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Main XIDOPS table


For the fields for which XID source lists are available, a table containing information about the location of the data files and links to available matching tables and plots is created:

Data that is processed is represented by a green ball, absent data by a red one and data that has been taken but not processed by an orange one. By pointing the mouse on a ball, one can view the location of the corresponding file.

The table contains the following fields:

Lockman Hole data is not included in this table, as it is part of a separate project. Neither are any fields for which no XMM data has been collected yet. A separate table containing the same information for the Lockman Hole field is available here: lockman-hole.php

A separate, publicly accessible table has been created at the following location:

Every field is shown in this table, including the Lockman Hole, but no X-ray information is shown ( i.e. all the fields in the list above relating to XMM images or source lists have been removed). When available, a link to WFC data quality control plots is provided.

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Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:44:14 GMT 2001