NAME: mkhtml_table PURPOSE: makes 2 ascii files containing a table with xmm objects positions and offsets and magnitudes of cirsi and wfc matched objects (whitespace and comma as separator respectively) Also produces stat. plots of the matching CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: mkhtml_table[,xmmdb=xmmdb,cirsidb=cirsidb,wfcdb=wfcdb,cirsiim=cirsiim,$ wfcim=wfcim,cirsips=cirsips,wfcps=wfcps,offmax=offmax,$ dmin=dmin,dmax=dmax] OPTIONAL INPUT AND OUTPUT KEYWORDS : xmmdb:The xmm database to be searched. Must be full path cirsidb: The cirsi " " " " " " wfcdb: the WFC " " " " " " cirsiim: image to plot the limits of, must be FITS format, wfcim: " " " ,of the from'r219697', ie without end bit cirsi_cat: catalogue file cirsidb is based on wfc_cat: catalogue file wfcdb is based on cirsips: name of ps stats plot file, form 'ps/cps' if the actual location is 'html/ps/' and'html/ps/' wfcps: as above for xmm/wfc matching field: field name (written on ps files) if any of these keywords are not set you will be asked for the filenames at the prompt and they will automatically be put/looked for in the relevant directories (dbase for databases,wfc or cirsi for data files, html/ps for ps files) offmax: STRING!!!!maximum offax angle of xmm objects to be matched. If not set, all xmm objects are matched ionly: if set only objects with imag ne 0 are searched in wfcdb html: string containing full path of html page,. If not set you will be prompted for the filename and it will automatically be put in html/ dir dmax: max distance for a match to be accepted (& included in xoff...) if not set, default is 30". In arcsec dmin: min distance for a match (use to make different set of matches: r<5", 5(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/html_tables/
Suzanne Aigrain <> Last modified: Thu Feb 15 12:45:33 2001