Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = longslit TASK = transform input = argon.fits Input images output = argon_trans.fits Output images fitnames= argon Names of coordinate fits in the database (databas= database) Identify database (interpt= spline3) Interpolation type (x1 = INDEF) Output starting x coordinate (x2 = INDEF) Output ending x coordinate (dx = INDEF) Output X pixel interval (nx = INDEF) Number of output x pixels (xlog = no) Logarithmic x coordinate? (y1 = INDEF) Output starting y coordinate (y2 = INDEF) Output ending y coordinate (dy = INDEF) Output Y pixel interval (ny = INDEF) Number of output y pixels (ylog = no) Logarithmic y coordinate? (flux = yes) Conserve flux per pixel? (logfile= STDOUT,logfile) List of log files (mode = ql)