NAME: write_asc_xmm PURPOSE: makes a gaia-readable ascii catalogue for overplotting source list onto image. Positions stored as ra, dec, hexadecimal format CALLING SEQUENCE: write_asc_xmm,xmmdb,outfile[,colour=colour] INPUTS: xmmdb: name of xmm database containing positions OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: colour: colour to over plto with (default is green) OUTPUTS: outfile: an ascii file containing the table to be loaded in gaia EXAMPLE: write_asc_xmm,'dbase/xmm','xmmssc/',colour='green' DEPENDENCIES: xmmdb must contain ra and dec fiedls RESTRICTIONS: UNTESTED CALLED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS: astrolib functions MODIFICATION HISTORY: 24-Nov-2000 Original by Suzanne AIgrain
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/gaia/