u 22.5 B(KP) 24.5 g' 24.9 r' 24.5 i' 23.8 z' 22.3
600sec u - B 600 g' 700 r' 1500 i' 2500 z' 2500
CAVEAT: Since the sky is quite dark in U and B, you may not get enough data during the night to flat field your data. Also the standard WFS mode is to observe a field in all 5 filters as a single observing sequence. This means that you may only have time to observe 6-8 independent fields. One can make the flat from multiple nights but if the weather is band you could end up with data that you cannot flat field. CASU has a library of flat fields but there is no guarantee that they will be good enough.
Aim for 20,000 counts per image
Try to take 5 flats per band. Note you can probably not get more that 10 flats at either dawn or twilight so we accumulate flats over a series of nights
Below is the actual procedure used at the INT:
SYS> guide on pixel 1032 512 - to start the autoguiderNote the guider must be on so that the smartflat command can measure the sky background in real-time. This command works out the optimal expsoure time on-the-fly using the auto-guider CCD to measure the sky background
Goto a blank field. Some fields are listed below:
wfcblank1 15 02 00 +29 55 00 J2000.0 wfcblank2 22 58 00 +00 05 00 J2000.0 wfcblank3 02 58 00 -00 06 00 J2000.0WARNING: Beware of the standard INT TCS BLANK fields since these are from from Christian et al., 1985, PASP 97, 363. They have been chosen for smaller CCDs. We really need to to check out some 40'x40' fields on POSS and UKST plates at dec=0 and +30 and -30 to define a definitive list for last mosiacs.
MAKE SURE YOU MOVE THE TELESCOPE AFTER EACH EXPOSURE SO THAT ANY BRIGHT STARS GET DITHERED OUTWhen taking twilight sky flats the omptimum strategy is to offset in both RA and Dec so that the shift is diagonal. This minimises effects caused by bright star leakage along columns. ieDSS resources for field checking
SYS> smartflat & A dialog box will pop up and tell the observer the needed exposure time. Exposures are taken by simply clicking the `take this flat' button. Remember to OPEN THE SHUTTER! Once all twilight flats are done, type SYS> guide off
offset arc 30.0 30.0 offset arc 60.0 60.0 offset arc 90.0 90.0 etcNote: the offsets are absolute. [However, I suggest you check this]
However, get onto you standard stars and focus star as soon as possible each night which means that you will probably concentrate on getting twilight flats during dawn.
The time of the start of the first science observation is recorded on the WFS WWW page and can be compared with the time of twilight. [ie big sister/brother is watching you]
The recommended Landolt fields are these ones
A minimim of two standards star observations should be carried out during the night. As a minimum observe the filters that you are observing in during the night. However during twilight observe more if time permits.
A minimum exposure time of 10seconds should be used.
In U use exposure times of 60seconds are recommended.