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These are found in:
- wfc_quality_control.html: index page generated by PHP.
- colplots: contains colour-colour or colour-magnitude plots of
all WFC objects overlaid with synthetic star and QSO data.
- diffmag: contains differential and cumulative histograms of WFC
magnitudes for each available band.
- dotplots: contains plots of spatial distribution of WFC objects
on the image, overlaid with the CCD boundaries.
- ellip: contains differential and cumulative histograms of
ellipticities for each available band.
- posangle: contains differential and cumulative histograms of
position angles for each available band.
- stat: contains plots of `statistic' (as found in the WFC input
FITS files) versus core magnitude for each available band.
Richard McMahon
Tue Feb 27 19:44:14 GMT 2001