; NAME: ; wfcdqc_histos ; PURPOSE: ; Plots cumulative and differential histograms of 'quantity' from a DQC ; summary db band by band and all bands together ; if quantity is sky or noise converts to mags/sq.as before plotting ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; wfcdqc_histos,db,quantity,[,ps=ps,gif=gif,one_per_page=one_per_page] ; INPUTS: ; db: summary database ; quantity: what to plot. set to either 'seeing', 'am', 'posangle', ; 'expt', 'ellip', 'sky' or 'noise' ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ps,gif: indicates output mode. if neither is set, window on screen ; one_per_page: if set as well as ps, only one plot per page ; RESTRICTIONS: ; UNTESTED ; CALLED PROCEDURES: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 18-Feb-2001 Original by S. Aigrain
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/wfcdqc/wfcdqc_histos.pro)