Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = longslit TASK = identify images = argon.fits Images containing features to be identified (section= middle line) Section to apply to two dimensional images (databas= database) Database in which to record feature data (coordli= linelists$argon.dat) User coordinate list (units = ) Coordinate units (nsum = 10) Number of lines/columns/bands to sum in 2D image (match = -3.) Coordinate list matching limit (maxfeat= 50) Maximum number of features for automatic identif (zwidth = 100.) Zoom graph width in user units (ftype = emission) Feature type (fwidth = 4.) Feature width in pixels (cradius= 5.) Centering radius in pixels (thresho= 0.) Feature threshold for centering (minsep = 2.) Minimum pixel separation (functio= legendre) Coordinate function (order = 4) Order of coordinate function (sample = *) Coordinate sample regions (niterat= 0) Rejection iterations (low_rej= 3.) Lower rejection sigma (high_re= 3.) Upper rejection sigma (grow = 0.) Rejection growing radius (autowri= no) Automatically write to database (graphic= stdgraph) Graphics output device (cursor = ) Graphics cursor input crval = Approximate coordinate (at reference pixel) cdelt = Approximate dispersion (aidpars= ) Automatic identification algorithm parameters (mode = ql)