Provisional strategy of the observing plan for XID INT/WFC 2002 DEC run W. Yuan General: the emphasis is on completing fields properly and doing a full (i r g ?) set of filters for new fields. Folllowing are a proposed general guildline of selecting fields for observations in deceasing priotities. A) Normal case (good observing condition, eg., weather, seeing ) If the seeing is OK for observing (say, <2.0), 1. Fields need data in just one extra band to complete [i,r,g]-band sets Priority: higher priority giving to fields with no data at all than bad-seeing ones 2. Fields with bad photometry in i, r, g bands Priority: in the order of bad zero-point error (worst highest priority) At first we aim at repeating ZPTERR>0.1 fields and may go down to small values if have time (upto 0.05, perhaps). 3. Fields with bad seeing in [r i g] bands Priority: [seeing >2.0] - high; [seeing >1.6] - low 4. Fields need data in just one extra band to complete all 5-band sets Priority: same priority policy as in 1. 5. Fields with bad photometry in bands U,z Priority: in the order of bad zero-point error (worst highest priority) At first we aim at repeating ZPTERR>0.1 fields and may go down to small values if have time (upto 0.05, perhaps). 6. New fields Priority: as given at selection (1) Note that the lists I put on the web are not exclusive. Once observed, a field will be removed from other lists and the actual total number of fields is thus less the sum of the fields in all the list. (2) Note for the first several nights: Considering the effect on the Moon in the later part of the night , We will mainly do i-band and/or z-band, depending on the sky brightness Detailed switching criterion to be decided. The least priority fields pools are fields without i-band data and fields without z-band data (3) For repeating fields with poor seeing, only do this when the seeing is much better than the ones in existing data at observation, of course. B) In case of bad seeing (>2.0) 1. New XMM fields (low priority ones) 2. Existing fields without data in one particular band Priority: i r g z U 3. What else?