NAME: dbcreate_xmm_eml PURPOSE: read in xmm fits catalogues of the type of emllist.fits Identifies the number of bands and fills empty bands with zeros CALLING SEQUENCE: dbcreate_xmm_eml, file, db_out INPUTS: file: name of file to be read OUTPUTS: db_out: string array, name of output database. A db_out.dbd file will be created automatically EXAMPLE: dbcreate_xmm_eml,'/data/cass101a/s.aigrain/xmm/emllist.fits', 'dbase/xmmeml' DEPENDENCIES: RESTRICTIONS: UNTESTED CALLED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS: astrolib functions write_xmm_eml_dbd xmm_1band,xmm_2bands,xmm_3bands,xmm_4bands,xmm_5bands MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Nov-1998 Original by Richard McMahon 06-Oct-2000 Modified by Suzanne Aigrain to read this file format 06-Nov-2000 S. Aigrain: add record no in file to database also allow for file only to have band 1 15-Nov-2000 S. Aigrain: allow for any combination of bands 28-Nov-2000 S. Aigrain: minor changes in db fields
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/dbcreate/