NAME: diffmag_wfc PURPOSE: this program makes differential magnitude plots of objects from a 'wfc' database produced from an unmerged file for different classifications, for each ccd. It produces a ps file or a gif file or outputs to screen CALLING SEQUENCE: diffmag_wfc,wfcdb,wfc_image[,ps=ps,gif=gif,col=col] INPUTS: wfcdb:The wfc database to be searched. Must start with 'dbase/... ' OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYOWRDS: wfc_image: the image ps: file name of the output ps file gif:root file name of the 4 output gif files. Only active if ps is not set. (will have gif_1.gif, gif_1.gif,...) If neither set the output is sent to an IDL graphics window field: STRING: name of field ie directory where the wfc/ dir is dbase: if set, a database containg the histogram values by class (diff and cum) is created) noplot: if set, the only thing the program does is create the database, no plots are produced. EXAMPLE: diffmag_wfc,'wfc','r219698'[,ps='diff_i_wfc'] CALLED PROCEDURES: astrolib procedures,select_classes,wcs_zpn,mk_plot_diff,oplot_diff, ogif,cgif,ops,cps,select_ccd,write_diffmag_dbd MODIFICATION HISTORY: 31-Oct-2000 Original by Suzanne Aigrain 12-Dec_2000 S. Aigrain Added dbase bit
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/wfcqc/