Simon Hodgkin
(senior research associate with CASU)
Contact Details
Institute of Astronomy, Madingly Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK
email: sth at
Research Interests
I study stars and stellar systems, with a penchant for low mass and degenerate objects. I'm particularly interested in trying to measure fundamental physical parameters (e.g. masses and radii) for very low mass stars, brown dwarfs and exoplanets. I set up the Monitor project with Suzanne Aigrain to discover young eclipsing binaries, and if we get lucky, young extrasolar planets.
My group, CASU, is responsible for the pipeline processing of a large volume of imaging data. My particular responsibilities include data quality control and photometric calibration for WFCAM and VISTA.
The other half of my time is devoted to GAIA and the development of software to detect transient events in the real time data stream from the spacecraft. We hope to rapidly detect and classify alerting sources before passing them onto the community.
Publications (link to ADS)
Teaching (Stellar Astrophysics course slides)
VISTA (Orion Science Verification)