NAME: mkhtml_gif_apm PURPOSE: this program makes an htmlpage with all the little gif images in each color (poss1 red, poss2 red & blue ,and xray 25,52,24,41) from every object within the xmm database CALLING SEQUENCE: mkhtml_gif_apm INPUTS: uorp: 'poss1' or 'ukst' OUTPUTS: hmtl/xmmno_apm.html: one file per xmm object EXAMPLE: CALLED PROCEDURES: DEPENDENCIES: Will only work if mkhtml_table_apm has been called previously to make txt files MODIFICATION HISTORY: 23-Oct-2000 Original by Suzanne Aigrain 06-Nov-2000 S. AIGRAIN INCLUDED RECORD_NO 08-Nov-2000 S. Aigrain modified to use record_no as the label for the individual object pages 28-Nov-2000 S. Aigrain: adapted to handle either poss1 or ukst data
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/html_tables/