NAME: mkgif_poss2 PURPOSE: makes gif images of portions of the input image around each xmm object images are 4X4 arcmin CALLING SEQUENCE: mkgif_poss2,xmmdb, poss_image[,offmax=offmax,col=col] INPUTS: xmmdb: the path name of database to take xmm object positions from. poss_image: the path name of the image to make gifs from REQUIRED INPUT KEYWORDS col: to put in gif file name. Error if not set OPTIONAL INPUT AND OUTPUT KEYWORDS : offmax:max offax angle in xmm database. default 10.0 arcmin OUTPUTS: 'hmtl/gif/xmm'+xmmnr+'_poss2_'+col+'.gif: one gif per xmm object EXAMPLE: mkgif_poss1,'xmmout','dss_stsci_poss2-red.fits',offmax=10.0,col='red' CALLED PROCEDURES: mkgif, select_offmax, astrolib routines MODIFICATION HISTORY: 23-Oct-2000 Original by Suzanne Aigrain 08-Nov-2000 S. Aigrain modified to use record_no as the label for the individual object pages
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/mkgifs/