Documentation for IDL scripts used in XID work

All the routines below assume they are being called from the 'list_dir' level as described here and that files and directories are organised in the standard way. Output files are automatically placed in the right subdirectory.

List of Routines

GENERATE_FROM_FILES: Routine that calls all the others

Astrophysics routines

Colour-Colour plots

Database creation routines

File input in IDL

Producing ASCII lists for GAIA

Matching tables, matching statistics and individual object pages

Likelyhood ratio calculations and plots

Matching routines

Miscellaneous graphics routines

Creating GIF cut-outs

WFC DQC info plots

WFC Quality control plots

Plots of XMM flux vs red optical magnitude

Plots involving X-ray data only

Suzanne Aigrain <>
Last modified: Mon Feb 19 18:20:28 2001