VHS Survey Management Plan(SMP) preparation page
VHS Survey Management Plan(SMP)
[June, 2007 resubmission; accepted by ESO in Nov, 2007]
Draft VHS Survey Management Plan (version submitted to ESO on 2007-02-16)
[ VHS Responses to ESO
feedback on the Draft VHS SMP ]
Key dates:
- 2006-Mar: Initial proposal submitted
- 2006-Sep: Revised proposal submitted
- 2006-Nov: Revised proposal accepted by ESO
- 2007-02-16: Draft SMP submitted to ESO for review
- 2007-03-07: Original date: ESO completes review and send feedbacks to PIs so that
synergies and optimisations between surveys can be implemented and the SMP
- 2007-03-19; actual date of receipt of review results
- 2007-04-02: Original proposed submission date for revised SMP to ESO
- 2007-05-23: Revised date for the submission of the revised SMP to ESO
- Provisional End of SMP review and approval by ESO DG by the end of May 2007.
- Actual End of SMP review and approval by ESO DG by the end of Nov 2007.
ESO Guidelines for the preparation
of Survey Management Plans - VISTA (GEN-PLA-ESO-31000-0002)
VDFS Review Documents
[ Pipeline:
Cambridge, CASU ]
[ Science
Archive: Edinburgh, WFAU ]
Proposed VHS catalogue
parameter list [VDF-SPE-IOA-00009-0001 Version 4, Irwin, 2007]
VHS Quality Control, Assurance and Assessment Process
VHS coverage in degrees per hour of RA
Issue that are not addressed in the submitted SMP
- Jitter step size; need to check what the UKIDSS LAS value is.
Also other UKIDSS LAS implentation parameters e.g. tile overlap
LAS Implementation notes
- Orientation of VISTA camera could be PA=90. i.e. long edge overlaps
within a stripe. This could be a better strategy that having the 50% coverage
overlap along between stripes.
- SDSS and 2MASS overlap is 1' along edges. UKIDSS LAS is a minimum
overlap of 3% which is 25arcsec. Need to compute the number of stars
objects that would be detected at S/N of 10 within the overlap regions.
- For 30" overlap tiling the effect tile size is 1.614. For this tiling VHS requires 3025hours.
- Priority of regions of astrophysical interest e,g, the Galactic clusters
shown in Figure 1.
- SDSS Stripe82 and Stripe dec=-6 strips [note it is not aligned exactly
in dec]
- Herschel GT and OT survey regions
- Need to define a minimum acceptable criteria for survey depth
since limits at the moment are all median depths. Maybe respecify
the median depth at 10sigma and specify the minimum depth as a
of 2 below this i.e. all sky has a minimum 5sigma depth fainter
than the median 10sigma depth. i.e. a factor of two.
Richard G. McMahon
Last modified: Fri Jan 19 12:40:39 2007