NAME: dbcreate_gh PURPOSE: read in ascii xmm source list produced by Gheunter Hasinger CALLING SEQUENCE: dbcreate_gh, file, db_out INPUTS: file: name of txt file to be read OUTPUTS: db_out: string array, name of output database. A db_out.dbd file should exist already. Note that as dbd files are in subdir dbase within pro, should have: db_out='dbase/db_outname'. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none EXAMPLE: dbcreate_gh, 'xmmssc/gh.txt','dbase/xmm_gh' DEPENDENCIES: db_out.dbd file must exist and be correct RESTRICTIONS: UNTESTED CALLED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS: astrolib functions MODIFICATION HISTORY: 10-Nov-2000 Original by Suzanne Aigrain
(See /home/xmmssc/soft/idl/pro/dbcreate/