IRDR (Infrared Data Reduction) Version: 1.0 (May 2003) Introduction IRDR is a C library and set of stand-alone C programs and perl scripts for processing IR imaging data. See the file irdr/Programs, and irdr/doc/ Installation download gunzip irdr-1.0.tar.gz tar xvf irdr-1.0.tar cd irdr make all # compiles WCSTools then IRDR setenv IRDR_BASEDIR /home/sabbey/irdr/ # use your location set path = ($path $IRDR_BASEDIR/scripts $IRDR_BASEDIR/bin) you should have "sex" command (SExtractor 2.1+) in your path ( CIRSI data reduction (example) mkdir AXAF; cd AXAF cp ~/irdr/scripts/cirsi/cirsi.csh . vi cirsi.csh ./cirsi.csh >& cirsi.log & Note: change mean.o to meangain.o in Makefile OBJ_MATH definition if you want clipping during coaddition of fewer than 5 image planes. This option requires knowing the detector gain. History Version 1.0 (29 May 2003) - Carine Babusiaux Debug, update wcstool version Final photometry and astrometry checks done. Version 0.95 (28 May 2002) - Carine Babusiaux Added linearity correction (nlinmap.c lindarkflat.c) Added dark computation ( Add option "standalone" in Add option scaling="none" in cubemean.c Assume new controler in place, loop1 not skipped Version 0.94 (November 2001) - Carine Babusiaux Add 2mass catalogue option in (using Version 0.93 (20 Mar 2001) - Chris Sabbey Added program darkflat.c that does dark subtraction then flat correction Version 0.92 (02 Feb 2001) - Chris Sabbey Modified fitsIO.c: Write unsigned short FITS images with BZERO 32768.0, BSCALE 1.0 convention Assume bitpix=16 input FITS images are signed short int (not unsigned) Version 0.91 (26 Jan 2001) - Chris Sabbey Require setenv IRDR_BASEDIR /path/irdr Arguments to changed, don't need to specify config directory Version 0.9 (18 Jan 2001) - Chris Sabbey Initial release Current Limitations Input images can be float (bitpix -32) or signed short integer (bitpix 16) Ouput images are float or unsigned short integer: unsigned short written as bitpix 16 with BZERO 32768.0, BSCALE = 1.0 BSCALE and BZERO are applied on input but hence dropped in output Some FITS images don't end in .fits, to display outside of IRAF, eg: linux> ds9 image.fits.skysub Fast histogram analysis was designed for u_short data: forces float and signed short data to unsigned short range (0 to 65535) assumes a noise level > 1 count Need enough memory to hold all image planes (and weight maps) for coaddition Assumes input data images have same dimensions Expects CDELT or CDELT1 keywords, or SCALE or SECPIX (image arcsec/pixel) Dither offset measurement guesses that North is up and East is left