NAME: plot_xf52_wfcr PURPOSE: Creates a ps or gif file containing X-ray 0.5 to 2 keV flux vs WFC r-band mag Returns 4 arrays containing xmm no, matching wfc no and x and y distance of wfc object to xmm object CALLING SEQUENCE: plot_xf52_wfcr,xmmdb,wfcdb,xmm_cat,wfc_cat,xmmno,wfcno,wxoff,wyoff,$ ps=ps,gif=gif,offmax=offmax,dmin=dmin,dmax=dmax,field=field INPUTS: xmm_db:The xmm database to be searched. Must start with 'dbase/... ' wfcdb: The WFC " " " " " " xmm_cat: the source list on which xmmdb is based wfc_cat: " " " wfc " OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: offmax: STRING!!!!maximum offax angle of xmm objects to be matched. If not set, all xmm objects are matched dmax: max distance for a match to be accepted (& included in xoff...) if not set, default is 30". In arcsec dmin: min distance for a match (use to make different set of matches: r<5", 5(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/xflux_vs_redmag/
Suzanne Aigrain <> Last modified: Thu Feb 15 12:54:15 2001