NAME: plot_hardness_gh PURPOSE: like plot_hardness but for gh db CALLING SEQUENCE: plot_hardness_gh,db[,outfile=outfile,offmax=offmax] INPUTS: db: name of xmm database to search OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS OFFMAX: max offax angle of xmm objects to be included. f not set all xmm objects are included OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ps: optional output ps file the plots will be sent to. gif:as above for gif output, but without the .gif bit. only active if ps is not set If neither is set, the plots will be sent to screen. EXAMPLE: plot_hardness_gh, 'xmmdb',outfile='',offmax='10' RESTRICTIONS: UNTESTED CALLED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS: astrolib functions select_offax, select_cond MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Oct_2000 Original by Suzanne Aigrain
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/xmm_plots/