$Id: mk_outdirs.csh,v 1.1 2001/02/15 10:56:23 visitor2 Exp $

 original by s.aigrain
 26/02/2001: S. Aigrain: added optional xidops_path argument

 csh script to create all the necessary dirs & links to store plots & tables
 created in the XID process. Called by IDL routine 

 dir : field directory name (created, for example, by mk_fielddir)
 list: name of source list directory (program souhld be called more than
       once if there are more then one source list.
 xidops_path: path to xidops dir, with trailing slash
       default /home/xmmssc/public_html/xidops/

(See /home/xmmssc/soft/csh/mk_outdirs.csh)

Suzanne Aigrain <visitor2@ast.cam.ac.uk>
Last modified: Mon Feb 26 13:07:36 2001