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CIRPASS data reduction cookbook : SN1987a

This guide has been put together with the aim of defining a recipe for the reduction of CIRPASS IFU data. It follows the reduction of a single data set and tries to demonstrate the major steps in the reduction and the most common Pit-falls and workarounds. Please send any comments/suggestions/spelling mistakes/broken or incorrect links to Rob Sharp, rgs@ast.cam.ac.uk.

Software upgrade July 2003

The CIRPASS IRAF package has been upgraded to allow correct propagation of the variance arrays associated with observations. Including the variance information improves the optimal extraction routine and ultimately aids model fitting for reduced data sets. In order to implement the new tasks the CIRPASS package should be reinstalled. The primary changes are :
  • Updated MEFARITH task to operate on _ima.fits and _ms.fits files with correct variance array propagation.
  • Inclusion of a task to overwrite extensions in place. This task is required since IRAF imcombine and transform are currently needed in the data reduction, and do not propagate variance arrays.

A guide specific to reduing data taken at Gemini-S during Feb/March 2003 is currently being written. For the moment, the following guide should be used, and the slight differences are noted here.

There is also a Software Pitfalls page and a Software wishlist page. Submissions to these are welcome.


The data set

Observation of SN1987a with CIRPASS at Gemini South August 2002.
Excellent seeing and transparency.
Using the 0.25" fibre scale.

4 pointing target dither set interleaved with 2 offset sky observations
Twighlit and dome flat fields
Out of focus dome flat fields (for detector flat field generation)
Standard star observation
Argon lamp calibration spectra
Tungsten lamp calibration fibre spectra

Useful documents :

The IRAF home page has a selection of documents useful as both tutorials and references.

CIRPASS data format

Raw data frames for individual array reads are collated into single CIRPASS MEF _ima.fits for each multiple loop observation (with multiple array reads for each loop combined to reduce read noise). The data is stored in a format intended to be compatible with the Euro3D IFU data standard, although, both are still evolving at this time. A MEF _ima.fits file contains the following data arrays as extension to the fits file.

ci> catfits sn1987a_5173_ima.fits

0 sn1987a_5173_ima.fits      16
1 BINTABLE    3Fx517R  
2 IMAGE SCI 1 1024x1024 -32
3 IMAGE VAR 1 1024x1024 -32
4 IMAGE DQ 1 1024x1024 16
5 IMAGE TIME 1 1024x1024 -32
6 IMAGE SCI 2 1024x1024 -32
7 IMAGE VAR 2 1024x1024 -32
8 IMAGE DQ 2 1024x1024 16
9 IMAGE TIME 2 1024x1024 -32

The table above shows the extensions of a CIRPASS MEF _ima.fits when examined with the IRAF STSDAS task CATFITS. The first primary header unit (extension _ima.fits[0]) contains target, instrument, and telescope setup information. The first extension (extension _ima.fits[1]) contains the details of the fibre to lens map needed to reconstruct the IFU. The rest of the file is grouped in to blocks, each containing 4 header units. The first header unit in each block (extension _ima.fits[2] and _ima.fits[6] or alternatively (extension _ima.fits[sci,1] and _ima.fits[sci,2]) are the science data array and contain the recorded spectra at whatever state of processing has currently been performed. Note how the array can be accessed as either _ima.fits[2] or _ima.fits[sci,1]

The additional extensions contain error, data quality control and effective exposure time arrays. Once cosmic ray rejection has been performed on a file only a single set of extensions will be present in the file.

CIRPASS _cal.ms.fits file have an identical format to _ima.fits files with the exception that the science extension _cal.ms.fits[sci,1] represents an extracted spectrum array in the IRAF multi-spec format rather than an image array from the CIRPASS Hawaii array.

MEF file extensions and IRAF

While all CIRPASS IRAF tasks work directly with the CIRPASS MEF file format, some operations within the data reduction may require the use of non MEF tasks. While we are in the process of writing CIRPASS wrapper tasks to perform these operations fluidly at the current time it is necessary to operate on individual extension directly. IRAF file lists and @lists are the best way to do this. A file list containing the correct extension information can be generate at the IRAF cl prompt with something like :

cl> !rm some_list
cl> files dome*ima*//\[sci\,1] > some_list

Making new MEF files

Once none MEF IRAF tasks have been used to process data it is necessary to recreate CIRPASS MEF files for the pipeline software. This can be done using the CIRPASS IRAF makemef and makemef2 task. The format is

makemef template_MEF_file single_file new_CIRPASS_MEF_file

makemef is used for _ima.fits files while makemef2 should be used for _cal.ms.fits files to ensure that the correct header information is propagated for the two file types. Eventually these tasks will be merged into one, more intelligent task.


The task MAKEMEF3 is now packaged with the reduction software and should be used in place of both MAKEMEF AND MAKEMEF2. The task auto-senses the outputs format based on the template format. However the task is currently not fully tested in every situation.

Pit-fall : The MAKEMEF tasks are a temporary IRAF work around and do not update/propagate error error and DQC arrays in MEF files fully.

Getting started

When running IRAF the display resolution should be set to the correct setting for the 1K/2K array. This is best done in the IRAF login.cl file.

1K : set stdimage=imt1024
2K : set stdimage=imt2048


A fibre position image, which records the positions of the calibration fibres on the array for the chosen wavelength setting, is required, so the positions of all of the fibres can be found.

Make the fibre position image needed to trace the fibres. The CIRPASS IRAF task docirpass converts the raw data files into the CIRPASS Euro3D MEF _ima.fits files used by the pipeline.

In the image opposite the calibration fibres are clearly recorded. Tracing these fibres allows the location of each science fibre on the array to be recovered.

The two files required are the tungsten flat calfib file and the argon arc spectrum. doc calfib 5151 20020812 av
doc argon 5150 20020812 av

The routine parameters can be found here. The raw image should look something like that shown above.

At this stage it's probably convenient to reduce the raw observations files as well. These consist of target observations and offset skys doc sn1987a 5173 20020812 av
doc sn1987a 5174 20020812 av
doc sn1987a 5175 20020812 av
doc sn1987a 5176 20020812 av
doc sn1987a 5177 20020812 av
doc sn1987a 5178 20020812 av

A standard star is also needed to flux calibrate the spectra. Even if a full flux calibration is not required a standard star is needed to recover the correct relative flux as a function of wavelength.

The star used here, hip022525, is a G1V star. doc hip022525 5179 20020812 av

Flat fielding is required to correct for fibre to fibre response variations. A series of dome flats are taken immediately after observations. dome 5187 520020812 av
dome 5188 520020812 av
dome 5189 520020812 av
dome 5190 520020812 av

A series of dome flats are also taken with the spectrograph defocused. This allows detector flats that account for pixel-to-pixel variations to be created. dome 5191 520020812 av
dome 5192 520020812 av
dome 5193 520020812 av
dome 5194 520020812 av

Twilight sky flats should provide highly uniform illumination and are also useful. twilight 5195 520020812 av
twilight 5196 520020812 av
twilight 5197 520020812 av
twilight 5198 520020812 av
twilight 5199 520020812 av
twilight 5200 520020812 av
twilight 5201 520020812 av
twilight 5202 520020812 av
twilight 5203 520020812 av
twilight 5204 520020812 av
twilight 5205 520020812 av

COSCIRP and cosmic ray rejection

Cosmic ray rejection becomes important for the 15min-30min exposures usually performed with CIRPASS. Cosmic ray rejection is being performed using the CIRPASS IRAF task coscirp. A typical long exposure with CIRPASS is made up of multiple loops of multiple read (since there is no penalty for reading the array many times in None Destructive Read (NDR) mode).

Parameters for coscirp can be found here. Coscirp simply differences adjacent loops in the docirpass processed _ima.fits files and combines the sub frames using IRAF IMCOMBINE with crreject removing cosmic ray candidates based on known detector noise characteristics.

The output file from coscirp is still a _ima.fits file but contains only one science extension [sci,1] (with the associated error arrays) rather than the full set of individual loop extensions.

Coscirp can be run automatically when docirpass is run or can be run after docirpass depending on how the observations have been taken. Check the output from docirpass. An example output is shown here. If coscirp has not been run the references to Running cosmic and the IMCOMBINE information will not be shown. Also check for the existence of a rejected pixel list file such as rej_crsn1987a_5173_ima.1.pl. These pixel list files should be examined in IRAF (display rej_crsn1987a_5173_ima.1.pl) to make sure that a sensible rejection has been performed.

Pit-fall : If for some reason you try to run coscirp on a file that has already been COSCIRPed the software will corrupt the data file and you'll have to start again, delete the file and rejection mask and rerun docirpass and coscirp. Hopefully some extra error checking will be added here in the future.

Identifying the calibration fibres

Now run the CIRPASS IRAF task FIBCAL to trace the positions of the calibration fibres. The routine parameters can be found here. The routine displays a PGPLOT window which shows the calibration fibres and their identifications if the software has run correctly. Several of the calibration fibres are poorly separated on the slit. These fibres may be missed or incorrectly identified. However, the software knows which fibres these are and deals with the situation correctly in most cases. The Pit-fall to watch out for is the correct first and second fibres are identified in the fibcal task parameters.

The FIBCAL routine requires a text file with information about the organisation and spacing of the fibres on the science array. As measured for the 2002-3 observing runs the file can be found here. It is distributed with the CIRPASS software tar file.

Pit-fall : There is a hidden parameter that can be EPARed. It sets the width of the fibre profiles when doing the optimal extraction. Check out the Pit-falls page for details.

Pit-fall : The graphics output shown to the left requires that the PGPLOT libraries are set up correctly for the CIRPASS software. This can be complex for some configurations. It is important to review this plot and confirm that the correct calibration fibres have been identified. To overcome potential problems with a users configuration an option exists to write the information shown in the plot to a text file and suppress the PGPLOT output. When running FIBCAL one will be asked :

IRAF> View the 1st set of peaks found, text output otherwise? (yes)

By default answering yes displays the graphic using PGPLOT. Answering no will suppress PGPLOT and create/overwrite a text file fit.txt. This file contains the data necessary to generate the PGPLOT figure outside of CIRPASS IRAF. The first 8 lines contain the centers of the calibration fibres in the 1D cut across the array. The second part of the file contains the pixel verses intensity spectrum along this cut. The user should confirm that the fibre centers are correct by examining the data with an external package (PGPLOT routine, IDL etc...)

After accepting the fit (hit return in the IRAF window) the traces are overlayed onto the calibration fibre image.

The headers of each image must now be updated to include a reference to the new fibre id file (this should have been set at the telescope).

Pit-fill : This step is VERY important. If the wrong fibpos file is used the reduction software will proceed happily but the results will be rather meaningless.

hedit argon_5150*.fits EXTRFILE "fibpos_paschenJ.list" add- verify- show+ update+
hedit dome_51*fits EXTRFILE "fibpos_paschenJ.list" add- verify- show+ update+
hedit sn1987a*fits EXTRFILE "fibpos_paschenJ.list" add- verify- show+ update+
hedit hip022525*.fits EXTRFILE "fibpos_paschenJ.list" add- verify- show+ update+
hedit twilight_519*fits EXTRFILE "fibpos_paschenJ.list" add- verify- show+ update+
hedit twilight_520*fits EXTRFILE "fibpos_paschenJ.list" add- verify- show+ update+

Populating the Variance arrays

As of July 2003 the CIRPASS IRAF tasks use and propagate variance array information. This information is used in optimal extraction and is also required for quantitative model fitting on the final data sets. The task packages will work correctly without populating the error array (as they are, by default, populated with 1.0) but inclusion of the error information is desirable. Significant gains in data reduction and analysis can be made by propergating the error information. At this time, limitations within the IRAF IMCOMBINE task limit the accuracy with which this information can be propagated. It is hoped that the CIRPASS reduction package will eventually have the IMCOMBINE dependance removed. Flaws we have identified in the current strategy are highlighted below. Variance information is generated based on the combined readnoise and Poisson noise of the recorded signal. The unfortunately named IRAF CIRPASS task mkerr is used to populate the _ima.fits file variance arrays.

mkerr mydata_ima.fits Readnoise Gain

Readnoise is given in electrons. The current measure value is 22.0. Some consideration must be give here to the way CIRPASS data is taken. A single short CIRPASS observation is made up of a RESET frame and a Science frame. The data stored in the _ima.fits file has been corrected for this RESET frame in a manner similar to BIAS correction for CCD frames. The quoted readnoise is therefore the combined readnoise of these two frames.

In order to reduce readnoise, CIRPASS science data (longer integrations on target) are made up of a number of loops and reads. Loops are used to reject cosmic rays and should have been combined with the COSCIRP task, leaving a data file which contains only one science extension _ima.fits[Sci,1]. Each loop is made up of a number of detector reads (9 by default). Combining a number of reads (using a simple average) reduces readnoise a factor SQRT(N). This step has been performed prior to distribution of the data. For multiple read data the readnoise should be reduced by the SQRT(N) factor, typical RDnoise=22.0/3.0=7.33.

The detector Gain is 7.0 e-/DN

NOTE : Due to the Hawaii array detector reset anomaly, all observations contain more than one detector read. The first read of any integration is discarded. Typically CIRPASS data will be 2 Reads 1 Loop (RDnoies=22.0 Gain=7) or 10 Reads 3 loops (RDnoise=7.33 Gain=7).

NOTE : The COSCIRP cosmic ray rejection task use IRAF IMCOMBINE CCDCLIP to reject pixels from outside the noise model for the detetor. Where a pixel is rejected the subsequent data is scaled for the missing pixel. There is currently no mechanisam for propergating this information and so the Poisson noise added by MKERR will be an underestimate of the true noise in the scaled pixel when a pixel as been rejected.

Image arithmatic

Images can be beam switched using the MEFARITH task as described below. For _ima.fits files MEFARITH will correctly handle the variance array manipulations. For _ms.fits files the new task MEFARITH2 handles the alternate file format. In time, these two tasks will be merged into a single task which can identify the data type.

Application of flat fields

Generating useful variance information in flat field frames in difficult. However, the assumption that the flat field frame(s) are not a major source in the error budget is fundamental for much of the data processing. Therefore the current recommendation is that the variance arrays in flat field frames should be set to 0.0 NOT 1.0. Flat field frames should be created in the manner described below and MEF files created suing the MAKEMEF tasks. The OVERWITE_EXT task should then be used to overwrite the variance array with a 0.0 image. The MEFARITH and MEFARITH2 will then scale the variance arrays when flat fields are applied to the data.

makemef template_ima.fits det-flat.fits det-flat_ima.fits
imdel temp.fits
imcalc det-flat_ima.fits[var,1] * 0.0 temp.fits
overwrite_ext det-flat_ima.fits temp.fits var 1
imdel temp.fits

NOTE : The fibre-to-fibre flat field is applied after extraction (ie to the _ms.fits files using MEFARITH2. When extracting the fibre flat the variance array should be set with MKERR using appropriate values for the readnoise based on the number of image combined. The extracted _ms.fits file should then have it's variance array set to 0.0

Transformation information

For some, but not all, projects it is desirable to transform the extracted spectra onto a single wavelength scale. While this step introduces correlated noise in the data, in most cases this correlation will most likely not be a significant increase in the noise, and the transformation allows a better background subtraction.

The variance array information must also be transformed in order to be useful. While simply applying the same transformation as we used for the science data is clearly not ideal (since it relies on every pixel in the transformation having an independent error) to first order it does yield excellent results.

The process should be undertaken as follows

transform image_ms.fits[sci,1] sci.fits template.fits
transform image_ms.fits[var,1] var.fits template.fits
makemef3 image_ms.fits sci.fits sci_ms.fits
overwrite_ext sci_ms.fits var.fits var 1

Fixing bad pixels

A bad pixel mask is required to fix bad pixels to prevent them interfering with the extraction routine. This is probably best produced from a combination of detector flats and dark frames.

Current thinking is to take a long dark frame. Process for cosmic ray rejection with COSCIRP as usual. Using IMSTAT, GSTAT and/or IMPLOT an estimate of the background level for good pixels can be made. IMREPLACE can then be used to make a bad pixel mask image and pixel list.

imreplace.images = "badpix"
imreplace.value = 0.
imreplace.imaginary = 0.
imreplace.lower = INDEF
imreplace.upper = 200
imreplace.radius = 0.


imreplace.images = "badpix"
imreplace.value = 1
imreplace.imaginary = 0.
imreplace.lower = 200
imreplace.upper = INDEF
imreplace.radius = 0.

imcopy badpix.fits badpix.pl

A Problem with this step is that the regions affected by amplifier glow may be rejected as bad pixels when, in fact, beam switching does an acceptable job of correcting much of these regions.

If bad pixel masking is done without accounting for this then some information will be lost form some spectra at the ends of the IFU. The workaround is to remove these regions form the bad-pixel mask, assuming that the good data retained is preferable to the removal of the few bad pixels in these regions. On beem-switching much of the amplifier glow is cancelled out and only a small number of bad pixels will remain.

To mask out the regions use IMCALC, with suitable radius and offset parameters for the amplifier glow regions, as follows :

imcalc badpix.fits badpix2.fits "if sqrt( (x-512)**2 + (y-0)**2) .lt. 50 then 0.0 else im1"
imcalc badpix2.fits badpix2.fits "if sqrt( (x-512)**2 + (y-1024)**2) .lt. 50 then 0.0 else im1"
imcalc badpix2.fits badpix2.fits "if sqrt( (x-1024)**2 + (y-0)**2) .lt. 50 then 0.0 else im1"
imcalc badpix2.fits badpix2.fits "if sqrt( (x-1024)**2 + (y-1024)**2) .lt. 50 then 0.0 else im1"

The bad pixel mask is then used with the IRAF fixpix task.

Pit-fall : Frames must have bad pixels fixed in such an order that all frames from which spectra are to be directly extracted do not have additional defects added by performing steps in the wrong order. Some checking still needs to be done here to make sure we know the correct order.

fixpix argon_5150*_ima.fits[sci,1] bad_pix1.fits linterp=1 cinterp=2 verbose=yes
fixpix dome_51*_ima.fits[sci,1] bad_pix1.fits linterp=1 cinterp=2 verbose=yes
fixpix sn1987a*_ima.fits[sci,1] bad_pix1.fits linterp=1 cinterp=2 verbose=yes
fixpix hip022525*_ima.fits[sci,1] bad_pix1.fits linterp=1 cinterp=2 verbose=yes
fixpix twilight_519*_ima.fits[sci,1] bad_pix1.fits linterp=1 cinterp=2 verbose=yes
fixpix twilight_520*_ima.fits[sci,1] bad_pix1.fits linterp=1 cinterp=2 verbose=yes

Currently the interpolation over bad pixels is done along the x direction which is roughly the spectral direction since adjacent data pixels in the y direction are not physically associated with a point on the sky.

Detector flat fields

A detector flat field is required to account for pixel-to-pixel variations in sensitivity. Currently this is performed using a combination of back illumination within the CIRPASS cold room and dome flats taken with the spectrograph out of focus. Both scenarios yield reasonable smooth background illumination from which to compile a detector sensitivity image. Back illumination frames seem to work best as there is then no imprint of the fibres on the detector.

Defocused dome flats

The raw frame shown to the left is block averaged in both dimensions to produce a smoothed background frame. Since there is only one loop to each frame multiple frames can be combined to remove any transient effects. IMCOMBINE is used with the crreject option. The parameter file can be found here Note that scale has been set to none and zero is set to mode to account for differences in the illumination level, these parameters need to be adjusted as appropriate every time IMCOMBINE is used. One should check that all the exposures used are at the correct level (light level tests often mean the first few exposures are too high or too low).

imcomb @list_outoffocus outoffocus_sky.fits scale=none zero=mode
makemef dome_5191_ima.fits outoffocus_sky.fits outoffocus_ima.fits

Since IMCOMBINE is a standard IRAF task, the images require the extension to be given and so IRAF @listlist_outoffocus looks like: dome_5191_ima.fits[sci,1]

Smoothing is accomplished with blkavg and blkrep.
imdel temp1.fits,temp2.fits,temp3.fits,temp4.fits,temp5.fits
blkavg outoffocus_ima.fits[sci,1] temp1.fits option="average" b1=1 b2=1024
blkrep temp1.fits temp2.fits b1=1 b2=1024
blkavg outoffocus_ima.fits[sci,1] temp3.fits option="average" b1=1024 b2=1
blkrep temp3.fits temp4.fits b1=1024 b2=1
imarith temp2.fits * temp4.fits temp5.fits

The stacked flat frame is then divided by the smoothed frame.

imarith outoffocus_ima.fits[sci,1] / temp5.fits bad_pix_flat.fits

The result of this procedure is a mostly flat image with the bad pixel highlighted. This process is performed with uniformly illuminated back illumination frames.

Wavelength calibration

Next, extract the argon lamp exposure. The raw file shows the spectra curvature across the chip. Calibration is best done using airglow lines within sky frames of the science data. However, argon lamp frames are required during the instrument set up and can be easier to identify to provide a first pass at the wavelength solution.

We use optimal extraction rather than much quicker summed extraction, as was most likely done at the telescope.

The routine parameters can be found here.

dot argon_5150_ima.fits extract=opt interac=no

Turning the interactive option off prevents dotarget from running IDISPLAY and showing IFU image reconstructed from the _cal.ms.fits file. If this is left active, then at the end of the reduction, you must quit IDISPLAY to return to the cl prompt.

The resulting extracted spectra multi-spec image is shown to the right.

Next the spectra need to be wavelength calibrated with identify. There is a glitch in IRAF here in that while all the different spectral reduction packages (ONEDSPEC, TWODSPEC ...) use the same identify software, they all seem to use different uparm parameter files and so if you change the line list in identify you must ensure that the current version of the identify parameters you are using have the correct line list.

Run identify with the parameters something like those given here.

imcopy argon_5150_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] argon.fits
identify argon.fits

Identify the spectra in the usual way. Currently we have not compiled a set of CIRPASS reference spectra. Try using the Gemini - UKIRT ones for now, http://www.gemini.edu/sciops/instruments/gcal/gcalArgonLamp.html A Pit-fall here is that the lines are labelled in microns with some of the lines having 6 digits and some with 5. Since you want the line list in Angstroms you only want to type the first 5 digits of the line ID. The decimal point precision is not generally needed since identify will find this, a good check that it is working properly.

Pit-fall : There are some funny features with identify that are not yet fully understood. Once the spectra are identified an IRAF database entry is writing for the file but WCS information is also written to the file header. This WCS information seems to confuse later tasks such as REIDENTIFY and transform. Simply removing all of the WCS information that identify adds to the file seems to fix the problem. More information on this will be added as more is uncovered.

Next, run REIDENTIFY to fit the wavelength solution across the full image. Parameters are here.

The next step is to run FITCOORDS to fit the 2D solution across the spectral image. param. One problem that I found is that the image to be fitted must be given without the .fits or the task will fail to find the right data base file. Details of how to run FITCOORDS can be found in the IRAF tutorial 'A User's Guide to Reducing Slit Spectra with IRAF' in the appendix on reducing LONGSLIT data.

A reasonable fit seems to come with xorder=3 yorder=6 but more work on this is needed.

Using this solution one can then use transform to rectify the spectrum. I'm not totally sure I've got the correct settings for transform yet. param.

In the rectified image the argon lines have been straightened out. There are some odd features which do not extend across the full width of the spectrograph which are actually made worse by the transformation. Currently the identity of these lines is not known but they are most likely second order lines from strong optical argon emission features.

Twighlit flats

Twighlit flats provide an excellent uniform illumination. First combine all the flat fields to make a crrejected flat field frame. Do check that all the frames are well exposed first though. Light level at the telescope checks can lead to some poorly exposed frames. gstat twili*fits[sci,1]
twilight_5115_ima.fits[sci,1] 1100.81 1087.98
twilight_5116_ima.fits[sci,1] 837.155 822.205
twilight_5117_ima.fits[sci,1] 558.731 545.138
twilight_5195_ima.fits[sci,1] 150.928 156.006
twilight_5196_ima.fits[sci,1] 227.415 234.909
twilight_5197_ima.fits[sci,1] 342.022 354.078
twilight_5198_ima.fits[sci,1] 497.272 517.931
twilight_5199_ima.fits[sci,1] 701.927 732.202
twilight_5200_ima.fits[sci,1] 918.023 959.095
twilight_5201_ima.fits[sci,1] 1207.33 1262.99
twilight_5202_ima.fits[sci,1] 1546.28 1623.12
twilight_5203_ima.fits[sci,1] 1833.50 1931.99
twilight_5204_ima.fits[sci,1] 2106.74 2225.13
twilight_5205_ima.fits[sci,1] 2314.64 2447.13

Combine the well exposed flats with imcombine.
imcomb @list_twilight twilight.fits scale=none zero=mode
makemef twilight_5115_ima.fits twilight.fits twilight_ima.fits
The combined image shows a heavily structured flat field made containing the solar spectrum.

Now extract the target and the flat field spectra using optimal extraction. This bit will take some time. Check at this point for error messages. A common error is that the wrong or a missing fibre position file, something like the fibpos_paschen.list used here and created form the calfib_ima.fits image earlier, is not correctly specified. Not specifying a file will result in no extraction being done. Specifying the wrong file will happily extract rubbish from the data and produce an _cal.ms.fits file with some very odd spectra in it.

The flat field frame is not applied until after the spectral extraction as this would corrupt the fibre profiles seen by the detector which are required for the optimal extraction (Johnson R. 200?).

Beam switching

A first order sky subtraction is achieved by subtracting offset sky frames from the data. This step also suppresses the effects of amplifier glow and hot pixels.

mefarith sn1987a_5173_ima.fits - sn1987a_5175_ima.fits sn1987a_1_ima.fits
mefarith sn1987a_5174_ima.fits - sn1987a_5175_ima.fits sn1987a_2_ima.fits
mefarith sn1987a_5176_ima.fits - sn1987a_5177_ima.fits sn1987a_3_ima.fits
mefarith sn1987a_5178_ima.fits - sn1987a_5177_ima.fits sn1987a_4_ima.fits

Extracting the science spectra

Optimal extraction is used as before. Turning off interactive mode suppresses the display of the reconstructed IFU image for batch processing.

dot twilight_ima.fits extract=opt interac=no
dot sn1987a_1_ima.fits extract=opt interac=no
dot sn1987a_2_ima.fits extract=opt interac=no
dot sn1987a_3_ima.fits extract=opt interac=no
dot sn1987a_4_ima.fits extract=opt interac=no

Extracted spectra multi-spec files
Twilight flat Science frame without beam switching Science frame with beam switching

After extraction but before rectification with transform the spectra are first pass flat fielded with the extracted flat field spectra.

imarith sn1987a_1_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] / twilight_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] sn1987a_1_flat1.fits
imarith sn1987a_2_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] / twilight_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] sn1987a_2_flat1.fits
imarith sn1987a_3_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] / twilight_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] sn1987a_3_flat1.fits
imarith sn1987a_4_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] / twilight_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] sn1987a_4_flat1.fits

Flat fielding in the somewhat unconventional maner is required for the optimal extraction algorithm.

Transform the image in the same manner as the argon was. The twilight flat field is also transformed.

transform sn1987a_1_flat1.fits sn1987a_1_flat1_trans.fits argon
transform sn1987a_2_flat1.fits sn1987a_2_flat1_trans.fits argon
transform sn1987a_3_flat1.fits sn1987a_3_flat1_trans.fits argon
transform sn1987a_4_flat1.fits sn1987a_4_flat1_trans.fits argon

transform twilight_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] twilight_trans.fits argon

Now a block averaged solar spectrum can be constructed from the rectified flat field image to remove the solar spectrum component from the flat fielded data. In principle the signature of the solar spectrum (or the dome illumination) could be removed at the flux calibration stage. I've found it easier to apply this first order correction to remove most of the solar spectrum with the block averaged spectrum here in most cases but more work on this is needed to ensure data quality. blkavg twilight_trans.fits twilight_spec.fits option="average" b1=1 b2=1024
blkrep twilight_spec.fits twilight_spec_2d.fits b1=1 b2=508

The flat fielded and rectified frames are then multiplied by this mean solar spectrum to remove the solar spectrum from the data.

imarith sn1987a_1_flat1_trans.fits * twilight_spec_2d.fits sn1987a_1_flat2_trans.fits
imarith sn1987a_2_flat1_trans.fits * twilight_spec_2d.fits sn1987a_2_flat2_trans.fits
imarith sn1987a_3_flat1_trans.fits * twilight_spec_2d.fits sn1987a_3_flat2_trans.fits
imarith sn1987a_4_flat1_trans.fits * twilight_spec_2d.fits sn1987a_4_flat2_trans.fits

Residual background subtraction

Residual background subtraction can be accomplished using the IRAF background task to subtract a polynomial fitted along each column. Task parameters here. This step works well with certain types of data but poorly with others. A guide to when and how to do this is still needed.

background sn1987a_1_flat2_trans.fits sn1987a_1_flat2_trans_skysub.fits background sn1987a_2_flat2_trans.fits sn1987a_2_flat2_trans_skysub.fits background sn1987a_3_flat2_trans.fits sn1987a_3_flat2_trans_skysub.fits background sn1987a_4_flat2_trans.fits sn1987a_4_flat2_trans_skysub.fits

Pit-fill : Note that to make the new MEF file makemef2 must be used since we want to make a _cal.ms.fits file NOT a _ima.fits file.

makemef2 sn1987a_1_cal.ms.fits sn1987a_1_flat2_trans_skysub.fits sn1987a_1_flat2_trans_skysub_cal.ms.fits
makemef2 sn1987a_2_cal.ms.fits sn1987a_2_flat2_trans_skysub.fits sn1987a_2_flat2_trans_skysub_cal.ms.fits
makemef2 sn1987a_3_cal.ms.fits sn1987a_3_flat2_trans_skysub.fits sn1987a_3_flat2_trans_skysub_cal.ms.fits
makemef2 sn1987a_4_cal.ms.fits sn1987a_4_flat2_trans_skysub.fits sn1987a_4_flat2_trans_skysub_cal.ms.fits

Flux calibration with a standard star

The above steps are repeated on the standard star observations.

hedit hip022525*.fits EXTRFILE "fibpos_paschenJ.list" add- verify- show+ update+

fixpix hip022525*_ima.fits[sci,1] bad_pix1.fits linterp=1 cinterp=2 verbose=yes

dot hip022525_5179_ima.fits extract=opt interac=no

imarith hip022525_5179_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] / twilight_cal.ms.fits[sci,1] hip022525_flat1.fits

transform hip022525_flat1.fits hip022525_flat1_trans.fits argon

imarith hip022525_flat1_trans.fits * twilight_spec_2d.fits hip022525_flat2_trans.fits

background hip022525_flat2_trans.fits hip022525_flat2_trans_skysub.fits

makemef2 hip022525_5179_cal.ms.fits hip022525_flat2_trans.fits hip022525_flat2_trans_cal.ms.fits

Raw _ima.fits file Optimally extracted multi-spec file _cal.ms.fits First flat fielding
After wavelength transformation Second flat fielding Background subtraction
Reconstructed short H band IFU image Combined spectrum
Once processed the standard star spectrum is produced by combining a number of well exposed spectra from the IFU. A loss of total flux results from including too few spectra. This must be balanced against an increased noise which would result from adding too many spectra from the wings of the seeing disk.

Several features are visible in the extracted spectrum which obscure the underlying near black body spectrum expected for the standard star. Features to be accounted for include the detector system and filter response functions and Telluric absorption features. Stellar absorption and emission features may also be present which need to be removed from the response function. Producing a sensitivity function from the extracted spectra can be done in a number of ways. An IDL routine to allow interactive fitting of the sensitivity function is under construction at Cambridge.

Mosaicing IFU data

Mosaicing is carried out using the CIRPASS IRAF mosaic task. Inputs are list files for the images to be mosaiced and the lens offsets of each images from a base position. A proper description of how these offset are derived is still required.

Pit-fall : There appears to be a slight problem with end of line characters in the input files where in some case the wrong number of input images and offsets are read in. Check the preamble that the mosaic task outputs to make sure it is doing what you think it should be doing.

Pit-fall : If an already existing image is given as the output image the software, which takes quite a while to run, will not clobber the cutout and will simply crash out. Check that the output image does not already exist.

mosaic images_to_mosaic lens_offsets_list output_image
mosaic sn1987a_mosaic.list sn1987a_offsets.list sn1987a_mosaic.fits

Pit-fall : IDISPLAY the CIRPASS IFU reconstruction program has a slight bug in it which results in small dark spots appearing in the display for mosaiced IFU images due to the way the intermediate IFU image is generated. The true image data is not affected and these spots are purely an artefact of the display routine at this time.

Offset determination

Offsets are best determined from the image FITS headers.

hsel My-data*cal.ms.fits $I,INST_PA,LENS_SCL,OFF_RA,OFF_DEC yes

My-data*1*fits 90.00 0.25 -7.687 -8.660
My-data*N*fits 90.00 0.25 -7.687 0.000

The CIRPASS IRAF task LENSOFFSET can then be used to determine the lens offsets between the data (taking care to set the PA and LENS SCALE appropriately in the task.

Pit-fall : The Gemini Visitor Instrument Interface (VII) return OFF_RA as a target coordiante offset in decmial degrees. A correction for cos(DEC) is therfore required to genearte the correct offset information.

Example :
TARG_RA = '161.27437500' / Target right ascension
TARG_DEC= '-59.66843333' / Target declination

hsel My-data*cal.ms.fits $I,INST_PA,LENS_SCL,OFF_RA,OFF_DEC yes
My-data*1*fits 90.00 0.25 -7.687 -8.660

IFU offset is = -7.687 * cos(-59.668) = -3.882

IRAF> lensoffset 3.882 -8.660 lens_sc=0.25 pos_ang=90 theta_o=0 PA_dire=1
Offset in lens units along the long axis, x = -31
Offset in lens units along the short axis, y = -40

The final extracted spectrum show several strong emission lines from the region of the SN.

Reconstructed IFU images

Reconstructed IFU images show a variety of features. At the current time the display software is a little limited. More details about this object can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~rgs/cirpass_pub/index.php

Full wavelength range image showing central SN and field stars. Emission line image of SN1987a
Animation (click to run, then hit reload) showing the 2D image in wavelength slices across the major emission line. A velocity map created based on the strong emission line form the animation

Rob Sharp <rgs@ast.cam.ac.uk>
Last modified: Mon Sep 9 17:30:45 2002