Next: Checking the FITS conversionLimitations
Up: FITs format version of
Previous: Datafiles that are needed
The software needed to the conversion is in:
- 1.
- Edit the file apmcatrc to define various environment variables
- 2.
- source apmcatrc
- 3.
- Edit the script cmer2fits_ssc.csh to process all files
or just a single field file eg 1393
- 4.
- source cmer2fits_ssc.csh
If you want to modify the FITS format output format there are two
ways of doing it:
- 1.
- edit the subroutine apm_wrfits_record_longform in cmer2fits
- 2.
- write a FITs to FITs conversion program and add this to
the processing in cmer2fits_batch.csh
Richard McMahon