observe Controls

This control panel contains extra astronomy and remote related functions which don't fit on the main panel. It will also change for different cameras.

The controls are split into four main areas,

Remote control





The system can now be operated locally and remotely at the same time. These information boxes show the ip address of the current remote machine and the last command received.


The pulldown menu selects the observation type which is entered into the fits header. The box can also be edited to enter any text.

The timing boxes report the actual integration time and the total time taken for the last sequence. This allows the observing scheme to be adjusted for the best efficency.


Typing a number in the edit box or using the up/down buttons selects the filter. The filter name which will go into the fits file appears in the box. This name cannot be edited inside the program. See the configuration options.


There is now an idle mode which flushes the arrays once a second when the camera is not being run. Select the tck box to turn this mode on. The window shows the number of flushes since the camera was last read.

NOTE: This currently doesn't do anything - waiting for more info.

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