NAME: dbcreate_xmm_txt PURPOSE: read in ascii xmm source list; The format should be specified in the 1st line of the file, the name of the columns in the 2nd line of the file. These should be separated by commas. The columns should be all or some of the following: xmmnr,ra(comp.),dec(comp.),radec_err,offax,vig,cts25,cts52,cts24,cts41, cts57,ects25,ects52,ects24,ects41,ects57,f25,f52,f24,f41,f57,ef25,ef52,ef24, ef41,ef57,hr1,hr2,hr3,ehr1,ehr2,ehr3,rosat_no ra and dec should be in degrees if the specified format is floating pt, hh mm ss & dd mm ss resp. if the formats are character strings. radec_err should be in arcsec If given, fluxes are assumed to be in E-14 cgs If fluxes not given, the 3rd line should contain conversion factor from cts to flux for each band, ie for bands 25,52,24,41,57 in that order, separated by blank spaces. (0.0 for absent bands). If fluxes given 3rd line should be blank. CALLING SEQUENCE: dbcreate_xmm_txt, file, db_out INPUTS: file: name of txt file to be read OUTPUTS: db_out: string array, name of output database. A db_out.dbd file will be created automatically OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none EXAMPLE: dbcreate_xmm_txt, 'xmmssc/list.txt','dbase/xmm' DEPENDENCIES: RESTRICTIONS: UNTESTED CALLED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS: astrolib functions,write_xmm_txt_dbd MODIFICATION HISTORY: 10-Nov-2000 Original by Suzanne Aigrain 27-Nov-2000 S. Aigrain adapted to reading an xmm ascii file with format specified at top of file
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/dbcreate/