NAME: mkhtml_table_wfc PURPOSE: makes and htmlpage containing a table with xmm objects positions and offsets and magnitudes of wfc matched objects Also contains statistics of the matching and links to ps stats plots For each xmm object there is a link to a page with gif images of that part of the sky in all (optical, xray) bands This has been replaced by mk_html_table which produces an ascii files, sorted and displayed later with PHP CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: mkhtml_table_wfc[,xmmdb=xmmdb,wfcdb=wfcdb,wfcim=wfcim,wfcps=wfcps,$ offmax=offmax,sorti=sorti,html=html,dmin=dmin,dmax=dmax,$ wfc_cat=wfc_cat] OPTIONAL INPUT AND OUTPUT KEYWORDS : xmmdb:The xmm database to be searched. Must be full path wfcdb: the WFC " " " " " " wfcim: image to plot the limits of, must be FITS format,$ of the from'r219697', ie without end bit wfc_cat: catalogue file wfcdb is based on wfcps: name of ps stats plot file, form 'ps/wps' if the actual location is 'html/ps/' and'html/ps/' field: field name (written on ps files) if any of these keywords are not set you will be asked for the filenames at the prompt and they will automatically be put/looked for in the relevant directories (dbase for databases, wfc for data files, html/ps for ps files) sorti: if set objects in table are sorted according to decreasing imag offmax: STRING!!!!maximum offax angle of xmm objects to be matched. If not set, all xmm objects are matched ionly: if set only objects with imag ne 0 are searched in wfcdb html: string containing full path of html page,. If not set you will be prompted for the filename and it will automatically be put in html/ dir dmax: max distance for a match to be accepted (& included in xoff...) if not set, default is 30". In arcsec dmin: min distance for a match (use to make different set of matches: r<5", 5(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/html_tables/
Suzanne Aigrain <> Last modified: Thu Feb 15 12:46:13 2001