| The Summit and Cambridge pipelines must be functionally identical,
produce identical output given the same input and the same processing
steps, be based on the ORAC-DR recipe/primitive philosophy (and
therefore be configurable at both the primitive and recipe level).
| The pipeline should be able to function in the absence, temporary or
semi-permanent, of (data from) one or more WFCAM detector arrays.
| The summit pipeline in particular must be able to make
sky-conditions/DQC information available to the OMP Query Tool. [PDR
requirement 6.1]
| The DR system must be able to complete any processing required fast
enough to keep up with data taking. [PDR req. 6.1]
| The DR system must be able to provide quick feedback on the quality of
the raw data to a user of WFCAM. [PDR req. 6.2].
| The DR system must be capable of providing the QCPs (Quality Control
Parameters) required to automatically monitor the quality of the data
(using WFCAM survey recipes). [PDR req. 6.3 - note that OCDD no longer
lists QCP parameters]
| The DR system must be capable of comparing the values of QCPs with defined
limits, and raising alarms if the values are outside of those limits.
[PDR req. 6.5]
| The DR system must capable of standalone operation, i.e. of running
without supervision. The data reduction recipe to be used must be
supplied in the raw data FITS headers. The observing sequence will
ensure that suitable calibration observations are available. [PDR req. 6.4]
| The DR system must provide logging information to disk. [PDR req. 6.6]
| A recipe for automatically determining best focus from a focus run must
be provided. [PDR req. 6.7]
| Pipeline version number must be recorded in FITS headers of reduced data
| Pipeline must provide recipes to reduce MSBs undertaken in
nonphotometric conditions, to a point where the reduced frames can be
merged with the rest of the survey concerned in the science archive.
| Sky brightness and sky noise measurement (per filter)
| Mean stellar image diameter (determined by fitting within the processed
frames, filed as a calibration after conversion to K-band equivalent).
| Instrumental zero point determined from 2MASS stars in the survey
processed frames (or the difference between this and the expected
value). Stored as a calibration and made available to the QT.
| "Locally photometric" flag (determined from variations in detected image
properties in the frames in the microstep sequence).
| "Globally photometric" flag (determined from all previous observations
of standard fields on the current night).
| Limiting magnitude (5s) in the processed frame.
| Mean axial ratio of suitable stellar images.
| Nightly photometric zero point from observations of standard fields
| Limiting magnitude (5s) in the superframe (possibly normalised to one second
exposure time), recorded in an index file. A final check for subtle noise
problems, used to trigger an alarm message by comparison to a predefined range.
| Mean axial ratio of bright sources (probably those in F4) - a check for
astigmatism and trailing, used to trigger an alarm message by comparison
to a predefined range.
| Image diameter (determined by fitting within the reduced superframes,
filed as a calibration after conversion to K-band equivalent). The
calibration value must either be the average of that from the four
individual frame pipelines or (more likely given T2) that from one
pre-specified array.
| Sky brightness (one value per filter) - determined from mode or median
of pixel values. Recorded in FITS headers and used to trigger an alarm
by comparison to a predefined range.
| Image periodic noise (looking for, e.g., 60Hz pickup) -
to be done within each reduced frame.
| Running log (filed as calibration) of last available photometric zero-point
from the last-observed standard field in each filter.
Anticipating possible operation with different filters in the four
positions in a paddle, all available zeropoints should be included, not
just the one appropriate to the current filter.
| Number of bad pixels, determined from last-determined flatfield as the
number of pixels lying outside a pre-specified range.
| Number of hot pixels measured from dark frame
| Dark count per second
| Removes instrumental signatures: bias, dark, flat field (to precision
limited by photon statistics and array systematics), bad and hot pixels,
channel variations, scattered light, vignetting correction, fringing
correction where possible. If necessary, applies cross-talk matrix to
remove interference between channels and arrays. Maintains and uses running
calibrations (superflat, bad pixel mask, master dark frame etc.)
| Removes (as far as possible) atmospheric OH emission and sky background,
other 2-D background variations arising in the detector, and cosmic rays
| Removes persistent images from previous exposures
| Interleaves microstep frames to produce one superframe per array
| Produces and propagates "confidence map" for the
superframe, and propagates this into tiles if produced
| Combines superframes into a tile if part of a tile observing pattern,
and develops a consistent internal calibration scheme to put
observations on an approximately uniform system.
| Generates source catalogue (after deblending in crowded fields)
containing astrometric, photometric, shape and DQC parameters
| Flux-calibrates to 2% (limited by Poisson noise), using all-night or
running photometric information, superflats etc. as appropriate.
| Astrometry on catalogues and reduced pixel images, the latter to use an
agreed and appropriate WCS in all FITS headers. External accuracy
limited by input catalogue; internal accuracy limited by s/n, detector
stability etc. Goals are 250 and 100mas respectively,
with an ultimate goal of 20mas for internal systematics.
| Measures running atmospheric extinction coefficient (summit pipeline),
records in an index file
| Determines nightly extinction coefficient (Cambridge pipeline), records
in FITS headers
| Provides a recipe which resamples and combines a complete tiled image,
without generating catalogue (useful for large extended fields, as in O10)
| Provides a recipe to determine residual systematics and scattered light
functions from a mesostep sequence on a standard field
| Provides a recipe to enable determination of best focus from a series of
frames taken at different focus positions (focus value will be included
in FITS headers of raw data).