Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = longslit TASK = background input = sn1987a_5173_flat2_trans.fits Input images to be background subtracte output = sn1987a_5173_flat2_trans_skysub.fits Output background subtracted ima (axis = 2) Axis along which background is fit and subtracte (interac= yes) Set fitting parameters interactively? (sample = *) Sample of points to use in fit (naverag= 1) Number of points in sample averaging (functio= legendre) Fitting function (order = 3) Order of fitting function (low_rej= 2.) Low rejection in sigma of fit (high_re= 1.) High rejection in sigma of fit (niterat= 1) Number of rejection iterations (grow = 0.) Rejection growing radius (graphic= stdgraph) Graphics output device (cursor = ) Graphics cursor input (mode = ql)