Observing guide for CIRSI (WFIRC) at LCO du Pont 


1991217   cxs  first draft 

19991220  rgm added LCO contact info
              deleted info wrong contact info for mgb
              added section with ip info from /etc/hosts 
              added rsh rcp info
              added section on Apollo Camera Control gui and ini file
              remote changed from to .139

  1) Computer summary
  2) Logging in
  3) Data quick-look
  4) Getting ready to observe
  5) Observing procedure
  6) Calibration frames
  7) Writing to tape
  8) Failure modes
  9) FITS headers
  10) Read rate setting
  11) Changing filters
  12) Pixcel initialization file
  13) Contact info, phone numbers, etc
  14) (Typical count rates, temperatures, etc)
  15) (Characterize detectors)
  16) (Characterize detector performance)
  17)  /etc/hosts files from andy and rigel
  18)  .rhosts file from cirds and rcp and rsh notes  

  1) Computers (host.lco.cl):
    a) rigel
         Sun workstation by stairwell, 
         Data storage computer, ~cirsi/data is link to data directory
         User names: observer, cirsi, or pmc2
    b) canopus
         Sun workstation in control room
         Observer's work computer, data quick-look
         User names: obs100
    c) dupontss
         Sun workstation in control room
         Extra work computer - not very useful
    d) remote
         Windows 95 PC in alcove of control room (on the left)
         Uses pcAnywhere to display/access circc desktop
    e) apollo
         Windows NT PC in alcove of control room (on the right)
         Observation control computer with control GUIs/Macros
    f) circc
         Windows 95 PC mounted with CIRSI on telescope
         Runs Pixcel data acquisition software
         Reboot using pcAnywhere on remote, or cycle power if necessary
         CIRsi Camera Control
  2) Logging in (passwords on white board and taped to monitors):
    a) Log into rigel as cirsi
    b) Log into canopus as obs100
    c) Log into remote as cirsi
    d) Log into apollo as observer
    e) On remote:
        1) Make tonight's data directory on rigel.
           Telnet to rigel (StartMenu->Run->telnet rigel) and login as cirsi.
           Type "tonight data1" or another disk name (eg, data2).
           The tonight command makes the night's data directory and 
           points the symbolic link ~/data to it.
        2) Start pcAnywhere by clicking on the "cirsi-camera...." icon.  Login 
           to circc as cirsi if prompted (if you just closed and re-opened 
           pcAnywhere but did not reboot circc then you are still logged in).
           If pcAnywhere fails to connect to circc, reboot circc via a power 
           cycle, and try again after a minute or so.
        3) Start the Pixcel data acquistion program by clicking on 
           "CIRSI-camera" icon in the pcAnywhere window.  If the pixcel window 
           appears mostly black, close pixcel and start it again.
    f) On apollo:
        1) Open the GUI control windows:
           Click on the "CIRSI-Camera" icon.  In the "Database Initialization" 
           window that opens, enter the names of the observers and click OK.  
           A "Camera-Control" window will then appear.  Use it's "Modules" 
           pull-down menu to start the telescope control gui (teleGUI) and 
           the guider control gui (ExtGuider).  Use the file pull-down menu
           on the telescope control GUI to open the skymap and airmass windows.
  3) Data quick-look:
    canopus> xhost +rigel
    canopus> ssh1 -l observer rigel
    rigel> setenv DISPLAY canopus:0.0
    rigel> ximtool &
    rigel> cd iraf
    rigel> cl
    cl> cd /data1/19991118
    cl> observe              # initialize observe package
    cl> dp 7001 7002 1 2     # subtract run7002 from run7001, display+imexam
    cl> avgo 7001 7002 1 1   # coadd over loops before subtract, display+imexam
  4) Getting ready to observe:
    a) Reboot circc (as explained above), apollo, and remote during the day.
    b) Backup pixcel.ini (pixcel.ini is on circc in C:\Cirsi\release\pixcel.ini,
       and there is a shortcut to it on the circc desktop).  On the circc 
       desktop (ie, pcAnywhere window on remote), Start->Programs->MSDOS-Prompt,
       then in the MSDOS window that appears:
       cd c:\Cirsi\release
       ftp rigel
       ftp> put pixcel.ini
    c) Obtain the observing log sheets labelled "IR Observing Log".
    d) Record the temperature sensor values and vacuum pressure at the start
       and end of the night.  The temperature inside the dewar is given by 
       Channel 5 on the PLW monitor on pcAnywhere, and the pressure is 
       obtained by connecting a vacuum gauge (with liquid crystal display).  
       If the temperature monitor is reporting all 0 or complains about COM1 
       port etc, pull out and plug back in the serial cable to the thermocouple 
       box (the size of a video cassette) that is attached to circc.  Then
       on the PLW window, go to Files->New Settings and click OK on the next few 
       windows that pop up.  Edit each channel to set the TC Type to Type T.
  5) Observing procedure:
    a) Calibrate the telescope pointing
        1) Have the telescope operator (TO) point to a bright star
        2) Press "Get" on the telescope control GUI to update skymap.  A
           bright star should be roughly in the center of the four detectors
           shown in skymap.
        2) Move the telescope 192" S and 192" E (to put the star at the
  	 center of chip one).  The observer can do this by entering 192
  	 in the dx and dy entry boxes of the telescope control GUI and
  	 clicking the "SE" button.  The Sdx and Sdy boxes show the
  	 cumulative movements (possibly useful info during a dither
  	 sequence), and are not for requesting offsets.
        3) Take an exposure.  In the camera control GUI, enter the exposure
           time (eg, 10 seconds), number of loops (only 1), chips to record
           (only chip 1), object name and type (eg, test), and click GO.
        4) Examine the exposure.  When Pixcel displays the image and says 
           "Ready" at the bottom, the observation is done.  The output file
           will be on rigel in /export/home/cirsi/data.  The filename will be 
           similar to: irx_07001_c1_001.fits (replace 07001 with the run number 
           indicated in the Filename box of the camera control GUI, subtracting
           one if the observation has finished).  View the exposure on canopus 
           (eg, display, imexam, etc) by connecting to rigel as described above.
        5) Determine the telescope offset correction so that the star will 
           appear exactly in the center of chip one.  The image scale is 
           0.2"/pixel, and North is up, East is on the left.  Apply correction
           and take exposure to make sure star is centered.
        6) When star has been centered, OFFSET BACK 192" N and 192" W and then
           have the night assistant do a "CSET".  It is critical that CSET is
           done with the star in the center of the focal array and not at the
           center of chip one.
    b) Standards
        1) Take a standard star observation at the beginning of the night,
           after each primary field, and at the end of the night.  Keep the 
           peak counts below about 8K (you could put the telescope somewhat 
           out of focus, eg 20 units, if necessary).  
           The following standards are used:
            9185     22 02 05.7    -01 06 02 J2000    START OF NIGHT (near SA 22)
            9104     01 03 15.8    -04 20 44 J2000    NEAR NOAO FIELD
            9106     03 26 53.9    -39 50 38 J2000    NEAR AXAF FIELD
            9111     04 49 54.6    -35 11 17 J2000    NEAR AXAF FIELD
            9118     06 22 43.7    -00 36 30 J2000    END OF NIGHT
           See also Eric Persson's paper in the control room on infrared 
           standards (with finding charts).
        2) Point the telescope to the standard star and offset 192" S and 
           192" E to put the standard star on chip one.  Note that 9106 and
           some other standards might not appear in the skymap GUI.  Once per 
           observing run standards should be observed on all four chips.
        3) Click on the "Std" button on the camera control GUI to open the
           standard observation macro.  Select chip 1, a 25" dither step, 
           and dice-5 dither pattern (this will cover all four quadrants of 
           the chip).
        4) Check the other parameters on the camera control GUI (eg, 7 second 
           exposure, 1 loop, objtype standard), and click Execute.
        5) Inspect images, compare to finder chart in Persson's paper (confirms
           that got the telescope pointing correct), check that peak counts 
           below 8K, etc.  
    c) Focus
        1) Use the skymap GUI and telescope control GUI to put a bright star
           on chip 1.  Or if you just observed a standard star, could continue
           using that field.  Want a few thousand counts in a 7 second exposure.
           (The minimal exptime for one chip is about 7 seconds, and about 35 
           seconds when all four chips are selected). 
        2) Click on the focus "FOC" macro on the camera control GUI.  Select
           chip 1 and a focus sequence that goes from large focus values
           to low in steps of about 10 (eg, 5050 to 4950).  (The TCS provides
           a guess of the current focus setting).
        3) Click "Execute" on the camera control GUI to start the focus 
           sequence.  You will be prompted for each focus change, which
           the TO will apply.
        4) View the images (imexam) and select the best focus value.  Ask
           the TO to do an "FSET".  The TCS will then show the current focus
           and the expected best focus, based on temperature and zenith 
        5) Monitor the focus and image shape throughout the night (imexam).
           The focus moves on fairly short timescales.  The TCS predicted focus 
           is a good guide for periods of a few hours.  Tweak the focus on the 
           basis of the TCS prediction if the difference from the present value 
           is > 4 units.  Refocus a few times a night, usually when moving to a 
           new field, or maybe with each standard field (which gives you stars
           of appropriate brightness).
    d) Guider setup
        1) Have the TO send the guider to its "home" position.
        2) Select Options->Position in the guider control GUI and enter 
           the guider coordinates X=0, Y=0.
        3) In the skymap window, select "Show Guider" from the Parameters
           pull-down menu (a blue box indicating the guider field should
           appear).  Use the "Zoom" pull-down menu to zoom until the entire
           blue box is shown in the skymap window (zoom 125% twice should
           do this).
        4) Double-click (middle mouse button) on a star in the guider field
           to move the guider close to that position (a single click with left
           mouse button gives the coordinates and magnitude of the star).  The 
           guider works best when the star is as close as possible to the center 
           of the telescope optical axis, ie, near the center in Y and right 
           edge of the guider field in the skymap window.  Don't start too near 
           the edge or you will lose the star during dither moves.  If the guide 
           star is not found in the guider TV screen, then either:
             a) You need to update skymap.  Click on Get in the telescope control 
                GUI and double click on a star again.  (skymap is automatically 
                updated for telescope offsets using the telescope control GUI, 
                but not when the TO moves the telescope).
             b) You need to update the guider control position on the GUI.
                Go to the guider control GUI and select Options->Position then 
                enter the X and Y coordinates given on the guider (hardware) 
                box.  Try double click again.
             c) The star selected has high proper motion (possible for very
                bright star, eg, 10th mag).  Try another.
             d) Your telescope pointing zero point is off.
             e) You need to change the guider rate.  In the Guider Control GUI,
                select Options->Timing and enter new rates (two sets of rates 
                are written on the white board).
        5) Have the TO adjust the guider until the star is centered and then
           enter the guider (hardware) box coordinates in the guider control GUI 
           under Options->Position.
    e) Object fields (LCIRS tile observations)
        1) Point telescope to the first raster position of the four 
           that make a filled 13'x13' area called a tile.  Do not apply the 
           192" E and 192" S offset used to put a particular object on chip one.
        2) Click on the "Mos" (Mosaic) button on the camera control GUI to
           edit the mosaic observation macro.  Select a mosaic pattern of
           "None-1" (in which case Mosaic-Step is not used), dither step of 
           7" - 9" (varied for each pass), and a dither pattern of square-9.
        3) Check all entries in the camera control GUI.  Normally want 3 loops, 
           an exposure time of 45 seconds (for H filter), all chips, RRR mode,
           Objtype astro, Object name NOAO_T1_R1 (convention is:
        4) Observe raster 1 (setup/start guider then click Execute)
        5) Offset 192" N    (first stop guider)
        6) Observe raster 2 (rename R1->R2, setup/start guider, Execute)
        7) Offset 192" W    (first stop guider)
        8) Observe raster 3 (rename R2->R3, setup/start guider, Execute)
        9) Offset 192" S    (first stop guider)
       10) Observe raster 4 (rename R3->R4, setup/start guider, Execute)
  6) Calibration frames:
    a) Domeflats should be taken in the morning when it is still 
       relatively dark (compared to the afternoon).
    b) Ask the TO to point the telescope to the flat-field curtain. 
    c) Turn on the lamp located in the second to last panel of the rack 
       that is to the left of canopus.  Set the meter to 220. 
    d) In the camera control gui on apollo, type the macro name "domeflat" 
       into the macro field.
    e) Set the exposure time to 7 seconds and the number of loops to 15.
    f) Click on execute.  This will take flats in each of the chips, one at
       a time.  Should take about 15 minutes to go through the whole set.
    g) Repeat step f) with the lamp turned off.
  7) Writing data to tape:
    a) In the morning, write the night's data directory as a single tar file 
       to the DLT 7000 tape drive on rigel.  Login to rigel as cirsi, insert 
       a DLT tape into the tape drive, and:
       setenv TAPE /dev/rmt/0cn            # no-auto-rewind device
       cd /data1                           # or wherever your data are
       mt rewind
       mt eom                              # ONLY if there is data to skip over
       tar cv ./19991120                   # replace 19991120 with your night
       tar cv ./19991121                   # repeat for all your nights
       or, use write_nights.csh (which will append data):
       > cd /data1
       > write_nights.csh 19991118
       Writing new tape
       Wed Nov 24 22:59:14 PST 1999 tar c 19991118
       > cd ../data2
       > write_nights.csh 19991119 19991120 19991121 19991123
       Found 1 file(s), will append new file(s)
       Wed Nov 24 23:09:47 PST 1999 tar c 19991119
       Wed Nov 24 23:18:54 PST 1999 tar c 19991120
       Wed Nov 24 23:28:27 PST 1999 tar c 19991121
       Wed Nov 24 23:36:51 PST 1999 tar c 19991123
       > cd ../data3
       > write_nights.csh 19991122
       Found 5 file(s), will append new file(s)
       Wed Nov 24 23:53:31 PST 1999 tar c 19991122
       There should be an integer number of nights per tape.  The tape holds
       about 50 GB in compressed mode, probably enough for an observing run
       (a night's data is typically several GB).
    b) Check that the tape write worked:
       mt rewind 
       repeat N tar tv >&! nov99.log       # N = total no. of nights written
       mt rewoffl
    b) On the tape label, write the night's recorded, eg:
    c) In the afternoon, make a backup copy to stay on the mountain.  For
       LCIRS data, a third copy is needed (1 for Pat/OCIW, 1 for IoA,
       and 1 for backup).
  8) Failure modes:
    a) About once or twice a night, circc/Pixcel will crash giving an error 
       message about an illegal operation.  Click "OK" on the error message 
       and again if it pops back up right away.  By this time an error message 
       will have appeared on apollo - click "OK" here AFTER the error messages 
       on circc have gone away. Observing should continue in a couple seconds.
    b) A few times per night, apollo will give an error message saying
       the telescope control cannot read a data file on rigel.  Click OK.
       Data has been dropped, usually the final loop.
    c) About once a run the circc computer will generate an error message 
       saying: "connection attempted by unrecongized client" 
       (apollo's IP address).  This happens when the pixel.ini file gets 
       corrupted.  To fix it, close the Pixcel window and double click the 
       shortcut called pixel.ini on the circc desk top.  Edit the line that 
       says "allow=own" to read "allow=".  
    d) You may get an error that looks something like: "unable to receive 
       packet one from camera 1..."  This is due to an intermitant connection 
       somewhere in the system and happens only at unusual zenith distances.  
       If it occurs, go to the zenith and try to take a few pictures and then 
       slowly move towards your field.
    e) You may get network connection problems if someone has knocked the fiber 
       optic connections. Go out into the dome and check the connections of the 
       red cables, particularly near the switching hubs up against the wall 
       behind the stairs to the upper level dome floor.
    f) If data is not appearing on rigel, but no errors are being reported by
       the WIN95 or NT systems, check that you have set "Saving on" in the 
       Pixcel's "Infra Red" control panel.
    g) If there are problems with the NT machine apollo talking to Pixcel,
       eg, when you start the camera control GUI and it says Cannot connect 
       to, this probably means that you started the camera 
       control GUI before you started Pixcel on circc. 
    h) If Pixcel crashes, it does not update the ini file and the run number 
       may get out of date.  Edit the run number in the camera control gui to 
       avoid overwriting your data.
    i) The NT PC (apollo) might start giving error messages about not being
       able to read FITS header keywords (RA, DEC, and EQUINOX), and Pixcel
       will complain about being unable to read the FITS header.  Shutting
       down the camera control GUI and Pixcel and restarting might fix this.
    j) There can be problems with Pixcel writing the FITS header file to 
       rigel /tmp if the ini file is corrupted (EXTFITS=\\rigel\tmp\info.fits)
       or due to protection problems such as:
       1) the wrong login account being used on circc
       2) other protection problems: check who owns the file /tmp/info.fits.
    k) Check that the correct filter is being used by comparing the sky counts 
       to the expected counts, and check that the filter fully moved into place 
       and there isn't vignetting on any of the chips.
    l) If the telescope or guider control GUIs give timeout errors in trying to 
       talk to the TCS (and mention something about telescope I/O lib), check 
       if the connector from the TCS that plugs into the back of Apollo is loose.
    m) If Pixcel displays the read rate as 1.$ and in the FITS header it
       says READRATE = 1.#IO then it probably means that SAMTYPE=0 when
       it should actually be 2 or 5.  (SAMTYPE is needed to calculate the
  9) FITS headers:
  Required keywords:
  Keyword   DataType  Description
  -------   --------  -----------
  SIMPLE    logical   file does conform to FITS standard  (T)
  BITPIX    integer   number of bits per data pixel (16, signed integer)
  NAXIS     integer   number of data axes (2)
  NAXIS1    integer   length of data axis 1 (1024 for assemble on)
  NAXIS2    integer   length of data axis 2 (1024 for assemble on)
  Observation keywords:
  Keyword   DataType  Description
  -------   --------  -----------
  OBJECT    string    Object/field name as set in control GUI, with convention: 
                        Fieldname_T(tile#)_R(raster#), where a tile is a 13'x13' 
                        contiguous area produced by observing at four raster 
                        positions to fill in the gaps between the chips.
                        TWILIGHT as set on the control GUI.
  NRUN      integer   Running observation number (I5, zero padded); designates a 
                        sequence of NLOOPS image frames per chip at a given 
                        telescope pointing position
  NLOOPS    integer   The total number of loops in the sequence
  NFRAMES   integer   The number of frames per loop of the sequence (ie, the
                        number of quadrants selected times the number of reads),
                        a frame is the data from an image quadrant, 512x512
  NREADS    integer   The number of reads selected at each loop in the sequence 
                        (for NDR mode)
  READ      integer   The current read (1 to NREADS), for NDR mode
  TOTALNDR  integer   The total number of NDR which will be made of this quadrant 
  CURR_NDR  integer   The number of this read (1 to TOTALNDR) 
  LOOP      integer   The current loop for this frame (1 to NLOOPS) 
  FRAME     integer   The number of this frame in the sequence (runs from 1 to 
  CHIP      integer   The number of this chip (1 to 4) 
  QUAD      integer   The number of this quadrant (1 to 4) 
  READMODE  string    Either RRR (reset-read-read) or NDR (non-destructive read)
  IMAGETYP  string    Identical to OBSTYPE 
  IRAFNAME  string    The filename of the fits file 
  FILEPATH  string    The path and direcctory the file was written to 
  DATE_OBS  string    The start of the readout accurate to 1 second, given in 
                        the IAU Y2k compatible format 
  TIME_OBS  integer   The number of milliseconds since the start of the sequence,
                        see timing for details 
  EXP_TIME  real      The requested exposure time in seconds, see timing for 
                        more details 
  Online software keywords:
  Keyword   DataType  Description
  -------   --------  -----------
  PIXVER    real      Version of MGB modifications to Pixcel
  SUBTRACT  string    Has this frame been subtracted (T or F) 
  INVERTED  string    Has this frame been inverted (T or F) 
  FLIP_H    string    Reverse order the columns of the 2-D array
  FLIP_V    string    Reverse order the rows of the 2-D array
  ROTANGLE  string    Angle that chip data are rotated to set N up and E left.
  HWGAIN    integer   Position of sensitivity slider on Pixcel
  PIXRATE   integer   Position of pixel rate slider on Pixcel
  Instrument keywords:
  Keyword   DataType  Description
  -------   --------  -----------
  CAMERA    string    Name of camera taken from .ini file 
  DETECTOR  string    Name of detector taken from .ini file 
  READRATE  real      The pixcel rate in kHz 
  Note: PIXRATE apparently does not correctly record current slider position,
        or maybe you just need to click outside the window and back inside again
        to get the Pixcel window to update.
  An example FITS Header (irx_07399_c1_001.fits):
  SIMPLE  =                    T /Yes this is a fits file
  BITPIX  =                   16 /16bit signed data
  NAXIS   =                    2 /2d images
  NAXIS1  =                 1024 /Number of pixels in row 
  NAXIS2  =                 1024 /Number of pixels in col
  NRUN    =                 7399 /Run Number
  OBJECT  = 'NOAO_T3_R3'/Object name
  FILTER  = 'Hn        '/Filter name
  OBSTYPE = 'astro     '/Observation type
  IMAGTYPE= 'astro     '/Observation type
  IRAFNAME= 'irx_07399_c1_001.fits'/Filename
  FILEPATH= '\\rigel\cirsi\data'/Disk to save data
  CAMERA  = 'cirsi     '/Name of camera
  DETECTOR= 'hawaii    '/Type of detector
  CHIP    =                    1 /Chip number
  QUAD    = '1 2 3 4   '/Active quads in this image
  FPA     = 'unknown   '/Array serial number
  DATE_OBS= '1999-11-21T04:37:46'/Sequence started
  TIME_OBS=                61084 /ms since DATE-OBS
  EXP_TIME=                   45 /Requested integration-seconds
  INT_TIME=               45.128 /Actual integration time
  READRATE=                1.#IO /Pixel rate KHz
  GAIN    =                5.417 /Camera gain e/dn
  READMODE= 'RRR       '/Read-Reset-Read
  NFRAMES =                   16 /Total number of frames
  FRAME   =                   20 /Current frame in sequence
  NLOOPS  =                    3 /Total number of loops
  LOOP    =                    2 /Current loop
  COMMENT COAVER only applies to frame 0
  COMMENT NCOAVER only applies to frame 0
  COMMENT TOTALNDR not used in RRR mode
  COMMENT CURR_NDR not used in RRR mode
  COMMENT NREADS not used in RRR mode
  COMMENT READ not used in RRR mode
  COMMENT RSTIMAGE not used in RRR mode
  SUBTRACT=                    T /Reset level subtracted
  ROTATE  =                    T /Image rotated
  ROTANGLE=                  270 /Chip rotation
  FLIP_H  =                    T /Image reversed left-right
  FLIP_V  =                    F /Image reversed up-down
  LINEAR  = 'none      '/Linearity correction
  SAMVER  = '4.52      '/SAM version
  PIXVER  = '5.3       '/Oct 16 1999 19:55:33
  PRE-READ=                    T /Dummy first read
  FLUSHES =                   16 /Number flushes
  IDLE    =                    F /Idle mode
  SAMTYPE =                    0 /SAM type
  CHIPGAIN=                0.340 /Relative chip gain
  HWGAIN  =                   15 /HW Gain setting
  PIXRATE =                    7 /HW Rate setting
  BLKLEVEL=                  500 /Blacklevel setting
  COMMENT External values inserted from file
  COMMENT \\rigel\tmp\info.fits
  UT-DATE = '1999/11/21'                 / UT date (start)
  UT-TIME =                20261         / '05:37:41' UT time (start)
  LC-TIME =                77861         / '21:37:41' local time (start)
  NIGHT   = '20Nov1999'                  / local night
  ORIGIN  = 'Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, CA'
  OBSERVER= 'cs'                         / observer name
  INSTRUME= 'CIRSI'                      / instrument name
  SCALE   =                0.200         / arcsec/pixel
  TELESCOP= 'LCO-100'                    / telescope
  RA      =           32.5028388         / [degrees] ( 02:10:00.7)
  DEC     =           -4.7108373         / [degrees] (-04:42:39.0)
  EQUINOX =           1999.88767         / equinox
  DSECS   =               -384.0         / arcseconds
  EPOCH   =           1999.88831         / epoch (start)
  AIRMASS =                1.434         / airmass (start)
  ST      =              17645.0         / siderial time:  4:54:05 (start)
  M-FOCUS =                 4944         / telescope (MACS) focus
  G-FOGUS =                 4949         / telescope (gauge) focus
  T-FOCUS =                 4951         / telescope (target) focus
  TEMP-T  =                  9.8         / telescope temperature
  SOFTWARE= 'Version 0.9.10 (Apr 28 1999, 13:47:30)'
  COMMENT End of Data inserted from external file
  10) Read rate setting
  Pixcel was running at a pixel rate of 750 kHz for Nov 21,22,23 (LCIRS)
  observations, and 666.7 kHz for Nov 24,25,26,27 (IoA) observations, and
  previously at 428 kHz.  
  If the SAMTYPE is incorrectly set (eg, SAMTYPE=0 in pixcel.ini, although
  it should be 2 or 5) then the read rate displayed in Pixcel will probably be 
  garbage (see section 8, Failure Modes).
  The correct position for the Sensitivity slider on Pixcel is 14 (?), and the 
  correct position for the Rate slider on Pixcel is 13 (?).  Pixcel should 
  show a 428 kHz pixel rate and 10.17 electrons / data number.
  For Nov 21,22,23 
  For Nov 24-27
  In Oct and May
  11) Changing filters
  As written on filter indicator box:
  Slot    Filter         Comment
  1       Dark           opaque
  2       Open           empty slot
  3       J              wide band J filter
  4       Hs             Hshort (blue end of H)
  5       H              wide band H filter, also known as Hx
  6       Hl             Hlong (red end of H)
  7       J1.186         narrow band filter
  8       H1.573         narrow band (1% bandwidth) filter, aka Hn or H_OH
  21 Nov 1999 Domeflat filter test:
  Lamp meter = 220
  Exposure time = 10 seconds
                       Mean signal levels
  Run   Filter    Chip1  Chip2  Chip3  Chip4   Comment
  7614  H (?)      4300   2300   2300   4000   Filter used on Nov 19/20, 20/21
  7615  Hl (?)     1200    700    600   1200   Next In Position (took ~3 turns)
  7616  J1.1 (?)    160    100    120    180   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  7617  H1.1 (?)    150    100    150    180   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  7618  dark (?)      0      0     50      0   Dark LED on (~3 turns)
  7619  dark (?)      0      0     50      0   Next In Position (~0.1 turns)
  7620  open (?)   6000   5500   5700   6000   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  7621  open (?)   1000   3000   5500   4000   Next In Position (~1 turns)
  7622  J (?)      2000   1000   1000   1800   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  7623  Hs (?)     1700    800    800   1500   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  7624  H (?)      4700   2100   2000   4000   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  7625  Hl (?)     1300    700    600   1200   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  7626  J1.1 (?)    150     80    120    170   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  7627  H1.1 (?)    180    100    150    170   Next In Position (~3 turns)
  To change filters, turn the filter knob clockwise until the "Dark" LED
  on the filter indicator box lights up.  Dark is the only fiducial
  point.  Continue turning the knob.  With each ~3 rotations, the "In
  Position" LED will light up, indicating that the next filter is in
  place (see the filter list on the filter indicator box).  However,
  be careful of the extra "In Position" light for the "open" filter
  slot (see the table above).
  12) Pixcel initialization file
  Below is the pixcel.ini file from 11 May 1999 at LCO (pixcel.ini is in
  C:\Cirsi\release on circc, and there is a shortcut icon on the circc
  desktop).  This parameter file is read by the Pixcel program at
  startup.  When Pixcel crashes, the pixcel.ini file can be put into a
  corrupt state.  The parameter values below are a working parameter
  set.  Comments have been added after the pound signs (#) but are not in
  the pixcel.ini file.  To edit the pixcel.ini file, double-click on the
  pixcel.ini shortcut icon and save the results.  But make sure that
  Pixcel is not running while you are modifying pixcel.ini (the best case
  is that your modifications will be overwritten when Pixcel finishes).
  Although you cannot ftp to circc, you can ftp from circc.  To copy
  pixcel.ini to another computer, open an MSDOS-Prompt window on circc
  (ie, on the pcAnywhere window on remote, Start->Programs->MSDOS-Prompt),
  and cd c:\Cirsi\release then ftp.
  SENSITIVITY is a gain setting.
  13) Contact info, phone numbers, etc

  LCO during day this number is routed to the Lodge
      at night it is a direct line to the 100inch


  UK and US Contact numbers

  IOA Receptionist: 00-44-1223-337548
  IOA Fax           00-44-1223-337523
  Richard McMahon, IoA, rgm@ast.cam.ac.uk
  Home:         00-44-1223-464920
  Office:       00-44-1223-337519
  Secretary     00-44-1223-3375--     
  Craig Mackay, IoA, cdm@ast.cam.ac.uk
  Home:         00-44-1223-363737
  Office:       00-44-1223-3637543
  Chris Sabbey, IoA, sabbey@ast.cam.ac.uk
  Home:         00-44-1223-352738
  Office:       00-44-1223-337148
  Andrew Dean, IoA, ajd@ast.cam.ac.uk
  Home:         00-44-1223-564573
  Pat McCarthy, OCIW, pmc2@ociw.edu
  Home:         00-1-626-797-6750
  Office:       00-1-626-304-0222
  Martin Beckett, OCIW, mgb@ociw.edu
  Home:         00-1-626-440-1738  
  Office:       00-1-626-304-0277
  Miguel Roth
  cellular      09-227-8636

  Richard Ellis, CalTech, rse@astro.caltech.edu; @ast.cam.ac.uk

In Dec 
  UK         is 3 hours ahead of Chile
  California is 5 hours behind LCO

16) relevant bits from /etc/hosts from andy.lco.cl

# Master host list for LCO.CL
# updated 1999-12-17.
#	localhost	

#	cisco_router.lco.cl cisco_router	andy.lco.cl  andy	loghost      # Computer room Sparc 5	manqui.lco.cl		manqui       # Miguel's PC   percey.lco.cl           percey       # Web/FTP PC, computer room	antila.lco.cl		antila       # technicians PC	hale.lco.cl		hale         # Geraldo PC
# 135 - 145 Magellan (see later)   dupontss.lco.cl         dupontss     # 100" Sparc 2   canopus.lco.cl          canopus      # 100" observers Sparc	alcyone.lco.cl		alcyone      # 40" observers Sparc   swopess.lco.cl		swopess	     # 100" observers backup	bodega1.lco.cl          bodega1      # David Trigo PC	dziadzio.lco.cl		dziadzio     # Computer room Ultra 5	pc1.lco.cl		pc1	     # Shectman's pc, computer room	bodega2.lco.cl		bodega2	     # Yerko Aviles pc
# ?	laserjet                             # laserjet 4000TN, computer room
# 156 - 159 ?	apojee.lco.cl		apojee	     # Kunkel's portable   boxoffice2.lco.cl	boxoffice2   # Phillips' laptop	boxoffice.lco.cl	boxoffice    # Phillips' PC, boxoffice	bison.lco.cl		bison	     # Solar Telescope PC	jka.lco.cl		jka	     # ??
# 165 - 179 Japanese machines
# 180 - 191 Polish machines

# CIRSI machines
#	rigel.lco.cl		rigel	#For Dr.Persson 24mar99	circc.lco.cl		circc	cirds.lco.cl		cirds	cirdr.lco.cl		cirdr	laptop1.lco.cl		laptop1	laptop2.lco.cl		laptop2	apollo.lco.cl		apollo	remote.lco.cl		remote

# Visitor Laptops
#	 visitor1.lco.cl 	visitor1  visitor2.lco.cl 	visitor2

17) .rhosts from cirds

rigel   cirsi
canopus cirsi
andy    cirsi
dupontss   cirsi

visitor1 cirsi
visitor2 cirsi
laptop1 cirsi
laptop2 cirsi

cirdr  cirsi
cirds  cirsi
cass00 cirsi
cass19.ast.cam.ac.uk cirsi
cass19.ast.cam.ac.uk  rgm
cass00.ast.cam.ac.uk  rgm
cass50 cirsi

lpss13 cirsi
lpss14 cirsi
lpss15 cirsi

18) smb.conf from rigel

# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options (perhaps too
# many!) most of which are not shown in this example
# Any line which starts with a ; (semi-colon) or a # (hash) 
# is a comment and is ignored. In this example we will use a #
# for commentry and a ; for parts of the config file that you
# may wish to enable
# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command "testparm"
# to check that you have not many any basic syntactic errors. 
#======================= Global Settings =====================================

# workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name, eg: REDHAT4
   workgroup = cirsi

# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
   server string = Samba Server on Rigel

# This option is important for security. It allows you to restrict
# connections to machines which are on your local network. The
# following example restricts access to two C class networks and
# the "loopback" interface. For more examples of the syntax see
# the smb.conf man page
;  hosts allow = 192.91.178. 127.
   hosts allow = 200.28.111. 127.

# If you want to automatically load your printer list rather
# than setting them up individually then you'll need this
   load printers = yes

# you may wish to override the location of the printcap file
#   printcap name = /etc/printcap

# on SystemV system setting printcap name to lpstat should allow
# you to automatically obtain a printer list from the SystemV spool
# system
;   printcap name = lpstat

# It should not be necessary to specify the print system type unless
# it is non-standard. Currently supported print systems include:
# bsd, sysv, plp, lprng, aix, hpux, qnx
;   printing = sysv

# Uncomment this if you want a guest account, you must add this to /etc/passwd
# otherwise the user "nobody" is used
;  guest account = pcguest

# this tells Samba to use a separate log file for each machine
# that connects
   log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

# Put a capping on the size of the log files (in Kb).
   max log size = 50

# Security mode. Most people will want user level security. See
# security_level.txt for details.
   security = user
# Use password server option only with security = server
;   password server = 

# You may wish to use password encryption. Please read
# ENCRYPTION.txt, Win95.txt and WinNT.txt in the Samba documentation.
# Do not enable this option unless you have read those documents
;  encrypt passwords = yes

# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting
;   include = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.%m

# Most people will find that this option gives better performance.
# See speed.txt and the manual pages for details
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY 

# Configure Samba to use multiple interfaces
# If you have multiple network interfaces then you must list them
# here. See the man page for details.
;  interfaces =
   interfaces =

# Browser Control Options:
# set local master to no if you don't want Samba to become a master
# browser on your network. Otherwise the normal election rules apply
;  local master = no
  local master = yes

# OS Level determines the precedence of this server in master browser
# elections. The default value should be reasonable
   os level = 33

# Domain Master specifies Samba to be the Domain Master Browser. This
# allows Samba to collate browse lists between subnets. Don't use this
# if you already have a Windows NT domain controller doing this job
;  domain master = yes 

# Preferred Master causes Samba to force a local browser election on startup
# and gives it a slightly higher chance of winning the election
   preferred master = yes

# Use only if you have an NT server on your network that has been
# configured at install time to be a primary domain controller.
;   domain controller = 

# Enable this if you want Samba to be a domain logon server for 
# Windows95 workstations. 
;   domain logons = yes

# if you enable domain logons then you may want a per-machine or
# per user logon script
# run a specific logon batch file per workstation (machine)
;   logon script = %m.bat
# run a specific logon batch file per username
;   logon script = %U.bat

# Where to store roving profiles (only for Win95 and WinNT)
#        %L substitutes for this servers netbios name, %U is username
#        You must uncomment the [Profiles] share below
;   logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U

# Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
# WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable it's WINS Server
;   wins support = yes

# WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
#	Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
;   wins server = w.x.y.z

# WINS Proxy - Tells Samba to answer name resolution queries on
# behalf of a non WINS capable client, for this to work there must be
# at least one	WINS Server on the network. The default is NO.
;   wins proxy = yes

# DNS Proxy - tells Samba whether or not to try to resolve NetBIOS names
# via DNS nslookups. The built-in default for versions 1.9.17 is yes,
# this has been changed in version 1.9.18 to no.
   dns proxy = no 

#============================ Share Definitions ==============================
   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = yes

# NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is no need to 
# specifically define each individual printer
   comment = All Printers
   path = /usr/spool/samba
   browseable = no
# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
   guest ok = no
   writable = no
   printable = yes

# This one is useful for people to share files
   comment = Temporary file space
   path = /tmp
   read only = no
   public = yes

# A publicly accessible directory, but read only, except for people in
# the "staff" group
;   comment = Public Stuff
;   path = /home/samba
;   public = yes
;   writable = yes
;   printable = no
;   write list = @staff

# Following are data disks on "rigel" 
  path = /export/data1
  writable = yes
  printable = no

  path = /export/data2
  writable = yes
  printable = no

  path = /export/data3
  writable = yes
  printable = no

Contact: sabbey@ast.cam.ac.uk
Last update: Fri Dec 17 17:35:54 GMT 1999