NAME: lhr_us PURPOSE: This routine calculates and returns (2d array) the likelyhood ratio for a set of identifications using a method similar to Wolstencroft et Al. 1986 with the product Q1*Q2 replaced by Q=1 It also calculates individual reliabilities according to the Sutherland & Saunders (1992) method and returns this and other vectors on demand It then goes onto produce various histograms (except if noplot set) CALLING SEQUENCE: result=lhr_us(xmmdb,wfcdb[,dmax,radec_err=radec_err,$ radec_fromdb=radec_fromdb,rel=rel,]top=top,bot=bot,dr=dr,field=field,$ magmax=magmax,noplot=noplot,one_per_page=one_per_page) INPUTS: xmmdb: xmm database wfcdb: wfc dbatabase for extracting magnitudes of candidates OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: dmax: max. offset for nearest matches radec_err: no (an error to be assigned to every xmm position) radec_fromdb: if set, position error extracted for each object from xmmdb magmax: if set to a magnitude value, then only objects with mag > max are included. This can only be used if wfcdb has an item labelled 'mag' OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: rel: if set to a named variable, gets filled with 2d array of individual reliability (lhr/(1+lhr)) values rss: if set to a named variable, gets filled with 2d array of individual reliability (S&S) values rrut: if set to a named variable, gets filled with 2d array of individual reliability (Rutledge et al) values last element has p(no-id) top: if set to a named variable, gets filled with 2d array of numerator of lhr values bot: if set to a named variable, gets filled with 2d array of denominator of lhr values dr: if set to a named variable, gets filled with 2d array of offsets noplot: if set, no histogram plots are produced one_per_page: if set as well as ps, only one plot per page RESTRICTIONS: UNTESTED CALLED PROCEDURES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Original by Ignas Snellen 08-Dec-2000 S. Aigrain: adapted as a separate function 16-Jan-2001 S. Aigrain: this method separately 18-Feb-2001 S. Aigrain: Rutledge et al. reliability included, one more page of plots.
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/lhr/