J.E., Beckett, M.G., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., St. Jacques, D., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., (1998). COAST in the near-infrared: solutions for infrared interferometry. SPIE Conference on Astronomical Interferometry, R.D. Reasenberg, SPIE, 3350 746.

116.     Haniff, C.A., Mackay, C.D., 1998, " Latest Results from the Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope", ASP Conf. Ser. 154, The Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Edited by R. A. Donahue and J. A. Bookbinder, p.1985.

117.     Groot, P. J., Mackay, C.D., et al., 1998, " Optical Follow-Up of GRB970508", Gamma-Ray Bursts : 4th Huntsville Symposium, Huntsville, AL September 1997. Edited by Charles A. Meegan, Robert D. Preece, and Thomas M. Moshut. Woodbury, New York : American Institute of Physics, 1998. (AIP conference proceedings ; 428), p.499

118.     Mackay, C.D., 1998, " High Speed, Wide Dynamic Range CCD Systems for    Applications in Astronomy", Optical Detectors for Astronomy : Proceedings of an ESO CCD workshop held in Garching, Germany, October 8-10, 1996. Edited by James W. Beletic and Paola Amico. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Mass., 1998 (Astrophysics and space science library ; v. 228), p.139

119.     Boyce, P. J., Mackay, C.D., et al., 1998, " HST Planetary Camera images of quasar host galaxies", MNRAS, vol 298, 121.

120.     Lawson, P.R., Baldwin, J.E., Warner, P.J., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Rogers, J., St. Jacques, D., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S., Mackay, C.D., (1998), Multi-wavelength fringe measurement with a CCD spectrometer at COAST. SPIE Conference on Astronomical Interferometry, R.D. Reasenberg, SPIE, 3350, 753.

121.     Mackay CD, (1999), "High Speed Array Detectors with Sub-Electron Read      Noise", in “Recent Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging”, in "Further Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging"", ed M Bonner Denton, (Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN-0-85404-784-0).

122.     Chan, S. J., Mackay C.D., et al., 1999, " CIRSI Data Reduction System -- CIRDR", Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 172. Ed. David M. Mehringer, Raymond L. Plante, and Douglas A. Roberts. ISBN: 1-886733-94-5 (1999), p. 502.

123.     Marzke, R., Mackay, C.D., 1999, " The Las Campanas Infrared Survey", Photometric Redshifts and the Detection of High Redshift Galaxies, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 191, Edited by Ray Weymann, Lisa Storrie-Lombardi, Marcin Sawicki, and Robert Brunner. ISBN: 1-58381-017-X (1999), p.148

124.     Parry, I.R., Mackay, C. D., 1999, " CIRPASS: A Near-IR Integral Field Spectrograph", Imaging the Universe in Three Dimensions. Proceedings from ASP Conference Vol. 195. Edited by W. van Breugel and J. Bland-Hawthorn. ISBN: 1-58381-022-6 (2000), p.191

125.     Young, J. S., Mackay, C.D., 2000, "New views of Betelgeuse: multi-wavelength surface imaging and implications for models of hotspot generation", MNRAS, vol 315, 635.

126.     Parry I, Mackay, C.D., et al., (1999) "CIRPASS-a NIR Integral Field Spectrograph", ASP conference Series "Imaging the Universe in Three Dimensions: Astrophysics with Advanced Multi-Wavelength Imaging Devices", eds W van Breugel & J Bland-Hawthorn.

127.     Gray M.E., Ellis R.S., Refregier A.R., Bezecourt J., McMahon R.G., Beckett M.G., Mackay C.D., Hoenig M. "Infrared observations of gravitational lensing in Abell 2219 with CIRSI", (2000) MNRAS, vol 318, pp. 573-583.

128.     Ian Parry, Craig Mackay, Richard McMahon, Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca, Andrew Dean, A. N. Ramaprakash, Jim Pritchard, Dave King, Rachel Johnson, Richard Ellis, Steve Medlen, Chris Sabbey, (2000), "CIRPASS - A NIR integral field and multi-object spectrograph", Proc SPIE vol. 4008, 1193-1202.

129.     Mackay, C.D., et al., (2000), CIRSI: the Cambridge infrared survey instrument for wide-field astronomy, Proc SPIE vol. 4008, 1317-1324.

130.     John S. Young, Mackay C.D., et al., (2000), Recent Astronomical Results from COAST, Proc SPIE vol. 4006, p472

131.     Haniff, Christopher A., Mackay, Craig al, 2000, "COAST: the current status", Proc. SPIE Vol. 4006, p. 627-633.

132.     Amanda V. George, C.D. Mackay, et al., (2000), Performance of New Fringe-detecting APDs at COAST, Proc SPIE vol. 4006, p556

133.     Baldwin, J.E, Tubbs, R.N., Mackay, C.D., et al, (2001), Diffraction-limited 800nm imaging with the 2.56m Nordic Optical Telescope, Ast & Astrophys, vol. 368, L1-4.

134.     Mackay, C D, et al., (2001),  "Sub-Electron Read Noise at MHz Pixel Rates", SPIE Vol 4603A, San Jose, January 2001,p289-298.

135.     Firth, A. E., Mackay, C.D., et al., (2002), The Las Campanas IR Survey II.Photometric redshifts, comparison with models and clustering evolution, MNRAS, vol 332,p617-646.

136.     McCarthy, P. J., Mackay, C.D., et al (2001). The Las Campanas IR Survey I: Early progenitors beyond redshift one. Astrophysical J. vol 560, 131-134

137.     Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mackay, C D, et al., (2001), The Las Campanas Infrared Survey. III. The H-band Imaging Survey and the Near-Infrared and Optical Photometric Catalogs, Astrophysical J. ., vol 570, 54-74.

138.     Young, J. S., Mackay, C.D., et al., (2000), "New views of Betelgeuse: multi-wavelength surface imaging and implications for models of hotspot generation", MNRAS, vol 315, p635-645.

139.     Sharp, R.G., Mackay, C.D., et al., (2002), "The CIRSI-INT Survey", ING Newsletter, March 2002, , vol 6, 16-18.

140.     Tubbs, R. N, Mackay, C. D., et al., (2002), "Diffraction Limited CCD Imaging with faint reference stars", Ast & Astrophys, vol. 387, L21-24.

141.     Patrick F. Roche, Mackay, C. D., et al., (2003)," UFTI : The 0.8-2.5mm Fast Track Imager for the UK Infrared Telescope, SPIE vol 4841,901.

142.     Haniff, C. H., Mackay, C.D., et al., (2002), “Progress at COAST, 2000-2002”, SPIE 4838, Hawaii, August 2002.

143.     Pearson, D., Mackay, C.D., and Haniff, C.H., (2002), “Observations with a channelled spectrometer at COAST”, SPIE 4838, Hawaii, August 2002

144.     Basden, A. G, Mackay, C.D., et al., (2002), “Low Read-Out Noise CCDs in Optical Interferometry”, SPIE 4838, Hawaii, August 2002.

145.     Mackay, C. D., Tubbs, R. N., Baldwin, J.E., (2002), “Noise-Free Detectors in the Visible and Infrared: Implications for the Design of Next Generation AO Systems and Large Telescopes, SPIE 4840, p 436, Hawaii, August 2002.

146.     Tubbs. R.N., Mackay. C.D., Baldwin, J. E., (2002), “Passive AO at visible wavelengths”, SPIE 4839, Hawaii, August 2002.

147.     A.G. Basden, C. A. Haniff, and C. D. Mackay.(2002) “L3CCDs: fast photon counting for optical interferometry” In Proc. Scientific Detectors Workshop, ASSL Library Series. 16-23 June 2002, Hawaii, Kluwer, 2002.

148.     A.G. Basden, R. N. Tubbs, and C. D. Mackay, (2002) “L3CCDs: low readout noise CCDs in astronomy”, In Proc. Scientific Detectors Workshop, ASSL Library Series. 16-23 June 2002, Hawaii, Kluwer, 2002.

149.     A.G. Basden, C. A. Haniff and C. D. Mackay (2003) “Photon Counting Strategies with low light level CCDs”, Mon. Not R. astro. Soc, vol. 345, 985-991.

150.     A.G. Basden, C. A. Haniff, C. D. Mackay, M. Bridgeland, D. M. A. Wilson, J. S. Young, and D. F. Buscher. A new photon counting spectrometer for the COAST. In W. Traub, J. D. Monnier, and M. Schöller, editors, New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, SPIE vol, 5491, p677 .

151.     C.Haniff, J. E. Baldwin, A. G. Basden, N. A. Bharmal, R. C. Boysen, D. F. Buscher, J. Keen, C. D. Mackay, B. O'Donovan, E. B. Seneta, H. Thorsteinsson, N. Thureau, R. N. Tubbs, P. J. Warner, D. M. A. Wilson, and J. S. Young. COAST: recent technology and developments. In W. Traub, J. D. Monnier, and M. Schöller, editors, New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, volume 5491 of Proc. SPIE. 21-25 June 2004, p511.

152.     C.D. Mackay, J. Baldwin, N. Law, P. Warner (2004) “High resolution imaging in the visible from the ground without adaptive optics: new techniques and results”, SPIE vol 5492, 128, Glasgow, June 2004.

153.     C.D. Mackay, A. Basden, M. Bridgeland (2004),”Astronomical imaging with L3CCDs: detector performance and high-speed controller design”, SPIE 5499 Glasgow, June 2004, 203-209.

154.     Ian Parry, Craig Mackay, et al. (2004) “CIRPASS: description, performance and scientific results”, SPIE vol 5492, 1192.

155.     C. D. Mackay (2005), “Near Diffraction Limited Visible Imaging on 10m class Telescopes with EMCCDs”, Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, ed Beletic et al., pub. Springer, p 93-99, June 2005.

156.     N.M. Law, S. T. Hodgkin, C. D. Mackay, J. E. Baldwin, (2005), “10 New Very Low Mass Binaries Resolved in the Visible”, Astron. Nachr. vol. 326, No. 10, 1024–1025.

157.     C.D. Mackay (2005) “Near Diffraction-Limited Visible Imaging on 10-30 m Class Telescopes with EMCCDs”, Proceedings of Conference on Instrumentation for ELTs, Ringberg .

158.     N.M.Law, S.T. Hodgkin, C.D. Mackay (2006) “Discovery of Five Very Low Mass Close Binaries, Resolved in the Visible with Lucky Imaging”, Mon. Not. R astr Soc, Vol. 368, pp. 1917-1924.

159.     N. M. Law, C. D. Mackay and J. E. Baldwin  (2006) “Lucky imaging: high angular resolution imaging in the visible from the ground” Astron & Astrophys, vol. 446, 739-745.

160.     C. Haniff, C. D. Mackay et al (2006) “Activities in the COAST group: 2004-2006”, SPIE 6268, Orlando 2006, p5.

161.     Law, Nicholas M.; Mackay, C. D.; Ireland, M.; Moore, A.; Dekany, R. G., 2007, "Getting Lucky With Adaptive Optics: Diffraction-limited-resolution In The Visible On a 5m-class Telescope", Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 39, p.873

162.     Scardia, Marco, Mackay, Craig, et al., 2007, "The Orbit of the Visual Binary ADS 8630", Proceedings of IAU Symposium #240, held 22-25 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. Edited by W.I. Hartkopf, E.F. Guinan and P. Harmanec. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007., p.558-566

163.     M. Scardia, R. W. Argyle, J.-L. Prieur, L. Pansecchi, S. Basso, N. M. Law, C. D. Mackay,(2007) “The orbit of the visual binary ADS 8630 (γ Vir)”, Astronomische Nachrichten,Vol. 328, Pages: 146-153

164.     N.M. Law, S.T. Hodgkin and C.D. Mackay, “The LuckyCam Survey for Very Low Mass Binaries II:13 new M4.5-M6.0 Binaries”, (2008), MNRAS, vol 384, p150-160.

165.     Baldwin, J.E, Warner, P.J., and Mackay, C.D., “The Point Spread Function in Lucky Imaging and Variations in Seeing on Short Timescales”, (2008), Astron & Astrophys,  vol. 480,  p589-597,2008.

166.     N.M. Law, C.D. Mackay, R.G. Dekany, M. Ireland, J. P. Lloyd, A. M. Moore, J.G. Robertson, P. Tuthill, H. Woodruff, "Getting Lucky with Adaptive Optics: Fast AO Image Selection the Visible with a Large Telescope", ApJ 692 No 1 (2009 February 10) 924-930

167.     Craig Mackay, Nick Law and Timothy D Stayley, "Diffraction Limited Imaging in the Visible from Large Ground-Based Telescopes: New Methods for Future Instruments and Telescopes", (2008), SPIE 7014, Marseille June 2008.

168.     N.M. Law, R. G. Dekany, C.D. Mackay, A.M. Moore, M.C. Britton and V.Velur, "Getting lucky with adaptive optics: diffraction-limited resolution in the visible with current AO systems on large and small telescopes", (2008), SPIE 7014, Marseille June 2008.

169.     H. C. Woodruff, P. G. Tuthill, G. Robertson, M. J. Ireland, N. M. Law, C. D. Mackay,“Lucky adaptive optics, aperture masking and polarimetry project”, (2008), SPIE 7013 Marseille June 2008.

170.     S. Gladysz, J. Christou, N. M. Law, R. G. Dekany, M.R. Redfern, C. D.Mackay, “Lucky imaging and speckle discrimination for the detection of faint companions with adaptive optics”, (2008), SPIE 7015 Marseille June 2008.

171.     N. M. Law, R. G. Dekany, C. D. Mackay, A. M. Moore, M. C. Britton, V. Velur, “Getting lucky with adaptive optics: diffraction-limited resolution in the visible with current AO systems on large and small telescopes“,(2008), SPIE 7015 Marseille June 2008.

172.   J.S.Lawrence, C. Mackay, et al, “The Science Case for PILOT I: Summary and Overview”, (2008) Pub Ast soc Aust.

173.   C. Mackay, “High Resolution Imaging on the VLT”, (2009) Astrophs & Space Science Proc: Science with the VLT in the ELT era, p449-453.

Other Research Papers, not in Astronomy:


1.             Mackay, C D, (1987) "The Application of Cooled CCD Imaging Systems to Automated 2-D gel Electrophoresis, in "Electrophoresis '86", ed M J Dunn, ((VCH Publishers).

2.             Mackay, C D, (1988) "Fast Optical Imaging Techniques", Graz, Austria.

3.             Mackay, C D, (1988), "Cooled CCD Systems for Biomedical and Other Applications, in Adv. Electronics and Electron Physics, vol 74, p129.

4.             Jackson, P., Mackay, C D, Urwin, V E., (1988) "Rapid Imaging, using a cooled charge-coupled-device of fluorescent two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels produced by labelling proteins in the first-dimensional isoelectric focussing gel with the fluorophore 2-methoxy-2,4-diphenyl-3(2H) furanone", Electrophoresis, vol 9, 330-339.

5.             Mackay, C D., (1992) "Cooled CCDs in Lab Spectroscopy: The System of Choice", Photonic Spectra, Feb 1992, p. 113.

6.             Mackay, C D., (1998) "New Developments in Three-Dimensional Imaging with Optical Microscopes", in "Further Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging"", ed M Bonner Denton, (Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN-0-85404-784-0)

7.             Mackay, C D., (1999) "High-Speed Digital CCD Cameras-Principles and Applications", in "Fluorescent and Luminescent Probes", 2nd Edition, (Academic Press), p 517-524, (ISBN-0-12-447836-0).