FITS Resources
The Flexible Image Transport System, or FITS, is the format adopted by the
astronomical community for data
interchange and archival storage.
The basic WWW sources of information on FITS are
World Cordinate Information
NRAO WCS info some of the older documents are also important since they describe
the "pre-standard" keywords that exists in lots of data already.
IRAF description of the various image descriptors The decribes the
relationship between 4 subtely different Pixel cordinate schemes:
CCD cordinates, Amplifier cordinates, Image cordinates and Detector
cordinates AND the
define coordinate transformations between the CCD
coordinates and the other three. [A sick bag is not provided]
FITS software
FITSIO Fortran and C Libraries
[ Leicester Mirror ]
FTOOLS: suite of applications that work on FITs files includes fverify; a FITs file verification tool
[ Leicester Mirror ]
Some standalone FITS applications
from ESO; These need no libraries. eg dfits: pipes FITS headers on stdout
ESO FITS Translation Utility includes the ability to add extra keywords and to add datamin, max etc
Eclipse: package for optical and IR data reduction
eg stcube -m computes the median
IDL resources Perl module
Year 2000 compliance for FITS
[copied from the NOST WWW page]
Redefinition of DATE-OBS
keyword encompassing the millenium
- announcement
of approval by IAU FITS Working Group
- text
of agreement [original author is our own Peter Bunclark]
- appendix
suggesting conventions for time scale specification (not part of formal agreement)
On November 10, the IAU FITS Working Group approved a definition for the
format of the value field of DATE-OBS
and other keywords
beginning with the string DATE
that contain date and
possible time information. This format provides four digits for the
year number, thus providing an explicit specification of the century in
all dates.
Various FITS related documents
Richard G. McMahon
Last modified: Fri Jun 30 12:17:27 2000