VHS nominal exposure time and flux limits

Waveband Exposure
5-sigma Detection Limit
in 1.2" seeing (with PSF profile fitting)
10-sigma Detection Limit
in 1.2" seeing (with PSF profile fitting)
1-sigma Surface Brightness
Limit per square arcsec
. Wave DLam . Vega mag AB mag uJy Vega mag AB mag uJy
Y 1.02 0.10 60 20.3 20.9 ? 19.6 20.2 ?
J 1.25 0.18 60 19.9 20.9 ? 19.2 20.2 ?
H 1.65 0.30 60 19.0 20.3 ? 18.3 19.6 ?
Ks 2.15 0.30 60 17.9 19.8 ? 17.2 19.1 ?

Notes: VHS will use exposure time of 120seconds in the DES region. There subtract 0.4mags to the 60secs depths to get the expected DES depths.

Richard G. McMahon <rgm@ast.cam.ac.uk>
Last modified: Fri Mar 6 09:52:24 GMT 2009