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Documentation (Sorted)

This page lists the CASU documentation for the WFCAM/VISTA project sorted by version date.

Time sorted documents list

Document Title and DescriptionReleaseVersionNumber
 Description of catalogue products 26-06-2003 02-09-2008 [pdf] [ps]  VDF-SPE-IOA-00009-0001
 VISTA Data Reduction Library Design 15-12-2004 07-08-2008 [pdf]  VIS-SPE-IOA-20000-0010
 VDFS Calibration Plan 04-11-2003 14-02-2008 [pdf]  VIS-SPE-IOA-20000-0002
 Further Analysis of July & October 2007 VIRCAM Data 16-01-2008 06-02-2008 [pdf]  VIS-TRE-IOA-20000-0019
 VISTA-VIRCAM Instrument Data Description 21-7-2006 07-12-2007 [pdf]  VIS-TRE-IOA-20000-0016
 Analysis of July 2007 VIRCAM Engineering Data 12-09-2007 12-09-2007 [pdf]  VIS-TRE-IOA-20000-0018
 CASU Grant Bid (2008-2013) 23-1-2008 1-6-2007 [pdf]  
 UK VISTA User Requirements  5-11-2004 16-05-2007 [pdf]  VDF-SPE-IOA-00001-0002
 Cambridge Reduction and Analysis Pipeline 28-09-2006 08-05-2007 [pdf]  VIS-SPE-IOA-20000-0017
 MJI's talk at ESO Calibration Workshop (Garching) 22-26/01/07 9-2-2007 9-2-2007 [ppt]  
 JRL's talk at ESO Calibration Workshop (Garching) 22-26/01/07 9-2-2007 9-2-2007 [ppt]  
 MR's talk at ESO Calibration Workshop (Garching) 22-26/01/07 7-2-2007 7-2-2007 [pdf]  
 VIRCAM Data Reduction Pipeline Manual 7-12-2006 7-12-2006 [html]  
 Flat Exposure Properties of VIRCAM Detectors 8-12-2006 22-11-2006 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0013
 Dark Exposure Properties of VIRCAM Detectors 21-10-2006 21-10-2006 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0012
 Web-based pipeline and survey progress monitoring 29-9-2006 29-9-2006 [pdf]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00012-0002
 Calibration of WFCAM data from 2MASS 29-11-2005 28-9-2006 [pdf]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00011-0001
 VISTA Infra Red Camera DFS Exposure Time Calculator 10-01-2005 20-09-2006 [pdf]  VIS-SPE-IOA-20000-0009
 STH's talk at UKIDSS meeting (Edinburgh) 25/07/06 3-8-2006 3-8-2006 [pdf]  
 MJI's talk at UKIDSS meeting (Edinburgh) 25/07/06 2-8-2006 2-8-2006 [pdf]  
 MJI's presentation at UKIRT Board meeting (University of Hertfordshire) 23/05/06 2-8-2006 2-8-2006 [ppt]  
 CASU Analysis of RAL VIRCAM data 20-6-2006 20-6-2006 [pdf]  VIS-TRE-IOA-20000-0015
 Persistence 6-4-2006 18-4-2006 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0011
 CASU analysis of SV data for WFCAM 19-8-2005 18-1-2006 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0009
 PSF Fitting of WFCAM Data: Tests on real data 17-1-2006 17-1-2006 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00016-0005
 Calibration of Photometry from WFCAM 19-10-2005 26-10-2005 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0010
 STH's talk at UKIDSS SV meeting (Edinburgh) 18/08/05 31-8-2005 31-8-2005 [ppt]  
 MR's talk at UKIDSS SV meeting (Edinburgh) 18/08/05 31-8-2005 31-8-2005 [ppt]  
 MJI's talk at VDUC meeting (Edinburgh) 21/02/05 31-8-2005 31-8-2005 [sxi]  
 MJI's talk at UKIRT Board Meeting (Cambridge) 26/5/05 31-8-2005 31-8-2005 [sxi]  
 MJI's talk at UKIDSS Survey Heads meeting (Durham) 27/07/05 31-8-2005 31-8-2005 [sxi]  
 MJI's talk at UKIDSS SV meeting (Edinburgh) 18/08/05 31-8-2005 31-8-2005 [sxi]  
 EGS's talk at UKIDSS SV meeting (Edinburgh) 18/08/05 31-8-2005 31-8-2005 [ppt]  
 CASU analysis of SV data for WFCAM - Science Comparisons 19-8-2005 19-8-2005 [html]  
 CASU analysis of WFCAM commissioning data - I 19-01-2005 08-04-2005 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0005
 VDFS Data-Reduction Specifications 08-04-2004 07-04-2005 [pdf]  VIS-SPE-IOA-20000-0003
 WFCAM photometric calibration 13-06-2003 30-03-2005 [pdf]  VDF-PLA-IOA-00008-0001
 CASU analysis of WFCAM commissioning data - IV Photometric Properties 22-3-2005 22-3-2005 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0008
 VISTA Infrared Camera Data Flow System FDR RID Responses and Board Disposition 04-03-2005 04-03-2005 [pdf]  VIS-TRE-IOA-20000-0013
 CASU analysis of WFCAM commissioning data - III Microstep Offsets 24-2-2005 14-2-2005 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0007
 CASU analysis of WFCAM commissioning data - II Dark and Reset Anomaly Correction 24-2-2005 28-1-2005 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0006
 VDFS System Impact (aka User Requirements) 08-01-2004 15-12-2004 [pdf]  VIS-SPE-IOA-20000-0001
 PSF Fitting of WFCAM Data: Astrometry 25-01-2005 10-12-2004 [ps] [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00016-0004
 Survey Definition Tool and Survey Progress Tool: Functional Specification 17-12-2004 17-11-2004 [pdf]  VIS-SPE-ATC-20500-0001
 Interleaving tests 25-09-2003 29-10-2004 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00016-0001
 VISTA Infrared Camera Data Flow System PDR RID Responses 7-05-2004 13-09-2004 [pdf]  VIS-TRE-IOA-20000-0006
 PSF fitting tests 14-07-2004 11-08-2004 [ps] [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00016-0003
 WFCAM Detector Channels 9-07-2004 9-07-2004 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0004
 Atmospheric Differential Refraction in the Infrared 20-05-2004 20-05-2004 [ps]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00009-0003
 Note on non-linearity correction 23-04-2004 23-04-2004 [pdf]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0003
 VISTA IR Camera DFS Schedule 22-04-2004 22-04-2004 [pdf]  VIS-PLA-QMU-20000-0005
 WFCAM Header for ESO 22-03-2004 22-03-2004 [pdf]  
 Dafydd Wyn Evans's UKIDSS survey diagrams 19-03-2003 16-03-2004 [html]  
 Notes from VISTA Camera Calibration Meeting 10/3/04 15-03-2004 15-03-2004 [html]  
 UFTI sky subtraction report 26-02-2004 26-02-2004 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0002
 UFTI Service Observation Reductions 19-01-2004 19-01-2004 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00008-0001
 CASU/ORACDR Pipeline Algorithm Comparative Tests 19-01-2004 19-01-2004 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00007-0001
 04Q1 CASU deliverables 09-01-2004 09-01-2004 [pdf]  
 Astrometric and photometric distortion for WFCAM and VISTA 30-09-2003 21-12-2003 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00009-0002
 Interpolation tests 17-11-2003 17-11-2003 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00016-0002
 Example VISTA FITS header 03-10-2003 11-11-2003 [fits]  
 Difference imaging tests 01-09-2003 07-11-2003 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00015-0001
 Detailed gantt 08-04-2003 03-11-2003 [ps]  
 03Q4 CASU deliverables 01-11-2003 01-11-2003 [ps]  
 WSA interface control document 17-03-2003 31-10-2003 [pdf]  VDF-WFA-WSA-004-I3
 MJI's talks at AGOC meeting (Cambridge) 10/10/03 11-10-2003 11-10-2003 [ppt]  
 Overview gantt 10-10-2003 10-10-2003 [ps] [gif]  
 MJI's talk at VISTA camera design review (RAL) 17-19/09/03 04-10-2003 04-10-2003 [ppt]  
 JRL's talk at VISTA camera design review (RAL) 17-19/09/03 04-10-2003 04-10-2003 [sxi]  
 WFCAM simulations - PSF and galaxy tests 01-09-2003 03-10-2003 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00009-0001
 Link to JAC-CASU interface control document 01-03-2003 03-10-2003 [html]  
 fitsio_subtract : WCS or pixel-based difference imaging driver software 30-06-2003 01-10-2003 [pod]  
 fitsio_stack : WCS or pixel based stacking of FITS images with optional rejection 30-06-2003 01-10-2003 [pod]  
 fitsio_mosaic : mosaic FITS images 30-06-2003 01-10-2003 [pod]  
 fitsio_combine : pixel-based robust clipped median of scaled FITS images 30-06-2003 01-10-2003 [pod]  
 fitsio_colour : WCS or pixel based multi-colour stacking of FITS images 30-06-2003 01-10-2003 [pod]  
 WFCAM pipeline milestones 13-09-2003 13-09-2003 [html]  
 DQC and pipeline progress monitoring for a night of CIRSI data 01-09-2003 01-09-2003 [html]  VDF-TRE-IOA-00012-0001
 03Q3 CASU deliverables 01-08-2003 01-08-2003 [ps]  
 Risk analysis 14-04-2003 01-07-2003 [ps]  
 tableplot_ir 30-06-2003 30-06-2003 [man]  
 imcore_list : list driven photometry package 30-06-2003 30-06-2003 [pod]  
 imcore_conf : source detection for FITS images 30-06-2003 30-06-2003 [pod]  
 fitsio_merge : WCS-based general purpose catalogue matching 30-06-2003 30-06-2003 [pod]  
 cirdr_status : summary of pipeline status 30-06-2003 30-06-2003 [man]  
 Documentation for CIRDR (CASU IR Data Reduction) 30-06-2003 30-06-2003 [html]  
 Design philosophy for pipeline 23-01-2003 30-06-2003 [html]  
 CIRSI photometric calibration with 2MASS 30-06-2003 30-06-2003 [html]  
 CASU workpackages spreadsheet for VDFS 03-04-2003 30-06-2003 [ps]  
 Pipeline layout (hardware & software) 27-06-2003 27-06-2003 [html]  
 Example WFCAM FITS header (based on INT CIRSI data) 30-06-2003 20-06-2003 [fits]  
 STH's talk at WFCAM meeting (Edinburgh) 12&13/06/03 13-06-2003 13-06-2003 [ppt]  
 Notes from WFCAM meeting (Edinburgh) 12-13/06/03 13-06-2003 13-06-2003 [txt]  
 MJI's talk at WFCAM meeting (Edinburgh) 12&13/06/03 13-06-2003 13-06-2003 [ppt]  
 JRL's talk at WFCAM meeting (Edinburgh) 12&13/06/03 13-06-2003 13-06-2003 [sxi]  
 Data processing and quality control issues 13-06-2003 13-06-2003 [pdf]  
 More notes on imcore and compression 06-05-2003 06-05-2003 [txt]  
 JRL's notes on compression algorithms 01-05-2003 01-05-2003 [txt]  
 03Q2 CASU deliverables 01-05-2003 01-05-2003 [ps]  
 Definition of some risk analysis terms 14-04-2003 14-04-2003 [ps]  
 Simon Hodgkin's pipeline diagrams 01-08-2002 04-04-2003 [html]  
 WSA science requirements document 28-10-2002 20-03-2003 [ps]  
 Naming convention for raw and processed MEFs 05-03-2003 05-03-2003 [html]  
 03Q1 CASU deliverables 01-03-2003 01-03-2003 [ps]  
 WFCAM fits headers (& HDS containers) 31-10-2002 01-02-2003 [doc]  
 Pipeline science requirements 23-10-2002 24-01-2003 [ps]  
 Pipeline document (old version submitted to CDR) 23-10-2002 24-01-2003 [ps]  VDF-SPE-IOA-00001-0001
 Mark Casali's report on science array tests 08-01-2003 08-01-2003 [pdf]  1.1 D 055 G
 section of WFAP document submitted May 2002 18-12-2002 18-12-2002 [ps]  
 MJI's image stacking notes 18-12-2002 18-12-2002 [txt]  
 Glossary of terms used for the pipeline 18-12-2002 18-12-2002 [html] [ps]  
 Actions from CDR 13-12-2002 13-12-2002 [html]  
 Notes from CASU/WFAU liaison meeting (Cambridge) 09/12/02 09-12-2002 09-12-2002 [txt]  
 Notes from UKIDSS meeting (Imperial) 25/11/02 25-11-2002 25-11-2002 [txt]  
 Report on software CDR (Oct 2002) for WFCAM 22-10-2002 22-10-2002 [doc] [ps]  

Dafydd Wyn Evans (dwe @ ast.cam.ac.uk)
Last generated: Wed May 13 12:29:48 BST 2009